Monday, 30 June 2014
Strength log for Monday, June 30th
I was going to hit 3 or 5 sets of 3 heavy reps, maybe 245#, 255# but as i warmed up I was feeling pretty good.
After hitting 245#, I went right to 275#, my current PR and it went up no problem. Wasn't easy, but it went up.
So rather then go back down for reps I decided to go for 285#. My goal of hitting 315# by year's end won't happen if I don't aim big.
I got Seb to spot me. Nice to have a power lifter/olympic lifter on staff at the Y. Having someone who knows what they're doing is a definite perk.
It was a good thing too, I totally got stuck in the middle and for more than a few very long seconds, nothing was moving.
My face was redder than I've ever seen it. I pushed and pushed, and squeezed my glutes to bring my butt forward to prevent myself from leaning too far forward and then suddenly, it started to go up a bit. Then a bit more and then I had it.
Just about anyone else would've bailed me out too soon.
285# is without a doubt, my 1 rep max.
That was good.
Progress update.
New Back Squat PR.
Lift / target weight / current PR
Bench / 190lbs / 205lbs Apr 18, 2014 (up from 195lbs)
Dead Lift / 300lbs / 325lbs May 21, 2014 (up from 300lbs)
Press / 130lbs / 135lbs May 26, 2014 (up from 130lbs)
Power Clean / 185lbs / 185lbs Dec 30, 2013 (up from 175lbs) !!!!!!
Power snatch / 140lbs / 125lbs Mar, 27, 2014 (up from 115lbs)
Back Squat / 255lbs / 285lbs June 30, 2014 (up from 275lbs)
Other lift PRs:
Front Squat 245# (up from 235#) June 13, 2014
Push Press: 175# (up from 165#) Feb 18, 2014
Clean: 185# (up from 180#) Dec 23, 2013
Jerk: 185# (up from 180#) Oct 30, 2013
Snatch: 130# July 22, 2013
Clean and Jerk: 175# July 24, 2013
Overhead squat: 115# April 10th, 2014
Friday, 27 June 2014
Crossfit log for Friday, June 27
Special treat today at Crossfit today, Kiza came with me.
We worked next to each other.
For strength work we started with front squats, 4 rep max. Having done 225# at Brockville after another WOD, I set my target at 235#. It helped that Mitch had just pointed that hid max for 4 is 225#
It was a struggle for the last rep, but I got it.
Then we did back squats, 2 sets of 8, at 50% of 1 rep max, explosive, no bounce.
50% would be 137.5# so I rounded up, but was too lazy to get 2.5# plates, so I used the 5# plates I already had, for 145#.
The WOD was brutal.
- 20 overhead squats at 95# (scaled to 65#)
- 3 rounds of:
-15 clean and jerks 95#
-10 chest to bar pull ups (scales to regular pull ups)
- 20 overhead squats
First set of ohs went really well, did 15 and 5.
Cleans were not fun, jerks were ok at first.
Pull ups were the only thing that wasn't taxing, I was having such a hard time with everything else, I decided to scale the pull ups.
Next 2 rounds just got harder
The last set of ohs were rough, did 10, 8 and 2.
Glad that's over. 20:50 DFL
Maybe giving blood yesterday had an effect.
Thursday, 26 June 2014
Crossfit log for Thursday, June 26th
Went anyway.
Strength was power cleans 5 sets of 3. Did 2 at 155# and 3 at 165#. I need to test my max again soon.
After we did seated box jumps. Sitting on a bench to minimize loading on the downswing, jump to as high a box as you can. 5 sets of 5
Started with a 30" box and a 3.25" 45# plate. Added a 35# 2.75" plate, for 36" for the second set. Was happy there until Kyle went for 2 45#, so I had to match that at 36.5" for set 3 and 4. Then he added a 25# plate for an extra 2"
Made 3 reps at 38.5", but ran out of steam, went back to 36.5" and was able to finish off the 5 reps.
I really didn't want to do the WOD.
5 rounds for time
- 5 dead lifts @ 265#
- 10 over the bar burpees
Dropped the weight to 225# and fought my way through it in 9:35 DFL. Meh.
