Friday, 31 January 2014

Strength and mobility log for Friday, January 31st: Squat challenge day 2

Much better workout than yesterday.

Stuck to my plan.

Strength was bench press.  5 sets of 1 heavy.

Worked up to 185# which is 95% of my 1 rep max.  for 5 singles, about 2 minutes between sets.

Very happy with this.  I need to stick to my plan more.

For mobility, since I went to physio this morning, I didn't do my homework (I'll start that on Monday), I did the couch stretch for my quads then spend some time on the squat challenge day two.

I did a 10 minute stretch and a 5 minutes stretch, so with this morning's effort I'm up to 22.5 minutes for the day, 7.5 minutes left.

Crossfit log for Friday, January 31st

First day back since I was sick Tuesday. 

Not that I'd been idle, but being at Crossfit is not the same as going to the gym.

Interestingly we did behind the next snatch grip push press, which I toyed with the idea of doing yesterday.

3 sets of 4, Andrew and I settled on 115#

Then the hard part.  Snatch balance.  3-3-2-2-2-1

Andrew has even more trouble with this than I do.  But I somehow managed to get into a squat with the bar overhead.  My new 1" shoes helped no doubt. 

It was still rough.  Did empty bar for the first sets, then upped it to a whopping 65# for the rest.  I call it progress.

The WOD was a 12 minute AMRAP.

7 chest to bar pull ups
30 double unders
15 dead lifts with the axle @ 110#
7 shoulder to overhead with same axle
15 double unders

Except I did 30 double unders every time.

We staggered the start a bit to share an axle, but Andrew caught up to me, I hurried through the dead lifts and let him do his, with a bit of rest I did the STO touch and go really fast. Surprised myself.

Managed 2 full rounds and made it to 4  STO of round 3.  Not bad.  I would have finished 3 rounds if I'd done the 15 double unders at the end of each round instead of 30! Which also explains how Andrew caught up to me

Afterwards I spend 5 minutes in a squat, but in my nanos, sucked more but did it.

Then I got an extra 2.5 minutes waiting for the bus.    That leaves 22.5 minutes for the day.

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Strength log for Thursday, January 30th

I should have stuck with my plan.

Not that I had much of a plan, but it was a plan and I let my ego change it.

I debated doing behind the next snatch grip push press, but decide to do snatch pulls followed by strict press.

The pulls didn't go very well, I seemed to have no power in the hip extension.

Then I was going to do 5 singles at 125#.  As I worked up, I still had that 130# PR in the back of my mind.

I decided, well my ego decided, if 125# went up without hesitation, I go for the PR instead of staying at 125# for 4 more sets.

You can guess what happened.  Two failed attempts at 130# then I was too fatigued to get 125#.

Then time was up!  I need to go back to one exercise.  Not for exhaustion, but so I can still do mobility!

I managed to get 5 or 6 minutes in a squat while waiting for the bus, and just before bed, I work my old lifting shoes (0.75" lift) and did two full 10 minutes sets.  It was rough, but I did it.

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Strength and mobility log for Wednesday, January 29th

Well maybe it wasn't the doubling up of strength work that killed me Monday.

I woke at around midnight that night, after crashing at 7:30pm, shivering. My skin was burning to the touch. I didn't even have the will to get some Tylenol.  (my go to: Advil, doesn't mix well with creatine).

After about an hour I was able to fall back to sleep, but kept waking, I just couldn't get comfortable.

I stayed in bed all day Tuesday, stirring only to get the kids at daycare, make a pitiful supper, which I ate none of, and give some quick baths before I was back in bed for the night.

No fever (without Tylenol, I was willing to risk it, to see if the symptoms had resolved themselves, which looks like they had).  But I still woke up in the night and took a couple of hours to fall back to sleep.

This morning I tackled the day as any other, following my routine as much as possible (minus Crossfit, plus a planned trip to Delilah's nephrologist). 

Took my nutrition, went to the gym at lunch.

Yeah, that might have been a mistake.

