Friday, 30 May 2014

Crossfit log for Friday, May 30th

There are days when I feel like my programming is working wonders, and then there are days like today.

Granted I'm feeling beat up from a hard training week, my focus has to remain on strength development at the expense of power and metabolic conditioning (that's next year's project). So when I struggle through a WOD like 13.4 I really should be too hard on myself.

For strength we did power snatch.
2 sets of 4 @ 65% of max snatch  (85#)
2 sets of 4 @ 70% of max snatch (91#, but I did 95#)

3 minutes rest between sets during which time you needed to do a set of strict ring dips, between 5 and 10 reps, picking a number that could be maintained for all 4 sets.  I did 6 reps each time.

After that was the now infamous 5 sets of 10 @ 50%, 55%, 60%, 55% and 50%  on 2 minutes rest.

Front squats this time using percentage of 1 rep max clean and jerk (not 1 rep max of front squat) .  Did 105#, 115#, 125# and back down. Which is a bit higher than the percentages of my max, but my front squat is stronger than my c&j. 

The WOD as mentioned was 13.4.  Ascending ladder of reps starting at 3 and going up by 3 each round (3-6-9-12-15...) of:
-clean and jerk 135#
-toes to bar

I should have scaled the weight, after two reps into the second round I peeled off the 10s and continued with 115#.   Now that I've ready my post from the last time I did this workout in January I wish I hadn't.  But it was so heavy!!!

I kinda wish I'd tried Rx to see if I could beat my performance last spring in the Open, but opted for 115#.  Made 42 reps.  Last year I went 31 at Rx.

So did 38 reps this time, in between last time at 115# the whole way, and the original at 135# the whole way.  So that really doesn't tell me much.

Rest weekend starts now.

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Strength log for Thursday, May 29th

This week I hit strict press,  heavy back squats, weighted pull ups, overhead squats and even some dead lifts.  Plus we did bench this morning.

So totally had no idea what to work on today.

I decided to use the calf stretch tactics in this article

So I had to do some squats with it.  Decided on front squats.  3 sets of 5 at 185#. Felt pretty good, not sure if I was getting deeper than usual or not.

After that I worked on some clean and jerk, which I haven't done much lately.

Cleans were fine upto 175#, might have been fine heavier, but the jerk wasn't so great, so I dropped to 165#, and I'm having trouble locking it out.

The last two I was getting so much explosive and getting so low that it was almost flying out of my hands at the top.  Then catching properly was nearly impossible.  I bailed twice.

The last one I couldn't catch in the front rack, so I let it drop to the hang, but the momentum threw me on my ass.  So I just laid back and let the bar roll over me. Everybody panicked, but I knew there was no danger, I'd measured many times in the past the bar is way higher than my head.  Freaked a lot of people out though. 

How many time can you say: I'm fine, really.  Oh well.

Lesson learned:  Just drop the bar.

Crossfit log for Thursday, May 29th

Nice to get to Crossfit this morning, even if I had a hard time getting out of bed.

A former Crossfitter was back today, hadn't seen Pat in ages.  Today was his second workout since starting up again.

Today was a bit weird.  Strength was 5 sets of 10 @ 50%, 55%, 60%, 55% and 50% of "Coach's choice"

So depending on whether you were showing up tomorrow or for the team WOD on Saturday, or if you had been to yesterday's class you either did front squats, dead lifts or bench.

Kamil and I decide to do bench.

Hit  105#, 115#, 125#, 115#, 105#   good choice of weight, it was challenging but doable.

The WOD was a partner WOD.  I worked with Pat.

16 minute AMRAP
-10 handstand push ups
-20 plate burpees
-30 dumbbell snatches alternating hands  60#
-40 air squats
-100 double unders.

Pat is stronger than I am but I have more stamina and better technique.  He's still adjusting to Crossfit again, but it worked well.

I did the hspu Rx, but he had abmats, we each did 5.  Burpees we alternated.

Dumbbell snatches I did 5, he did 10, I did 7 and finished the rest.  He was dying on the air squats, I waited for him to his share the first round, but second round he was really gassed so I did the bulk of them. I think I did 30 and he did 10.

Double unders, he was doing singles, he was keeping count, I don't know who did how many.

