Another big morning today.
Started with the WOD this time, some kind of descending chipper.
For time:
5 rope climbs,
20 shoulder to over head with Axle 110# (scaled to 90#, shouldn't have)
20 toes to bar
500m row
3 rope climbs
10 STO with Axle
10 T2B
1 rope climb
First 4 rope climbs were a snap. 5th took three pulls instead of 2.
STO was the easiest part. Shouldn't have scaled it, could've done Rx.
The first 10 reps were a bit rough, but the second 10 after a short break were quick.
T2B went really well too, did 7, 7, 6.
The row was no fun, but 2 minutes isn't a big deal.
The 3 rope climbs were tough, especially the third. After t2b, it was hard to get your feet up to re-grip the rope. 3 pulls each. Yuck.
STO again, 10 unbroken. T2B 5 and 5, last 2 were rough.
Last rope climb with all mental. Took 3 pulls.
Done in 14:25.
Cashed out with weighted pull ups vs dumbbell strict press.
Did 15# on the pull ups, and 35# on the presses. We have no 40# or 45# dumbbells, only 50#, one 60# and a pair of 70#, and those weren't an option.
Done is done.
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