I wanted to try my new lifting shoes and missing a whole 24 hours of training, is like craziness.  

So I did a short front squat/back squat workout and I was wiped.

4 sets of 2 front squats 4 back squats @ 185#.

Was way harder than it should have been.  Oh well done is done.

I tried to hold a squat for the 30min/day 30 day squat challenge it sucked. Badly.

I'll try again tomorrow, I'll work up to 10 minutes and then start by doing 3 sets of 10 minutes throughout the day.

Monday, 27 January 2014

Strength log for Monday, January 27th

I need to go back to a single exercise at lunch.

I've been doubling up. Today strict press and strict weighted pull ups.

I had no time for mobility and I am exhausted.

I did 5 sets of 5 strict press at 105#.

Then I did 3 sets of 3 pull ups with a 20# dumbbell chained to a belt around my waist.

It was challenging to say the least, but it will pay off.  Starting tomorrow, 1 exercise, then mobility. And that's final!

I need a massage.  My traps are sore.

Crossfit log for Monday, January 27th

I should be getting my new lifting shoes today.  (on a side note I really really hate UPS).

Today Coach Alex didn't make it, with the horrible road conditions, he wreck into a curb and damaged his car.  Sucks.

His replacement? Coach Frank.  The boss.  The head coach and inventor of our torturous programming.

It was actually a fun workout.   Similar to one they had to do this weekend at the Firebreather competition  (which he and teammates Anne, Alex, Michelle, Tim and Nathalie took first place!!).

Initially a 14 minutes AMRAP, he allocated an extra 3 minutes, in hopes we'd make it to the end.  We where shy 16 double unders.

In teams of the 3, share the work (reasonably equally)
-200 wall balls
-100 toes to bar
-150 box jumps
-200 double unders.

It was difficult to share equally, one of us was stronger than me the other weaker, but I think it worked out fairly balanced.

Double unders killed me, I got 3 turns, the first one I barely got 5, then I got a good string of 30 something, and third time like 6.  Ugh.

Wall balls and box jump were solid.  Toes to bar, I worked really hard, and managed to get a couple of good sets in.

Because Frank was late, we (those of us that could stay) did the strength work with the 6:30 class.

We worked on clean and jerk at 75% of max  (I used 135# instead of 139#)

- 2 cleans + 1 jerk
- 1 clean  + 2 jerks


Did okay.  Frank gave me some good pointers.

Friday, 24 January 2014

Strength and mobility log for Friday, January 24th

Finally got to do bench.

First I got on the rower for an easy 500m to get the heart pumping. I've been working my range of motion, pulling the bar to my chest without bending my wrists. Hope it helps.

Decided on  3 sets of 5 at 165#.  I knew it would be tough when I did 5 @ 135# as part of my warm up.

The last rep was a real struggle but I got 'er done.

I did the ring rows again, just 1 set of 8 with my feet 24" from the wall and 1 set of 5 @ 12", the 3 sets of 5 with my feet against the wall pulling all the way to my chest.

Mitch seems to thing I need to try muscle ups again. He says my pull ups and ring dips are solid enough, and my chest to bar pull ups are as good as his. I told him to give me another week, then I'll give it a go.

Ring muscle ups weren't even on my radar.  But given all the strength work I've been doing, it might be worth a try. You never know.

Did some bretzels and upward dog for mobility

Crossfit log for Friday, January 24th

I am wiped.

I fell asleep right after putting Delilah to bed sometime between 8:00 and 8:30.

Woke up at sometime after 10 and went down to take my nutrition (Zinc and Vitamin D). Couldn't fall back to sleep until around midnight.

So it evens out I guess.

This morning we did a team WOD, since the gym is close tomorrow for the Firebreather competition. I guess that also explains why there were so many people at the morning class.

I worked with Rob, new guy. 

It was a 14 minute AMRAP, partner one does one round, while partner two rests, then switch, until time runs out.