We managed 2 full rounds and 10 hspu.  Not bad.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Strength log for Tuesday, May 27th

After a night of very little sleep and an early drive to bring my mother in law to the airport (and therefore no Crossfit), I hit the gym at lunch because not going wasn't an option.

Back squats was on the agenda, my go to when I don't know what else to do.

Worked up to heavy single, matching my PR of 275#, the peeled 50# off and did 2 sets of 5.

I really like hitting a recent PR, like a little confirmation that it wasn't a fluke, I can really squat 275#. 

The first time I hit a new weight, that's usually the end of the workout, but subsequent time, I go for lighter reps.  Nice to know I can hit 10 squats at 225# after maxing out for a single.

Good workout.

Monday, 26 May 2014

Strength log for Monday, May 26th

Strict press day at the Y.

Worked with Dave Rapai, he was doing push press, so we'd swap the weights out between sets.  Worked nicely. Gave us ample break between sets.

Did a couple of sets empty bar while he finished up his cleans.

Did 5 reps at 65#, 3 @ 95# and 2 @ 115#.   Hit 125# for one. Then 130# for one (my current record).  That went up really well.  Dave even commented on how well it went up.

So after his next set, I put a plate on, 135#.  I first tested my strict press in June 2012. It was 105#.  In May 2013 testing it again, I somehow thought it was 135# (at that time it was 110#) and I couldn't figure out why I was struggling at 125#.   This has been a whisper goal ever since.

I put everything I had into it.  I fought it, but totally got it!  Both Dave and Adam didn't think I'd win that battle, but I knew it was going up as soon as I started the fight.

Whatever I'm doing, it's working.  I hit 130# with a bigger struggle only a couple of months ago.

Decided to swtich to push press, but after a set of 3 at 155# and a failed attempt at 175#, I decided to peel off and go back to the original plan of strict press for sets of 5 reps at 95#.

First set went so well, I bumped it to 115# for the next two.  But after 3 sets I was done.

Very happy with this workout. 

Progress update of revised weightlifting goals. Derived from intermediate level for my body weight (at the time the goals were set!) at

New Strict Press PR. 

Lift / target weight / current PR
Bench / 190lbs / 205lbs Apr 18, 2014 (up from 195lbs)
Dead Lift / 300lbs / 325lbs May 21, 2014 (up from 300lbs)
Press / 130lbs / 135lbs May 26, 2014 (up from 130lbs)
Power Clean / 185lbs / 185lbs Dec 30, 2013 (up from 175lbs) !!!!!!
Power snatch / 140lbs / 125lbs Mar, 27, 2014 (up from 115lbs)
Back Squat / 255lbs / 275lbs May 13, 2014 (up from 265lbs)

Other lift PRs:
Front Squat 235# (up from 215#) May 7, 2014
Push Press: 175# (up from 165#) Feb 18, 2014
Clean: 185# (up from 180#) Dec 23, 2013
Jerk: 185# (up from 180#) Oct 30, 2013
Snatch: 130# July 22, 2013
Clean and Jerk: 175# July 24, 2013
Overhead squat: 115# April 10th, 2014

Crossfit log for Monday, May 26th

Good workout this morning.  After a dodgy week and post strep infection it was a good mix.

Started with overhead squats.  My nemesis.  Actually went pretty well.

Did a few reps with small plates under my heels with the empty bar, then did a couple of sets without, but still empty bar.

Workout called for 5 reps at 60%, 65%, 65% and 70% of 1 rep max.

Put on 65#, roughly 60% of my max.  Difficult but not impossible.  Upped to 75# for 2 sets and it went really well.

The last set I goofed and went back down to 65# (which is what we did next for back squats)

Part two of strength was 5 sets of 10 back squats in piramid format.
5 @ 55%, 5 @ 60%, 5 @ 65%, 5 @ 60% and 5 @ 55%  (which is what I accidentally did for the OHS)

Warmed up with 135# then did 155#, 175#, 185#, 175# and 155#

The second 175# was the roughest.

The WOD was a short 7 min AMRAP of
- 6 dead lifts at 185#
- 12 wall balls at 20#
- 24 double unders.

