Monday, 18 August 2014

Crossfit log for Monday, August 18th

Good morning at Crossfit.  Went to bed early. Still struggled to get out of bed at 4:50am.

Arrived 2 minutes late, thankfully the 5:30am class is very forgiving for tardiness.

Started with clean and jerk, 4 singles @ 85% of max.  My current max is 185# (although I'm pretty sure I'm capable of more than that), so 85% is 157#

I did the first working set at 155#.  My groin is still giving me problems. Catching the clean low is more scary than painful and the split jerk as well, it seems to be fine, but I feel it, and I worry each rep that it'll hurt.

Things went so well at 155# though that I bumped it up to 165# for the three other sets.  Some of the jerks weren't very deep, and I caught the cleans high, then dropped slowly into the squat, but there were all successful lifts.

I think I'm going to book a physio appointment.

Then we did 3 sets of 3 dead lifts at 85%, which is 275# for my current max of 325#.

Enter Maks, who I'm working with and he decides to go up to 295#.  Well my ego wasn't about to let that go, so I did 295# which is 90% of my max.

Or 85% of 345#, which is my new target for when I attempt my next 1 rep max (maybe even 355#, because 3x3 at 295# wasn't even that hard).

Finally, the WOD was 13.3 aka 12.4:
12 minute AMRAP of
- 150 wall balls 20# med ball, 10' target
- 90 double unders
- 30 muscle ups

Didn't need to worry about scaling, I knew I wouldn't make it to the muscle ups.

Started out way to hard,  should've broken the wall balls at 15 reps at the most,  but I felt good and kept going up to 35 reps.

Then 15, then 10, then I started to struggle with 7s and 6s and some 5s, with the occasional 10 in there, to the end.

Finished the wall balls in 11:37, 20 seconds faster then March 2013 when I did it for the 2013 Open, where I finished in 11:55 and had time for 1 double under.

This time I managed 7.  I have a better score in me, just need to pace it better next time.

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