Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Crossfit log for Tuesday, January 7th

Getting out of bed at 5:00am on day two was harder than day one.

Same nutrition as yesterday.  Need to add some d-aspartic acid to the mix.

But as usually I'm glad I made the effort. 

I was also glad that strength work was before the WOD today, the normal way of doing things.

After a short row to warm up we did 4 sets a power clean and thruster complex.

1 power clean
4 front squat to press (aka thruster, unless we were supposed to strict press it, which seems unlikely).
2 power cleans.

Although I went up in weight each set, they seemed equally difficult. Did 95#, 115#, 125# and 135#.

The WOD was called "Nasty girls", mine was scaled since I can't do muscle ups.
3 rounds for time:
50 air squats
7 chest to bar pull ups
10 hang power cleans 115#

Rx calls for 135# cleans, but since I was scaling the muscle ups, I felt no need to Rx the hang power cleans.

First round went really well, very fast on the squats, didn't come off the bar once, but I had to restart my kip a couple of time on the CTB pull ups, and the cleans were done in 2 sets of five.

Round two was much harder, a couple of quick pauses on the squats, took time to chalk my hands but still came off the bar twice on the pull ups, and the cleans took 3 sets.

3rd round sucked.  Paused at 15, 30 and 40 on the squats, off the bar 3 times on the pull ups and another 3 sets for the cleans.

Worked hard.  Finished in 11:33

ETA:  Went to the Y at lunch and did bench,  worked up to 3x3 heavy (for me), 175#, 175#, 180#

Then did some mobility.

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