Hadn't loaded my bar properly so I lost 15 seconds or so adding 15# plates after the last back squats to make it 185#, and I lost more time because, once again I  confused the numbers and did 7 dead lifts each round instead of 6.  And double unders suck.

Managed 3 full rounds.  Last double under at the buzzer.

Meh, at least it was Rx. 

Friday, 23 May 2014

Strength log for Friday, May 23rd

Bench day at the Y

I was able to match my PR of 205#. 

Twice in fact. but 215# was not in the cards for today.

Peeled off to 185# for 3, 165# for 5 and 145# for 8, then called it a day.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Crossfit log for Thursday, May 22nd

Tired today.  Awake before my alarm, when it rang I pretty much decided not to go to the gym and just try to sleep. 

But after 15 minutes of just lying there, I figured, just go and get if over with.

Started with power clean from the floor.  4 sets of 3 at 80% of max.  Didn't get close.

170# would've been 80%, aimed for 165#.  No power out of the hips. Felt like I was moving in slow motion.

Went down to 155# and it was better. On the last set I went back up to 165# and managed all 3 reps.  ugh.

Didn't do the 3 sets of 5 heavy dead lifts, given I did heavy dead lifts at lunch yesterday.

WOD was an 8 minute AMRAP
- 10 toes to bar
- 50 double unders
- 5 handstand push ups

Started out Rx, t2b went well, double unders went well up to 20 reps then 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and finally hammered out 6 to finish it off.

Apparently 8 is my limit for handstand push ups sans abmat.   So the 3 I did to warm up gave me 5 in the workout.  Round 2 I added an abmat and things went way better, but that cost me some time.

Managed 2 full rounds +39 reps (t2b + 29 double unders).

Then Genevieve and Natasha decided to run the 2km loop, so I joined them.  Sucked.  I need to get back into running, soon.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Strength and mobility log for Wednesday, May 21st

Rolled around on a foam roller and the orb at the Y.

I had been planning to test my deadlift, but I was feeling tight. After the rolling around I felt pretty good so I started warming with 135#

I did 185# for a couple of reps, the bumped it to 225# for one, 275# for one and 295#.

They all went up well, and i was just below my current PR.  Decided to go big or go home.

3 plates.  315#.  No problem.  Dropped it at the top.  Decided to try again. Did it again, but this time lowered it slowly.  No problem.

Asked Dave Rapai if I should call it a day or go heavier.  He said: go heavier.

So I threw on 10 more pounds.  My back wasn't that straight, but I was able to stand it up at 325#.  PR by 25#.

Couldn't be happier.  55# away from my way back original goal of dead lifting 2x my body weight. (which at the time as only 175# instead of the current 190#-195#).

Progress update of revised weightlifting goals. Derived from intermediate level for my body weight (at the time the goals were set!) at

New Dead Lift PR. 

Lift / target weight / current PR
Bench / 190lbs / 205lbs Apr 18, 2014 (up from 195lbs) !!!!!!
Dead Lift / 300lbs / 325lbs May 21, 2014 (up from 300lbs) !!!!!
Press / 130lbs / 130lbs Mar 7, 2014 (up from 125lbs) !!!!!!
Power Clean / 185lbs / 185lbs Dec 30, 2013 (up from 175lbs) !!!!!!
Power snatch / 140lbs / 125lbs Mar, 27, 2014 (up from 115lbs)
Back Squat / 255lbs / 275lbs May 13, 2014 (up from 265lbs) !!!!!

Other lift PRs:
Front Squat 235# (up from 215#) May 7, 2014
Push Press: 175# (up from 165#) Feb 18, 2014
Clean: 185# (up from 180#) Dec 23, 2013
Jerk: 185# (up from 180#) Oct 30, 2013
Snatch: 130# July 22, 2013
Clean and Jerk: 175# July 24, 2013
Overhead squat: 115# April 10th, 2014

Crossfit log for Wednesday, May 21st

Didn't love today's workout.

Started with 5 rep max thrusters.  Not my favorite move.  Made it to 135#, not sure if it was really my max, but that early in the morning, it's all I had.

Next was 3 sets of 10 front squats.  I planned 155# about 65% of my new max of 235#, but when Kamil struggled through 10 reps at 135#, I decide to revise my plan and did 135#.

It got rough for the last rep, I likely could've pulled off 155#, but we still had the WOD coming up.

