Lots of work today at Crossfit.
Started with 1 rep max clean. This took the most time as we needed to warm up adequately given it's a 5:30am class.
Felt sluggish, after yesterday's heavy squats, I was worried I wouldn't even hit my current PR of 185#
At first I didn't get it, second attempt was even worse. So I went back down to 165# and got it, then 175#, got that. and finally 185# again. Missed.
Everyone else was finished but I had set up for a final attempt. All eyes on me, must've helped. I finally got it it.
Then we did 4 sets of 4 one and a quarter back squats, so the opposite of the pause squats where there is no bounce, this kind there are two bounces. Down once, up to just above parallel down again and backup to the top.
I was hurting from yesterday's squats and my partner Kamil, who had just PR'd his clean at 225#!!! was thankfully going easy on the is, so we stayed at 135# and I was happy with that.
The WOD was a bit odd. It's from the Regionals Team evens
For time:
49 pull ups
7 front squats (from the floor)
So you had to clean the weight for the front squats, clean was the limiter. Rx was 245#. Yeah. Not happening. Women's Rx wa only 145# (that an abnormally large weight gap). I figured if I could clean it once, I'd do the 7 squats unbroken. There was no plan to clean it a second time. So I figured I should be able to clean 175#. Close to my PR but, not that difficult of a lift. And once it's up. 175# fronts squats aren't a big deal.
Well that didn't happen.
I started with 34 unbroken pull ups. A new PR. Then 11 and finally 4. Was done the pullups in 2:15.
Took the time to put on my lifting belt. Didn't help, I was way too fatigued. Dropped to 165#. Nope. Finally ended up doing Women's Rx.
Final time 6:16. Over 4 minutes to settle on the weight and do 7 front squats.
Man that was rough.
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