Crossfit log for Wednesday, June 25th
Front squats, 5 sets of 5 at 80% of 1 rep max. Pretty sure I did 195#
20 minutes AMRAP
2,4,6,8,10, etc... reps
-Squat clean thrusters
-Muscle ups (scale to 1 ctb + 1 ring dip)
Tuesday, 24 June 2014
Crossfit log for Tuesday, June 24th
Started with the WOD this time, some kind of descending chipper.
For time:
5 rope climbs,
20 shoulder to over head with Axle 110# (scaled to 90#, shouldn't have)
20 toes to bar
500m row
3 rope climbs
10 STO with Axle
10 T2B
1 rope climb
First 4 rope climbs were a snap. 5th took three pulls instead of 2.
STO was the easiest part. Shouldn't have scaled it, could've done Rx.
The first 10 reps were a bit rough, but the second 10 after a short break were quick.
T2B went really well too, did 7, 7, 6.
The row was no fun, but 2 minutes isn't a big deal.
The 3 rope climbs were tough, especially the third. After t2b, it was hard to get your feet up to re-grip the rope. 3 pulls each. Yuck.
STO again, 10 unbroken. T2B 5 and 5, last 2 were rough.
Last rope climb with all mental. Took 3 pulls.
Done in 14:25.
Cashed out with weighted pull ups vs dumbbell strict press.
Did 15# on the pull ups, and 35# on the presses. We have no 40# or 45# dumbbells, only 50#, one 60# and a pair of 70#, and those weren't an option.
Done is done.
Monday, 23 June 2014
Strength log for Monday, June 23rd
Since I did deads and back squats this morning, it was going to be either pull ups, shoulder press or bench.
Decided on bench.
Worked up to my max at 205# and it went up very well, so decided to go big or go home. Put 215# on the bar.
With less than 2 inches to lock out, my spotter panicked because I was shaky, but man it was still moving. I guess he was afraid I'd drop it.
He felt really bad, but I told him not to worry about it. He was looking out for my saftey and that is more important.
Anyway, I know I can do it now, so next time for sure. I did try a second time but I let it get away from my at the bottom and couldn't recover.
Peeled back to 165# for 3 sets of 5.
Good workout.
Crossfit log for Monday, June 23rd
Started with power snatch. 10 sets of 3.
Worked with Kamil, since we were both doing 95#. About 75% of max.
10 is a lot of sets.
Then we moved on to back squats.
Five sets of 5 at 90% of our 5 reps max (which we found last Monday), worked out to be 80% of 1 rep max for me.
Immediately followed by 2 sets of 8 reps fast @ 50% of 1 rep max (137.5 rounded down to 135#).
Finally we did the WOD
8 minute AMRAP of:
- 5 dead lifts at 225#
- 10 box jumps at 24"
- 15 wall balls w/ 20# med ball
Wasn't keen on hurrying through this, I didn't even have my own equipment, I mooched off the 4 other guys, whatever bar/box/med ball was free, I'd use it. But still managed 3 full rounds plus the dead lifts. I'll take it.
Thursday, 19 June 2014
Crossfit log for Thursday, June 19th
Break is coming. Vacation time will force rest on me, so I don't want to slack off now.
Just lay the bricks.
Today we did handstand push ups, for max reps. I did unassisted kipping, but only managed 5 reps. Meh.
Then we did close grip bench, 5 sets of 5. I did 135#, 145#, 155#, 155#, 155#
Well chosen, last set took everything I had to finish.
WOD was no fun.
10 minute AMRAP:
-10 handstand push ups (scaled 5 reps, plus an abmat)
-15 dumbbell snatches, alternating 70# (scaled to 60#)
-20 pistols (scaled to 40 air squats )
Only managed 2 rounds. HSPU were great the first round. So much so, I kicked away the abmast for round 2. Well either the abmat made a huge difference, or the snatches killed my arms, round 2 was horrible.
Snatches should've been even lighter. 50# would've been nice, but the girls Rx was 50#, no 50# dumbbells left. Oh well.
Air squats were slow to get going, I guess from the snatches.
Whatever, done is done.