"Nasty Girls"
3 rounds for time of
- 50 air squats
- 7 muscle ups (scaled to chest to bar pull ups)
- 10 hang power cleans  135# (scaled to 115#)

Time was 11:53.  Air squats went very quick, thankfully I didn't push the fronts squats earlier.  CTB pull ups were kinda slow, I can't string them together very well.  Even scaled, the cleans were rough.  Even with hook grip, my wrists were burning.

I managed 4 reps holding hook grip then 1 without before dropping.  So did 2 sets of 5 each round.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Strength log for Tuesday, May 20th

I think this is the third time we were supposed to do Bring Sally up.

Nobody showed.  So after doing a makeshift workout of weighted pull ups and squats that were meant to be a warm up until I realized no one was showing up, I decided to just do it myself.

Pull ups were weighted, did 5 unweighted, 4 with 15#, 3 with 25#, 2 with 35# and 2 attempts at 45# but just couldn't get my chin over the bar.

Moved to the squat rack to warm up, did a few reps at 95#, 115#, 165# at which point I realized it wasn't going to happen, so I did a set of 5 at 185#, scaled it back to 135# for 3 sets of 8.

Ready to call it a day, I headed to the shower, and stopped at the front desk to gripe about the no-shows, and at some point decided: screw it, it's only 3 minutes, I'll just do it my self.

I guess the combination of dead lifts from this morning and squats form moments earlier weren't so good.

Made it through the first 3 sets of 8, 5 and 6 and had to bail.  My back just couldn't handle it.  I also missed the first rep, since the song starts right away when I hit play, so I had to get the bar into position on my shoulders and by the time I was ready to start it was time for rep #2.

Oh well.  Back to strength work.

Crossfit log for Tuesday, May 20th

I'm trying to have something of a de-load week, since the crew was away for Regionals  (which they totally rocked, came in second and secured a spot at the Crossfit Games in Carson California in June!!!).

So, except Friday were I did fairly heavy back squats and bench press, I've either rested or lifted light.  Strep help a bit since it prevented me from pushing last week.

Over the weekend I did a short workout with my son, light squats and strict press, and today, well today was very met con, not very heavy, but still a lot of work.

We basically did half the "50s" workout from the individual competition at regional.  Where they did 50 of everything we did 25, and instead of having the row broken up at the beginning and the end, we did 50 calories at the start and didn't come back to the rower.

Chipper for time:
-50 calorie row
-25 over the box jumps
-25 dead lifts  185#
-25 wall balls 20# ball
-25 ring dips
-25 wall balls
-25 dead lifts
-25 over the box jumps

Yeah, for the second time ever I felt nauseated during a workout, the first time was just over 3 years ago in my first ever workout on my own.  It was rough but not heavy.  The last set of dead lifts nearly did me in. 

Finished in 25:03  Rx at least.

The we did 4 sets of 6 strict press. settled on 95#, but did only 3 sets, had nothing in the tank.  Last set was only 5 reps.  Wiped.

Friday, 16 May 2014

Strength log for Friday, May 16th

I think this is the third time we were supposed to do Bring Sally up, and once again it fell through.

Adam, the that most wants to do it had 1pm meeting at work, and had to leave before Dave and Rob even got there.

Plus I have strep again. So we postponed it to Tuesday.  Hopefully we'll all be fresh from the long weekend.

So I did 4 sets of 3 back squats @ 225# and worked up to 195# on bench press.

It'll do.

Health log for Friday, May 16th.

Strep again.  Should have known during yesterday's workout, feeling so sluggish.  I always thing I'm overtraining or not gettng enough sleep when I have a workout like that, then the next day the sore throat starts. 

Quick trip to the clinic, for a rapid strep test and bingo.  Erythromicin this time. Don't think I've ever had that one.

Advil taken.  At least I've developed a skill for detecting it early.

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Stength log for Thursday, May 15th

Worked on snatch.

Wasn't very focused.  Regular crew wasn't there.  Didn't have a solid plan.

Did some power snatch and some split snatch at a variety of weights.  65#, 95#, 115# back to 95#. 