2 muscle ups
4 ground to overhead 155# men/ 105# women
6 toes to bar
8 box jumps

Muscle ups were scaled to ring dips or bar dips
GTO was scaled lighter as required

We both did ring dips, and I settle on 115# on the bar, and Rob at 95#, we set up the bar while the other was doing T2B and box jumps to be ready for the next round.

I started. Rounds took about just under 2:00 each.  We both managed to get through 4 rounds and I got through the dips and the GTO of round 9. 

Not bad. I was slow on the T2B, but the third round I managed to string the last 5 together.  So I am able to do it, but it is so rough on the lats, teres minor and infraspinatis.  Definitely needs work.

Cash out was 5 sets of strict press vs 5 sets of strict pull ups.

Started at 95#, too heavy, but I made 2 rounds without problem, round 3 failed at 5, racked the bar and went back for 2 more, but that was it.

Used someone else bar for round 4, who had 85# on it, but still only managed 6 reps. Should have started at 85#.

Pull ups were 6 reps each round, except the 4th, just couldn't get that last one.

Then we ran out of time.

It'll do.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Strength and mobility log for Thursday, January 23rd

Kind of a blah day.

Hard to follow such a huge day as yesterday.

Couldn't figure out what to do.  I had done ring rows and weight pull ups this week.  Squats twice at Crossfit. Push press and jerks. Yesterday's dead lifts.  I considered doing bench, but there is a high probability that we'll do that tomorrow morning, and if by chance we don't, I can do that tomorrow at lunch.

So what to do today.

The thing I need to work most, at least in terms of my achievement list, is power snatch. But we did snatch this morning.

I finally decided to do power cleans, 3 heavy sets of three, then take some load off and do a couple of sets of power snatch.

I just didn't have any drive.  My posterior chain is too tired.  I probably should have just done mobility for today, or risk bench.

Anyway,  did 3 power cleans at 95# and 135#,  2 sets of 3 at 155#,  stopped to chat, came back for set 3 but after one reps it just wasn't any good, so I bailed. 

I felt guilty, so I tried a couple of power snatches at 65#, and it was just not fun, so I moved on to mobility, where I should have been the whole time.

After that I once again did my mobility homework. Teres Major stretch and exercise, deep squat stretch and exercise. Definitely showing signs of progress.  

Crossfit log for Thursday, January 23rd

Really glad I did dead lifts yesterday instead of front squats.

This morning's strength workout:  front squats.

4 sets of 5.  Worked with Andrew again.

Was thinking of doing 205#, but at 185# it was challenging enough for 5 reps.

WOD was a 10 minute AMRAP
6 burpees
8 snatches  105#  (did 85# first two round, 75# for the 3rd and 4th).
12 wall balls 20# med ball.

First round went okay, but second round the snatches were unstable. So for round 3 I peeled the 5lbs plates off and did 75#, much better. Should have gone with 75# from the get go.

Burpees were okay, only 6 reps, and wall balls were okay too.

Made 3 rounds plus burpees and 1 snatch.

Cashout was 200 double unders with a 5 minute cap.

Made it to 175.  Was wiped.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Strength and mobility log for Wednesday, January 22nd: Achievement Four unlocked

Well I don't believe it!  Another achievement unlocked!  But let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Slept in.  Kiza went to Physics this morning and Delilah and Dex were kind enough to sleep until 7:00am!! Glorious!

I took my morning nutrition, and included the creatine even though I wasn't working out until later.

So for my trip to the Y at lunch I had pretty much settled on weighted pull ups and front squats. So I brought my lifting shoes and weight belt.

When Kiza got back she told me the workout had heavy dead lifts.  So I was torn.  I had already made up my mind to do front squats, and I really don't like deviating from a plan once I've made a decision, but it made more sense to do dead lifts since they aren't likely to come up again tomorrow, or Friday and I had missed them that morning.

Fine.  I'll do dead lifts instead.

Started with the strict pull ups.  I did 8 reps with my band as assistance, to warm up without taxing too much. Then I did a set of 5 unassisted. Felt tight, so before the weighted ones I hopped on the rower for 500m to loosen up the shoulders. 

