Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Strength log for Tuesday, May 20th

I think this is the third time we were supposed to do Bring Sally up.

Nobody showed.  So after doing a makeshift workout of weighted pull ups and squats that were meant to be a warm up until I realized no one was showing up, I decided to just do it myself.

Pull ups were weighted, did 5 unweighted, 4 with 15#, 3 with 25#, 2 with 35# and 2 attempts at 45# but just couldn't get my chin over the bar.

Moved to the squat rack to warm up, did a few reps at 95#, 115#, 165# at which point I realized it wasn't going to happen, so I did a set of 5 at 185#, scaled it back to 135# for 3 sets of 8.

Ready to call it a day, I headed to the shower, and stopped at the front desk to gripe about the no-shows, and at some point decided: screw it, it's only 3 minutes, I'll just do it my self.

I guess the combination of dead lifts from this morning and squats form moments earlier weren't so good.

Made it through the first 3 sets of 8, 5 and 6 and had to bail.  My back just couldn't handle it.  I also missed the first rep, since the song starts right away when I hit play, so I had to get the bar into position on my shoulders and by the time I was ready to start it was time for rep #2.

Oh well.  Back to strength work.

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