A week off. A bit less if you count shovelling the driveway as a workout.
Diet has been touch and go. Lots of good healthy food, but also lots of Christmas baked goods. Glad that's behind me.
Took my nutrition at 5:10 this morning. 5mg of Creatine in OJ with 100mg of Ubiquinol, and a coffee with cream and a touch of maple syrup.
Then I had to scape the ice off the car. Roads were okay, but the driveway was a skating rink.
Big class this morning, a couple of new faces, many old ones.
Today we did the strength post WOD which sucked, but it would have allowed the creatine to get into my system, so I guess it's a good thing.
My focus is migrating to strength and power over metabolic conditioning and mobility. They will still remain important but behind strength development.
WOD was a 17min AMRAP
5 handstand push ups
6 toes to bar
7 kettle bell swings 20kg
8 box jumps 24" box
Managed 7 rounds plus 1 handstand push up. Took it slow and steady. Didn't have any trouble with the handstand push ups. My kip was very shallow, but it was effective. Toes to bar I was able to string 2 or 3 at times, but mostly 2 kips for 1 rep as I re-positioned myself. KB swings and box jumps were just tedious.
Strength was 5 x 5 back squats at 90% of your 5 rep max (like anyone knows their 5 reps max)! I know I've done 225# for 5, or at least I think I should be able to do that, so I took 90% of that and did 205#.
Worked up with empty bar, 95#, 135# and 185# then started in at 205#, felt very solid with my wider stance. Good workout.
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