Just didn't feel energized.  Maybe that Wendy's burger last night is to blame. ;)

As I was leaving a couple of the girls I sometimes chat with were gathered round one of the newer instructors, with 3 other members.  One was going some air squats. I missed the instructor's demonstration.

A quick chat with Line and Steph and I learned it was a "Cross Training" class.

Now I have to keep in mind that it is an introductory class, much like the one I took 3 years ago, and this exposure might encourage some of them, as it did me, to seek out a real Crossfit gym and discover what it really is about.

But man, it was like watching a train wreck. You don't teach cleans with a squat if they can't squat.  Teach power clean first, work on the squat independently, then combine the two later.   At least Kenny, my instructor from 3 years ago had his level 1 certification.  This guy clearly does not.

I'll have a chat with the girls next time I see them.  Find out their thoughts on it, and maybe give them some better instruction, especially on the lifting technique.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Crossfit log for Wednesday, May 14th


I wish I had been fresh going into this workout.

Heavy strict press Monday, heavy squats Tuesday.  With rope climbs, burpees and strict pull ups thrown in, I wasn't very well rested.

Still got a PR, but I wasn't even able to get through the first 21 pull ups unbroken.  I have a better Fran in me, that's for sure.

That being said, I have to remember my focus for this year is strength development, not metabolic conditioning (that'll be next year).

WOD: Fran
- Thrusters  95#
- pull ups

All of my best times have been accomplished going unbroken the first round, then holding on for dear life for the rest.

Couldn't do it.  Stopped at 14 thrusters; stopped at 8, 12 and 16 pull ups.  Wasn't looking good at all.

Did the fifteen thruster in sets of 5, the break before the last 5 seemed really long.  Pull ups were 11 and 4.

Last round was 4 and 5 for the thrusters and 9 pull ups. Finally found a rhythm.

8:55, PR by 5 seconds.  I have a better Fran in me.

Closed out with close grip bench press for 10, 8, 6, and 4 reps.

Did 95#, 115#, 135# and 145#

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Strength log for Tuesday, May 13th

Put the knee to the test today at the Y,

Decided to go for a new 1 rep max back squat.  If I failed, ease off for reps, if I made it, call it a day.

Worked up through 95#, 135#, 185# and 225#,  started singles at 245#, then 265# (current record).

My buddy Rob gave me a spot at 275# and it went up very nicely, I guess having him there increased my confidence.

So I had to try 285#. 

3 inches.  Not much, but I got stuck and Rob helped me for 3 whole inches and I was able to take it the rest of the way. Funny how that works.

So 275# new PR! Woot!

Progress update of revised weightlifting goals. Derived from intermediate level for my body weight (at the time the goals were set!) at

New Back Squat PR. 

Lift / target weight / current PR
Bench / 190lbs / 205lbs Apr 18, 2014 (up from 195lbs) !!!!!!
Dead Lift / 300lbs / 300lbs Jan 22, 2014 (up from 285lbs) !!!!!
Press / 130lbs / 130lbs Mar 7, 2014 (up from 125lbs) !!!!!!
Power Clean / 185lbs / 185lbs Dec 30, 2013 (up from 175lbs) !!!!!!
Power snatch / 140lbs / 125lbs Mar, 27, 2014 (up from 115lbs)
Back Squat / 255lbs / 275lbs May 13, 2014 (up from 265lbs) !!!!!

Other lift PRs:
Front Squat 235# (up from 215#) May 7, 2014
Push Press: 175# (up from 165#) Feb 18, 2014
Clean: 185# (up from 180#) Dec 23, 2013
Jerk: 185# (up from 180#) Oct 30, 2013
Snatch: 130# July 22, 2013
Clean and Jerk: 175# July 24, 2013
Overhead squat: 115# April 10th, 2014

Crossfit log for Tuesday, May 13th

After testing out the knee yesterday at the Y I decided to head to Crossfit this morning and do what I could.

Glad I went. Knee wasn't an issue at all.  Had to be careful on the burpees not to hit it on the floor, but with Kiza's knee brace it was all good.

Started with the WOD today
5 rounds for time
- 12 burpees
- 8 dead lifts 225#
- 2 rope climbs

I love rope climbs.

Working up the weight for the dead lifts realy seemed heavy.  At 185# I was thinking, that's enough, but I wanted to try Rx. At 215# it wasn't much worse than 185#, so I went all in.