Wednesday, 18 June 2014
Strength log for Wednesday, June 18th
Got the low down from Kamil.
Didn't bother with the WOD, no time and not the right equipment at the Y anyway.
Did the strength work:
1 rep max power snatch. Almost got 135#. So close. But since I haven't really been working power lately, I'm not surprise I didn't get it.
Did back squats instead of front squats. Confirmed my 275# 1 rep max, then did 3 sets of 3 at 195# (70%)
Did some more double unders before hitting the showers.
Tuesday, 17 June 2014
Crossfit log for Tuesday, June 17th
But I got up anyway. Even got there early enough to head out for a run. Almost ran right into Mitch. First time anyone else has been out there. It was nice.
We started with 4 sets of 1 power clean and 4 push press at 70% of C&J max. My current best is 185# but needs to be retested soon. 70% would've been 130#, but I opted for 135#.
Kamil was doing 155#, so for the second set I tried that. Managed it but it was rough. So I went back to 135# for the last two sets.
We revisited the 25s which we did on May 20th (half of the the 50s workout from the games, except all the rowing is done up front).
-50 calorie row
-25 over the box jumps
-25 dead lifts 185#
-25 wall balls 20# ball
-25 ring dips
-25 wall balls
-25 dead lifts
-25 over the box jumps
The row took just over 2 minutes, box jumps were okay, slow and steady. Dead lifts I did 10-10-5. Wall balls I did 15 and 10. Dip I broke into 5s right way, but the last 5 were 2-2-1.
I tried to keep the breaks short. Wall balls second time were slower, did 8, 7, 5 and 5.
Then I got mixed up and did the box jumps instead of the dead lifts. So I was in the wrong order but I still finished Rx in 22:29, two and a half minutes better than last time.
Felt queasy again this time. Sweat buckets too.
Monday, 16 June 2014
Strength log for Monday, June 16th.
Worked up to my current 1 rep max of 175#, tried for 185#, twice, failed both.
Peeled back to 155# and did 3 sets of 3.
Crossfit log for Monday, June 16th
Part one, find your 5 rep max back squat. Never done this before. Did some quick math and figured maybe 255# would be a good goal. 92% of max. Maybe a bit high.
Well definitely a bit high in hindsight.
Started to feel heavy at 205#. Hit 225# for 5 and it sure wasn't easy. I've done 225# for 2 sets of 5 back in May, but that was at lunch time, I seem to be able to lift heavier at lunch time, I guess I'm more warmed up.
But given I'd done 225# for 4 doing front squat at Brockville, I felt I had to go for more. Tried 245# just shy of 90% of max. It was rough, but I got it.
So there it is, 5 rep max back squat: 245# I'll take it.
Then worked up to 3 heavy but not maximal squat cleans (kind of a warm up for the WOD).
Started at 135#, then 155# where I was already struggling. Alex said my first pull was too slow. I wasn't building any momentum for the second pull. Went up to 165#, where I failed last time and tried to pull a bit faster from the ground.
What a difference! Night and day, I totally nailed 165# for 3 and even at 175# I had no trouble, 10# shy of my PR. I may have to retest that soon.
The WOD was the same as April 28th, where just barely made 3 rounds:
10 minute AMRAP
- 6 squat cleans, 135#
- 12 pull ups
- 24 double unders.
Managed 3 + 4 reps. The plus 4 reps was, according to coach Alex, "legit" since it was 4 cleans, not like 4 double unders.
Double unders went fairly well, 2 or 3 attempts to get through 24 reps. Not stellar, but not shameful.
Cleans were heavy near the end. Pull ups were fine.
The big picture.
Definitely the most I have ever weighed in my life.
What does this mean. Well nothing. It's just a number. It does indicate that I'm gaining mass. And given I'm still comfortably wearing size 32 pants, I'm not gaining much fat. (some for sure, but not 20lbs worth and not around the middle). In July 2012 I was 170#, June 2013 I was 182#.
Much of the weight is water retention. Creatine supplements cause water to bind with muscle tissue, essentially filling your muscles with water, so just cutting creating, I'd likely lose 5 pounds within days. It'll be interesting to see where things sit at the end of all this, in a couple of years.