I went too hard so I took a long break to recover and grabbed the chain belt from the front desk. 

I hooked in a 15lbs dumbbell for 3 reps, too a couple of minutes, another 3 reps, then switched to a 20lbs dumbbell for 3 reps.  This will definitely help a lot of things.

On to dead lifts.  My plan was to do 3 sets of three at 275lbs (96% of my current max of 285#).

Started at 135# for 5, then 185# for 4, then 225# for 3 taking 2 full minutes between sets. Then 275#, the up was fine, the down I didn't like so I stopped at 2 reps.

Now I start thinking (never a good thing in the middle of a workout), if I added to 10s I'd be at 295# a solid PR and really close to my goal. If I made it, I'd take the PR if I didn't well, I'd call it a day.  I hadn't tested my dead lift since last April.  I was due.

295lbs went up like, I can't think of a good penis metaphor, like surprisingly easily.

So now, do I go big and try 305# for just add some 2.5lbs and just hit my goal of 300#.  Dave, who was my witness, said "If you go big and miss it you'll kick yourself".  So I did the conservative thing and tried 300#.

I think my back rounded a bit, but it went strait up. No discomfort or strain. Boom!  Achievement Unlocked!  Glad I decided to do dead lifts.

After that I did my mobility homework I took home from physio. Teres Major stretch and exercise, deep squat stretch and exercise. They are both showing signs of progress. 

Progress update of revised weightlifting goals. Derived from intermediate level for my body weight (at the time the goals were set!) at

New Dead lift PR.  Goal attained!
Lift / target weight / current PR
Bench / 190lbs / 195lbs Jan 10, 2014 (up from 185lbs) !!!!!!
Dead Lift / 300lbs / 300lbs Jan 22, 2014 (up from 285lbs) !!!!!
Press / 130lbs / 125lbs Oct 30, 2013 (up from 120lbs) 5lbs away
Power Clean / 185lbs / 185lbs Dec 30, 2013 (up from 175lbs) !!!!!!
Power snatch / 140lbs / 115lbs Aug, 15, 2013 (up from 105lbs)
Back Squat / 255lbs / 265lbs Jan 14, 2014 (up from 245lbs) !!!!!

Other lift PRs:
Front Squat 215# Sept 11, 2013
Push Press: 165# (up from 155#) Oct 30, 2013
Clean: 185# (up from 180#) Dec 23, 2013
Jerk: 185# (up from 180#) Oct 30, 2013
Snatch: 130# July 22, 2013
Clean and Jerk: 175# July 24, 2013  

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Strength and mobility log for Tuesday, January 21st

At the Y today I decided to do ring rows. I was having trouble with the chest to bar pull ups this morning and muscle ups are not even on my radar, both would benefit from better pull to chest strength.  Plus, everything else is sore.

They don't technically have rings, so I used the TRX system. 

I started with my feet anchored 24" from the wall and did 3 sets of 8, making sure to bring my hands all the way to my ribs, bringing them as far back as I could.  I finally missed making contact with my ribs on the last rep of the last set. Perfect.

Next I anchored my feet 12" from the wall and did 3 sets of 5.  Same deal, but I had no problem making contact for all the reps.

Finally my feet against the wall I did 3 sets of 3 without issue. I may have to add some weight, like a vest or a plate on my chest.

I was going to do some mobility, but Dave was going some broad jumping and explosive drills so I asked him if we wanted to do some box jumps.  Had a great time, working up the height and working through the fear and mental game to.  

Physically he had no problem, he is so powerful, even when we got up to 36", but from 36" through to 39" where he ended up stopping, you could see the mental workout he was going through to convince himself to jump. He didn't miss a single one.  Which is good and bad, there's something to be said for set backs early on, which creates more respect of the movement.

At least he now has a number to try and beat.

I didn't him my max of 42"  (my goal is 46"), but it was fun nonetheless.

After that I worked on ankle flexibility and called it a day.