The first three rounds I did the dead lifts unbroken when most others were doing singles. I impressed myself.  Even the last two rounds were 4 and 4.

Although, Kamil was doing single, but taking less break before and after so we pretty much stayed neck and neck.  He'd get ahead on the burpees and start the dead lifts first, then I'd start them and go unbroken and finish first. We were fairly even on the rope climbs so that's how it went.

I finished in 18:20, Kamil, in 18:19.  I should have let go of the rope sooner and just dropped to the ground.

Strenght work was 4 sets of 4 push press.  Worked with Kamil, I was very happy when he stopped adding weight at 115#.

Finally weighted strict pull ups.  4 sets of 5.   Low on time, I did one set with a band, which was supposed to be a warm up. Then one set unassisted which was supposed to be another warm up.  Then put a 15# dumbbell between my legs for a set. Then ran out of time, so I did another set with 15# but only managed 4 reps before my arms gave out.


Monday, 12 May 2014

Strength log for Monday, May 12th

Smashed my knee on a play structure while at the park with kids and Kiza for mother's day. 

Seem to be able to squat on it, but haven't tried under load.  So I skipped Crossfit this morning and got some much needed rest and did strict press at the Y for my strength work.

Worked up to 1 rep max then dropped 20% and did 2 sets of 5.

Definitely making progress. 130# went up without hesitation way better than when I first got it on March 7th.  Tried 135#, but same as 130# used to be, got it just above eye level and that was it.  Progress.

I peeled it back to 105# and did 2 sets of 5.   Was going to do 3 sets, but was running out of time and the last rep on set 2 was a struggle.

Feeling pretty good.

Friday, 9 May 2014

Crossfit log for Friday, May 9th

Really challenging workout this morning.

Started with back squats, 3 rep max followed by 3 sets of 8.

Worked up to 225# for 3, but when I saw Mitch doing 275#, I figured I should at least try 245#, so I did and nailed it. 

Planned on 185# for the sets of 8, but once again, decided to at least try 205# and it was rough but doable.  Felt good at this point.

Then the WOD started. Ugh.

Overhead squats 115#/85#
Chest to bar pull ups
Front rack lunges, 115#/85#

Started with the women's weight, but since I can't do that many OHS at that weight, I did the split snatch equivalent, much like a lunge, but deeper.  Coach suggested this since otherwise the weight on the lunges would be too light. Tried to alternate legs every 5 or 6 reps, but with my right foot in front I was having too much trouble.

Decided to do regular pull ups since I was already struggling with the squats, I didn't need to be struggling with the CTB as well.

Lunges went okay, but was fatigued from the similar OHS work.

Started the round of 15 but was struggling.  Look over at the coach, ready to give up and he yelled to put less weight on the bar.  Dropped to 65# with the clock ticking. 

Shoulders were warm, weight was lower, hit 13 over head squats in a row. Not quite sure I was going deep enough, but coach didn't call me on it. Reset for 2 more.

Did the pull ups and the lunges, which were easier this time.

Did 9 OHS, after two false starts, as I start the pullups coach puts a 20:00 mercy cap, I had 30 seconds to do the pull ups and lunges.  Made it through the pull ups.

In hindsight coach and I agreed I should've just finished it and ignored the cap, but it was too late.


Thursday, 8 May 2014

Strength log for Thursday, May 8th

Went to the Y to work on snatch pulls and split jerks.

Worked up to 185# on the pulls with straps, felt most successful at 155#.  Then I did a couple of power snatches at 115# just to see how it felt. 

Was okay, but I was starting to fatigue.

Moved on to split snatch.  Worked up to 185# without issue, at 195# I couldn't lock out, likely because I was really getting fatigued.  I'll try again next week fresh. I'm sure I can hit 195#, maybe even 205#.

Crossfit log for Thursday, May 8th

Today was a chipper. Thankfully not leg intensive, after yesterday's front squats.

For time:
- 20 handstand pushups
- 25 dumbbell snatch alternate hands
- 30 toes to bar
- 40 shoulder to overhead axle
- 30 plate burpees
- 25 calorie row

The hspu were scaled to half the number then adding abmats. I decided to try one without an abmat and sure enough I got it without a problem.