So here is the big picture: attack my limiters, systematically and relentlessly.
After the first year and a half of Crossfit I realized I wasn't improving, not nearly as much as many others, not nearly as much as I wanted to. It became clear I had many weaknesses, the most significant of which at the time was mobility.
I went to see a physio therapist with Crossfit expertise and we started chipping away at my limiters. So on top of my weekly dose of Crossfit (4 or 5 times per week) I spent my lunch hours at the downtown YMCA gym doing mobility work: stretching, massaging, engaging and doing any physio homework I'd been assigned.
After a year and a half of that, I felt I was in place where my body position was no longer my biggest limiter, strength was. So I shifted my focus. Still doing Crossfit daily, still doing mobility occasionally, my lunch hour is now devoted to strength development: squats, shoulder press, bench, dead lift, pull ups, all heavy for low reps.
I'm somewhere around the halfway point for my strength development phase of the big plan. Sometime over the winter, once I'm happy with my level of strength (I have a couple of benchmarks I want to hit, but that may change as winter approaches), I'll transition to power development, so more Olympic lifting focused and metabolic conditioning, so more middle distance running and high intensity interval training.
Again, with daily Crossfit, I'll still get regular strength work, and mobility but my extra work will be power and HIIT focused.
Lay the bricks, the house will get built.
Friday, 13 June 2014
Strength log for Friday, June 13th
They did 11.4 (60 over the bar burpees, 30 overhead squats, 10 muscle ups, 10min AMRAP).
Glad I missed it.
For strength they did front squats, 5 sets of 10 @ 55%, 60%, 60%, 60%, 55% so that's what I did.
But first, after hitting 225# front squat for 4 reps at Brockville, I figured I was due for a new max. So before I calculated my percentages, I went for a new record.
Nailed it. After warming up, I did 225# for one, then jumped right to 245#. Up down, no problemo. I may have more in me. I didn't fight for it very much at all.
So after a break, with a new max, I did the 5 sets of 10 using 135# and 145#.
4th set was rough.
Progress update. Need to set some new goal beyond "just get stronger".
New Front Squat PR.
Lift / target weight / current PR
Bench / 190lbs / 205lbs Apr 18, 2014 (up from 195lbs)
Dead Lift / 300lbs / 325lbs May 21, 2014 (up from 300lbs)
Press / 130lbs / 135lbs May 26, 2014 (up from 130lbs)
Power Clean / 185lbs / 185lbs Dec 30, 2013 (up from 175lbs) !!!!!!
Power snatch / 140lbs / 125lbs Mar, 27, 2014 (up from 115lbs)
Back Squat / 255lbs / 275lbs May 13, 2014 (up from 265lbs)
Other lift PRs:
Front Squat 245# (up from 235#) June 13, 2014
Push Press: 175# (up from 165#) Feb 18, 2014
Clean: 185# (up from 180#) Dec 23, 2013
Jerk: 185# (up from 180#) Oct 30, 2013
Snatch: 130# July 22, 2013
Clean and Jerk: 175# July 24, 2013
Overhead squat: 115# April 10th, 2014
Thursday, 12 June 2014
Crossfit log for Thursday, June 12th
Usually when I suck this bad at Crossfit, within the next day or so I get tested for strep and it's usually positive.
I think this time I'm actually just tired. The weekend comp took its toll, I hit the gym right away after. I was fine at first, but today was rough.
This week has been hard on the shoulders and triceps, with dips and bench and overhead work, so I wasn't thrilled with the choice of strength work: strict press.
But I did dead lift yesterday, back squats the day before and those were the only two alternatives. So I did press. 5 sets of 10, but not. @ 55%, 60%, 60%, 60%, 55%. Worked out to 75# and 80#
Set four was interrupted at 7 reps. I had to rack it, the picked it up right away to finish off the 10.
The last set was even worse. Racked at 6, then 2 more reps, racked again, 2 more, but the second I couldn't lock it out. Called it done at that point.
The WOD was no fun.
3 rounds for time:
- 8 dumbbell snatches left arm 50#
-15 toes to bar
- 8 dumbbell snatches right arm 50#
-40 double unders
Scaled the weight and halved the double unders and I was still 16:04. Couldn't string the t2b with the rip on my hand and the overworked shoulders. Double unders were random. Felt lethargic on the snatches.
