Monday, 26 May 2014

Crossfit log for Monday, May 26th

Good workout this morning.  After a dodgy week and post strep infection it was a good mix.

Started with overhead squats.  My nemesis.  Actually went pretty well.

Did a few reps with small plates under my heels with the empty bar, then did a couple of sets without, but still empty bar.

Workout called for 5 reps at 60%, 65%, 65% and 70% of 1 rep max.

Put on 65#, roughly 60% of my max.  Difficult but not impossible.  Upped to 75# for 2 sets and it went really well.

The last set I goofed and went back down to 65# (which is what we did next for back squats)

Part two of strength was 5 sets of 10 back squats in piramid format.
5 @ 55%, 5 @ 60%, 5 @ 65%, 5 @ 60% and 5 @ 55%  (which is what I accidentally did for the OHS)

Warmed up with 135# then did 155#, 175#, 185#, 175# and 155#

The second 175# was the roughest.

The WOD was a short 7 min AMRAP of
- 6 dead lifts at 185#
- 12 wall balls at 20#
- 24 double unders.

Hadn't loaded my bar properly so I lost 15 seconds or so adding 15# plates after the last back squats to make it 185#, and I lost more time because, once again I  confused the numbers and did 7 dead lifts each round instead of 6.  And double unders suck.

Managed 3 full rounds.  Last double under at the buzzer.

Meh, at least it was Rx. 

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