Since they were the first thing up and i was fresh I decided try and to do 10 unassisted. Managed 8 unbroken! The last 2 sucked, but I was pretty stoked for the first 8.

Snatches were 70# for men Rx, women was 50#. Someone went and bought 60# dumbbell, so I couldn't default to 50#. I tried the 60# but it was going to be pretty so I still ended up with the 50#.

T2B went well in sets of 5. Worked hard. STO with the axle sucked a lot. Rx was 130#, but that wasn't happening. Ended up with 100#. Did sets of 7 or 8.

Burpees were just long and the row seemed to take forever. Finished in 23:30. Wiped.

Post WOD was 5 sets of strict pull ups for max reps. Surprised myself with 6, 6, 6, 5 and 5.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Strength log for Wednesday, May 7th

I've been a bit down lately.  Over tired I think from all the workouts I've been doing.  So slept in and didn't go to Crossfit this morning. 

Good call.  Feel much more rested. 

I haven't been taking my TestAlpha "natural" testosterone booster, since I ran out, and I don't know if it's the placebo effect, but I haven't felt as... I don't know, strong, confident, something, I just feel off. 

I ordered some more, but thankfully I had a good day at the gym to help boost my spirits.

Was reading an inteview with Pat Mendes over at and his workout strategy is to always go for a heavy single then either back off for reps or stop.

In a typical daily squat workout I go up to a heavy single. This is normally between 90% of my best and maximum. If it feels good I keep going, if not, I do reps or stop. 

So that's what I did.  My  front squat PR going in was 215# but I haven't tested it since last September (also a day I had slept in).

After 205# for 2 reps, I jumped straight to 225#, go big or go home right?  Up, down, not problem.  Sweet, PR!  So I kept going, 235#, boom!  245#, down, up... but not quite, had to bail.

20# PR.   Felt good.  Then I did some reps at lower weights, 185# for 3 then 135# for 8, and called it a day.

Progress update of revised weightlifting goals. Derived from intermediate level for my body weight (at the time the goals were set!) at

New Front Squat PR. 

Lift / target weight / current PR
Bench / 190lbs / 205lbs Apr 18, 2014 (up from 195lbs) !!!!!!
Dead Lift / 300lbs / 300lbs Jan 22, 2014 (up from 285lbs) !!!!!
Press / 130lbs / 130lbs Mar 7, 2014 (up from 125lbs) !!!!!!
Power Clean / 185lbs / 185lbs Dec 30, 2013 (up from 175lbs) !!!!!!
Power snatch / 140lbs / 125lbs Mar, 27, 2014 (up from 115lbs)
Back Squat / 255lbs / 265lbs Jan 14, 2014 (up from 245lbs) !!!!!

Other lift PRs:
Front Squat 235# (up from 215#) May 7, 2014
Push Press: 175# (up from 165#) Feb 18, 2014
Clean: 185# (up from 180#) Dec 23, 2013
Jerk: 185# (up from 180#) Oct 30, 2013
Snatch: 130# July 22, 2013
Clean and Jerk: 175# July 24, 2013
Overhead squat: 115# April 10th, 2014

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Strength log for Tuesday, May 6th

Overhead squat day at the Y.

Able to get down a bit more easily, but my shoulders internally rotate a bit as I approach the bottom position.

Nothing I do seems to prevent this from happening.

Maybe I'll talk to Rob about it.  Which reminds me I need to rebook.

Five sets of 2 - 3 reps at 65#.

Crossfit log for Tuesday, May 6th

Team WOD today.  Which makes you work harder so as not to let down your partner.

Started with behind the neck snatch grip push press.  4 sets of 4.  Did 135#. Rough.

WOD was 6 rounds for time, parnter WOD alternate rounds.
- 5 squat cleans  135#/85#
- 10 pull ups
- 200m row

While partner A works, partner B has one attempt to do an L-sit for max time.

Cumulative time of all 6 L-sits is subtracted from your WOD time for final score.

Worked with Natasha, we went 14:08 for the WOD and had a total of 1:54 of L-sit time for a score of 12:14


Monday, 5 May 2014

Stength and mobility log for Monday, May 5th

Good day at the Y.

Half the plan executed flawlessly, the other half abandoned. Wisely.