Glad that's over. Likely taking tomorrow morning off. We'll see.
Wednesday, 11 June 2014
Mobility log for Wednesday, June 11th
Stretched my hamstrings and calves.
Got my shoes on and tried to do some overhead squats.
Shoulders always rotate internally as I lower into the squat. No matter what I do. Little bit annoying. Okay a lot annoying.
Crossfit log for Wednesday, June 11th
We did dead lifts for strength, same scheme we've been doing lately: 5 sets of 10 @ 55%, 60%, 60%, 60%, 55%. That worked out to be 180# and 195#
First two sets were the worst. After that I guess my body was awake.
The WOD was called "Mighty Jackie", I haven't found it on any other web sites, so I may be the invention of Frank, our sadistic coach.
For time:
-30 chest to bar pull ups (scaled to regular pull ups)
-50 front squats 115#/75# (scaled to 95#)
-Row 1000m
The pull ups were rough due to the rip I got at Brockville. I likely would've done the CTB if it weren't for the rip. Broke them up as needed: 8, 7, 6, 9.
The rip actually held for the pull ups, but on the front squats, with my fingers bent so far back the skin opened, but it didn't hurt. Just a bit of blood. (I cleaned the equipment after the WOD).
Had to break them up too. 12, 15, 13, 6, 4
The began the horrible row. I can't imagine how the Regional athletes who got back to the row on "The Fifties" workout handled it. It was horrible. I was really happy when it was over.
Time was 12:44
Tuesday, 10 June 2014
Strength log for Tuesday, June 10th
Started with the band for the pull ups for two sets and empty bar for a set then jumped to 135# for the back squats.
Slowly built up to heavy singles on the squats, while I did a couple of sets just body weight for the pull ups.
Maxed out at 265# on the squats, just not feeling it, so no point going for a PR.
Did 3 sets of 5 with 15# for the pull ups. Actually the 3rd set was only 4 reps, so called it quits there.
Peeled off 40# and did 3 sets of 5 @ 225#.
Happy with that.
Crossfit log for Tuesday, June 10th
My heavy strict press yesterday did help me out any.
We started with close grip bench press. @ 55%, 60%, 60%, 60%,55%
Used 195# as my max which is 10# less than my regular bench. So 105# and 115#.
Kamil was doing 115# and 125#, so naturally for the middle set I went big and did 125#. Made it more of a pyramid that way.
Then we hit 3 heavy jerks, but they weren't very heavy. Like 135#. Which didn't bode well for the WOD:
- 15 muscle ups (scaled to ring dips)
followed by 3 rounds of:
- 10 shoulder to overhead 135# (scaled to 115#)
- 25 slam balls.
followed by:
-10 muscle ups (scaled to rings dips)
Finished in 10:11.
Did pretty good. My rings dips are solid. Shoulder to overhead was rough even at 115#, had the hardest time locking it out.
Slam balls were just tiring.
Last 10 ring dips, were really rough, my poor triceps.
Monday, 9 June 2014
Strength log for Monday, June 9th
Decided to do strict press, despite missing most of my nutrition for the day and then maybe some mobility.
Worked up to 135#, no problem. I remember not too long ago I couldn't lift that at all.
I tried 140# but it wasn't happening. Soon.
Peeled back to 105# for 5 sets of 5. Went really well.
Then I decided to do some back squats. Not too heavy, just to get moving.
Did 6 reps at 165#, 185# and 205# then called it a day.
Crossfit Brockville's 3rd annual Team Challenge Report.
The Team Challenge hosted by Crossfit Brockville is a 3 WOD marathon that spanned 6 hours on a sunny Saturday on the shores of the St Lawrence seaway.
I had put my name on the board as a spare, if anyone needed a guy for the scaled division, I'd put myself out there.
Well the three other that did the same thing decide (with some prodding from Kiza) to put a team together and added my name to the list, so I was in.
