Granted I'm feeling beat up from a hard training week, my focus has to remain on strength development at the expense of power and metabolic conditioning (that's next year's project). So when I struggle through a WOD like 13.4 I really should be too hard on myself.
For strength we did power snatch.
2 sets of 4 @ 65% of max snatch (85#)
2 sets of 4 @ 70% of max snatch (91#, but I did 95#)
3 minutes rest between sets during which time you needed to do a set of strict ring dips, between 5 and 10 reps, picking a number that could be maintained for all 4 sets. I did 6 reps each time.
After that was the now infamous 5 sets of 10 @ 50%, 55%, 60%, 55% and 50% on 2 minutes rest.
Front squats this time using percentage of 1 rep max clean and jerk (not 1 rep max of front squat) . Did 105#, 115#, 125# and back down. Which is a bit higher than the percentages of my max, but my front squat is stronger than my c&j.
The WOD as mentioned was 13.4. Ascending ladder of reps starting at 3 and going up by 3 each round (3-6-9-12-15...) of:
-clean and jerk 135#
-toes to bar
I should have scaled the weight, after two reps into the second round I peeled off the 10s and continued with 115#. Now that I've ready my post from the last time I did this workout in January I wish I hadn't. But it was so heavy!!!
I kinda wish I'd tried Rx to see if I could beat my performance last spring in the Open, but opted for 115#. Made 42 reps. Last year I went 31 at Rx.
So did 38 reps this time, in between last time at 115# the whole way, and the original at 135# the whole way. So that really doesn't tell me much.
Rest weekend starts now.