Was going to do 5 sets of 5 strict press at 95# then do some split jerk, upto something heavy.

Did the strict press, called it a day.  at 75% of max, this should be way easier, but it's not.  I'll have to build up more slowly I think and try to hit 130# again in a few weeks.

Rolled my lats and upper back, enjoying the blissful agony.

Crossfit log for Monday, May 5th

Mondays are rough getting out of bed, but I have never regretting going to the gym before the sun is up.

Today we started with snatch work.  4 heavy singles @ 90% of 1 rep max.

90% of 130# is 117#, so I rounded down to 115# and it was a good call.

Attempts 1 and 3 were wobbly, but 2 and 4 were rock solid.  It's really starting to come back.  I should be able to test my 1 rep max soon.

After that we did more back pause squats.  5 sets of 4, pausing 3 seconds at the bottom, no bounce coming up.  Settled on 185#.  First two reps were easy, last two were rough. So I guess it was a good weight.

The WOD was a killer.  A relentless but thankfully short killer.

21-15-9  10 minute cap  (called a mercy cap!)
- dead lifts  185#
- wall balls 20#
EMOM 6 burpees. 

Workout starts with burpees.

First round was awesome, 6 burpees in 17 seconds, 14 of 21 dead lifts.
Second round was ok, 19 seconds for the burpees, finished off the dead lifts and got 1 whole wall ball.
From this point on is sucked. Burpees and wall balls don't mix. I was reduced to 5 wall balls per round, and 3 or 4 dead lifts.

Made it to 11 dead lifts of the 15, so 53 total reps. I was gassed.  There was nowhere to catch your breath. Glad that's over.

Friday, 2 May 2014

Strength log for Friday, May 2nd

Too tired.  Long week. Too much work.

Naturally I went to the Y anyway.  Did bench.  3 sets of doubles at 185#. 

Rougher than it should've been, but just laying bricks.

Crossfit log for Friday, May 2nd

Lots of work today at Crossfit.

Started with 1 rep max clean.  This took the most time as we needed to warm up adequately given it's a 5:30am class.

Felt sluggish, after yesterday's heavy squats, I was worried I wouldn't even hit my current PR of 185#

At first I didn't get it, second attempt was even worse.  So I went back down to 165# and got it, then 175#, got that. and finally 185# again. Missed.

Everyone else was finished but I had set up for a final attempt. All eyes on me, must've helped.  I finally got it it.

Then we did 4 sets of 4 one and a quarter back squats, so the opposite of the pause squats where there is no bounce, this kind there are two bounces. Down once, up to just above parallel down again and backup to the top.

I was hurting from yesterday's squats and my partner Kamil, who had just PR'd his clean at 225#!!! was thankfully going easy on the is, so we stayed at 135# and I was happy with that.

The WOD was a bit odd.  It's from the Regionals Team evens

For time:
49 pull ups
7 front squats (from the floor)

So you had to clean the weight for the front squats, clean was the limiter. Rx was 245#.  Yeah. Not happening. Women's Rx wa only 145# (that an abnormally large weight gap). I figured if I could clean it once, I'd do the 7 squats unbroken. There was no plan to clean it a second time. So I figured I should be able to clean 175#.  Close to my PR but, not that difficult of a lift. And once it's up. 175# fronts squats aren't a big deal.

Well that didn't happen. 

I started with 34 unbroken pull ups.  A new PR. Then 11 and finally 4. Was done the pullups in 2:15.

Took the time to put on my lifting belt. Didn't help, I was way too fatigued. Dropped to 165#. Nope.  Finally ended up doing Women's Rx.

Final time 6:16.  Over 4 minutes to settle on the weight and do 7 front squats.

Man that was rough.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Strength log for Thursday, May 1st

Since I didn't go to Crossfit this morning I geared up to do some heavy lifting at the Y.

Started with some snatch work.  Similar to Tuesday, I did some split snatch, and split snatch from the hang.  Working up to 115#. 

Just getting back into it, I was so out of practice that my landing had been suffering.  Was pretty good today.  It's coming back to me.

Then I did some back squats.

5 sets of heavy doubles.  245#-245#-255#-255#-265#(1)

Was nice to get my current max for one rep after all that work.