I have been nervous for about three days, as the reality settled in. This is not the same as a race or a triathlon. There's more prep. More nutrition. More equipment. More uncertainty. I did my best to ignore the nerves and bring a ton of water and a variety of nutrition options.
We drove down to Brockville early Saturday morning and got registered. We mingled with the other Physics teams that were there.
We were in the 4th heat, so we got to see many other teams do the workouts first, which helped us plan our strategy.
The first WOD of the day was what I would call an ice-breaker. It was bit ridiculous, and had many laughing at first, but it quickly got hard and the laughing stopped well before the end.
WOD 1:
- 50m burpee broad jumps (all team members together)
once all members are finished each member does:
- 15 front squats with the slosh pipe
- run 50m with the slosh pipe. (picture a large 8 foot long pvc drain pipe filled with 40# of water and gravel)
The burpee broad jumps were way harder then I expected, and looked ridiculous. Looked like the biggest game of leap frog ever. I was last to finish on my team and was completely winded. So much so I was unable to do the slosh pipe first. Once I caught my breath, Natasha had already started. The slosh pipe was manageable for the guys, Maks and I could squat it even if it was lop sided, but the girl didn't have the upper body stability. It was really rough on them.
We did okay, 15th out of 28, can't complain.
We had about an hour to rest and rehydrate and recover. Kiza and the kids arrived at this point. The kids were wearing superhero costumes and had made a sign that said "GO GO GO Papa" and the names of our team members. They were a big hit with the crowd.
It was good to have them there. I know it was a ton of work of Kiza, but having a personal cheer squad was wonderful.
WOD 2 was about an hour later:
within 10 minutes, each member does one of the following in this order:
- 1 rep max overhead squat
- 2 rep max shoulder to over head
- 3 rep max hang clean
- 4 rep max front squat
at the 10 minute mark, 3 minute AMRAP one member at a time:
- toes to bar
We worked out that our best scenario was Natasha on the OHS, Maks on the STO, Yvana on the cleans and me on the front squats.
Nat managed a 115#, which is my PR, and neither of the other two could squat over head. Maks nailed 165#, jumped too much to 185# and missed the second rep, went back to 175#, but was too fatigued, and missed the second rep again. I couldn't have done any better. Yvana has an injured knee, so the cleans were her only real option, and she nailed a PB for 3 reps at 135#.
I quickly hit 185#, just to make sure we had a number and immediately did 205# after that. We still had just under 2:00 left, so I hummed and hawed a bit and decided to go for 225#, 10# shy of my PR.
I totally nailed it. That was my finest moment of the day. Followed closely by the the 12 toes to bar I did immediately after. More then double the number I have ever strung together before!
I think we finished 10th and 12th for those two events. The first part worked out really well, it was our best finish of the day and our only top 10 placing.
Time to rest again, and pee (a lot, because I drank a lot) and cheer on our other teams before heading in to the brutal 3rd WOD.
WOD 3 had a 20 minute time cap, I don't think anyone finished.
Paired up men followed by pair up women had to first do the following:
- 40 dead lifts, 185# men, 135# women
- 40 power cleans, 115# men, 95# women
- 40 thrusters, 95# men, 65# women.
share the work as desired between the men and between the women.
After both sets of partners finished part one, one of the four members could start the first of two couplets:
- 50 double unders (or 250 singles)
- 40 box jump overs.
-30 pull ups
-30 hand release push ups
but the next person couldn't start until the person ahead had started the next couplet and couldn't start the second couplet until the person ahead had finished the event.
It was brutal, I severely underestimated the box jumps and decide to go first. But I got caught up in the stupid double unders, which had been going really well lately, so that caught me by surprise.
Nat started the double unders as I did the pull ups in 10, 10, 5, and 5 and was into the box jumps as I started the push ups when time ran out.
We finished 25th in this event.
I was so tired at the end of the day, it reminded me of Ironman.
It was nice to be part of a team. I felt I really contributed to the team, especially the first two events. I felt I let them down a bit on the last one. But I did the best I could.
I'm glad I did this. Physics won the prize for the most teams with 5. We scored a Pendlay barbell. Sweet.
I may even do this kind of thing again. Just not anytime soon.
