Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Strength and mobility log for Wednesday, January 22nd: Achievement Four unlocked

Well I don't believe it!  Another achievement unlocked!  But let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Slept in.  Kiza went to Physics this morning and Delilah and Dex were kind enough to sleep until 7:00am!! Glorious!

I took my morning nutrition, and included the creatine even though I wasn't working out until later.

So for my trip to the Y at lunch I had pretty much settled on weighted pull ups and front squats. So I brought my lifting shoes and weight belt.

When Kiza got back she told me the workout had heavy dead lifts.  So I was torn.  I had already made up my mind to do front squats, and I really don't like deviating from a plan once I've made a decision, but it made more sense to do dead lifts since they aren't likely to come up again tomorrow, or Friday and I had missed them that morning.

Fine.  I'll do dead lifts instead.

Started with the strict pull ups.  I did 8 reps with my band as assistance, to warm up without taxing too much. Then I did a set of 5 unassisted. Felt tight, so before the weighted ones I hopped on the rower for 500m to loosen up the shoulders. 

I went too hard so I took a long break to recover and grabbed the chain belt from the front desk. 

I hooked in a 15lbs dumbbell for 3 reps, too a couple of minutes, another 3 reps, then switched to a 20lbs dumbbell for 3 reps.  This will definitely help a lot of things.

On to dead lifts.  My plan was to do 3 sets of three at 275lbs (96% of my current max of 285#).

Started at 135# for 5, then 185# for 4, then 225# for 3 taking 2 full minutes between sets. Then 275#, the up was fine, the down I didn't like so I stopped at 2 reps.

Now I start thinking (never a good thing in the middle of a workout), if I added to 10s I'd be at 295# a solid PR and really close to my goal. If I made it, I'd take the PR if I didn't well, I'd call it a day.  I hadn't tested my dead lift since last April.  I was due.

295lbs went up like, I can't think of a good penis metaphor, like surprisingly easily.

So now, do I go big and try 305# for just add some 2.5lbs and just hit my goal of 300#.  Dave, who was my witness, said "If you go big and miss it you'll kick yourself".  So I did the conservative thing and tried 300#.

I think my back rounded a bit, but it went strait up. No discomfort or strain. Boom!  Achievement Unlocked!  Glad I decided to do dead lifts.

After that I did my mobility homework I took home from physio. Teres Major stretch and exercise, deep squat stretch and exercise. They are both showing signs of progress. 

Progress update of revised weightlifting goals. Derived from intermediate level for my body weight (at the time the goals were set!) at

New Dead lift PR.  Goal attained!
Lift / target weight / current PR
Bench / 190lbs / 195lbs Jan 10, 2014 (up from 185lbs) !!!!!!
Dead Lift / 300lbs / 300lbs Jan 22, 2014 (up from 285lbs) !!!!!
Press / 130lbs / 125lbs Oct 30, 2013 (up from 120lbs) 5lbs away
Power Clean / 185lbs / 185lbs Dec 30, 2013 (up from 175lbs) !!!!!!
Power snatch / 140lbs / 115lbs Aug, 15, 2013 (up from 105lbs)
Back Squat / 255lbs / 265lbs Jan 14, 2014 (up from 245lbs) !!!!!

Other lift PRs:
Front Squat 215# Sept 11, 2013
Push Press: 165# (up from 155#) Oct 30, 2013
Clean: 185# (up from 180#) Dec 23, 2013
Jerk: 185# (up from 180#) Oct 30, 2013
Snatch: 130# July 22, 2013
Clean and Jerk: 175# July 24, 2013  

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