Friday, 6 June 2014
Taper log for Friday, June 6th
Slept in again, as Kiza went to the morning class in my stead.
Went to the Y at lunch and rolled out my glutes, stretched my hams and calves, rolled my lats and traps, stretched my shoulders.
Then I worked on some overhead squat. I figured since I can really go heavy it would give me some useful work that wouldn't really hurt me in the morning.
Feeling pretty good right now. I hope tomorrow doesn't suck.
Wednesday, 4 June 2014
Strength log for Wednesday, June 4th
I've never competed in Crossfit before so I'm naturally a bit of a basket case.
I'm trying to prepare much like I would for a race, so some kind of taper, a nutrition plan, a hydration plan.
It's a very different beast, but I can imagine what I'll need.
So figuring out a workout for today was challenging.
I tried some bench press, but after all the push ups from this morning, I was struggling at 185#, so I bailed on that.
I hit a couple of split snatch at 75#, just for form. That was pretty good.
Then I was lost, so I rolled around a bit and stretched and called it a day.
I think I'll just do mobility and maybe hop on the rower tomorrow and take Friday off..
We'll see.
Crossfit log for Wednesday, June 4th
Got there a bit early so I ran my 1 mile warm up. Need to remember to fill my water bottle next time.
We started with snatch work, from the hang. 4 sets of 1 hang power snatch, 1 hang snatch, 1 hang power snatch, 1 hang snatch. No dropping the bar during the set. Start at 65% of max increase to heaviest set possible.
Started at 75#. Did 85# went well. Tried 95#, struggled with locking it out. Dropped back to 85# for the final set. Much better.
Next was dead lifts. 5 sets of 10 at 50%, 55%, 60%, 60%, 55%.
The bad part of hitting a new dead lift PR is that the weights for those percentages went up. 165#, 180# and 195#.
This was rough on my grip strength, even with hook grip. I should've used straps given the WOD had pull ups.
The WOD was 15 minutes of Cindy.
- 5 pull ups
- 10 push ups
- 15 air squats
I did EMOM for the first 4 rounds then held on for dear life. Made 10 rounds. I think I've done better, I'll have to check.
Once again, push ups suck.
Tuesday, 3 June 2014
Strength and Crossfit log for Tuesday, June 3rd
When my alarm sounded at 5:00, I turned it off and was already sleeping before my head hit the pillow.
Thanks to Kamil I got the low down on the workout and it was actually something I could do at the Y, so I figured, why not?
They did strict press for strength after the WOD, which I had done yesterday, and they super set that with legless rope climbs.
No rope at the Y, so I planned to do strict pull ups between my sets of overhead squats before trying the WOD.
I was working so hard and staying so focused on the OHS that I forgot all about the pull ups.
I worked up to 2 sets of 5 at 95#, and then back down to 75# and 65# for 6-8 reps. Exhausting work.
The WOD was "Macho Man". I've found a variety of definition and prescribed weights, so I did what Kamil and Mitch did this morning:
-2 power cleans
-2 front squats
-2 jerks
@ 135#.
As I type this I am realizing that it was supposed to be 3 reps of each not 2. Doh!
Oh well, I made 10 rounds plus the cleans and squats of round 11, so that's good anyway.
Monday, 2 June 2014
Strength log for Monday, June 2nd
Hit 2 heavy singles at 135#, then peeled back to 115# for 3 sets of 3.
Felt good. Strong.
Crossfit log for Monday, June 2nd
Fairly well rested this morning, even if getting out of bed was rough.
Started out with power cleans, from the floor. 5 sets of 3 @ 70%, 75%, 75%, 80%, 85%
Didn't go so well. I'm gaining in strength, but power is fading. Gotta stay focused. Power is next year.
Only did 3 sets. At 155# I got 2 reps then ran out of gas.
Back squats were way better. 5 sets of 10 this time at 55%, 60%, 65%, 65%, 60%.
No problem here, did 150#, 165#, 180#, 180#, 165#.
WOD was rough as usual
8 minute AMRAP of
- 3, 6, 9, 12... chest to bar pull ups
-40 double unders
Switched to regular pull ups on round 2, otherwise I was just wasting time.
Double unders went fairly well.