Crossfit log for Tuesday, January 21st

Strength was a jerk complex.  Good thing I did those heavy push press yesterday at lunch! Not.

I'll stop complaining now. I have to resign myself to the fact than I cannot predict what Crossfit will throw at me, so I'll just train what I can, what I feel can use more work and just deal with the fallout.

Nutrition plan continues. 

So strength work, worked with Andrew, who is my age and just a stronger guy, but he'd been away from Crossfit for a few months and is just getting back into it, so he was going easy.

work up to 3 working sets of
- 2 power jerks + 2 split jerks at 60-65% of max, did 125#

then three sets of
- 1 power jerk + 2 split jerks at 70-75% of max, did 135#

was glad when it was over.

WOD was no fun.  (is it ever)
5 rounds for time
- 10 unbroken thrusters  Rx was 105#, but I was happy to be able to do 95#
- 5-10 unbroken chest to bar pull ups, find a number you can do for  5 rounds
- rest 90 seconds

Thrusters were actually okay.  105# might have been doable.  Only got 3 ctb first rounds, regrouped and did 5 each subsequent round.

The rest made the thrusters manageable. Last round still sucked though.

To "cash out" we were supposed to do 3 rounds of 30 double unders / 15 burpees.

I was wiped and ran out of time at 1 round + 8 double unders.


Monday, 20 January 2014

Stength and mobility log for Monday, January 20th

In hope of helping to hit my strict press goal I decided to do work push press,  3 sets of 3 heavy.  Fully expecting push press tomorrow morning.

Warmed up with empty bar, 65# and 95#, then 135#, started working set at 155# and stayed there for all three sets.  Last one was rough (last two really) but got them up.

For mobility I did my teres major stretch and exercise, and I did the squat exercise that works the aductors.

I think I'm making progress in both.  Looking forward to going back to physio.

Crossfit log for Monday, January 20th

Wow, that was a lot of work.

Took my vitamin D (4000 UI) and Zinc citrate (50mg) last night and this morning took Ubiquinol (100mg), TestAlpha (d-aspartic acid/fenugreek/maca) with coffee and maple syrup.

Stomach was a bit upset, by either the steak and eggs dinner or the wine. (Probably the wine).

Started out with five sets of 8 back squats, settle on 185#.  Good choice, challenging but doable.

Then 3x3 squat cleans at 75% of max (which would've been 140#, but I rounded down to 135# after a couple of warm up sets).

Finally skill work on touch and go shoulder to overhead. Was already starting to get tired. Worked up to 95#. Wasn't feeling the love.

The WOD was 13.4
7:00 AMRAP   reps: 3-6-9-12-15-18-etc...
- clean and jerk 135#
- toes to bar

I kinda wish I'd tried Rx to see if I could beat my performance last spring in the Open, but opted for 115#.  Made 42 reps.  Last year I went 31 at Rx.

7 minutes isn't a lot of time.

Friday, 17 January 2014

Crossfit log for Friday, January 17th

Burned again.

After my failed attempt at a strict press record yesterday, this morning's strength work? You guessed it.  Strict press, 5 sets of 5.  Same weight throughout.

Working with Kamil again, ego made no difference, my shoulders were mush.

Warmed up to 95#, tried 105# managed it but wasn't doing 4 more at that weight. So back down to 95#. Bonus, got to count my last warm up set as a working set.

Spent some time working on chest to bar pull ups and kipping technique.

WOD was a 10 min AMRAP
6 thrusters 115#
8 kettle bell swings 24kg
2-3-4 chest to bar pull ups.  (alternating reps, so round 4 back down to 2).

Mitch and Kamil egged me on to do Rx. I had decided to do 105# for the thrusters, only 6 per round, but my poor shoulders. I felt 95# was wimping out, so I split the difference.

Then Kamil guilted me into the 24kg kettle bell instead of 20kg, since I was already scaling the thrusters I saw no point in using a heavier kettle bell, but fine, kettle bell at 24kg isn't so bad. 

At this point Mitch talked Kamil into going Rx, so, since I'd be doing chest to bar, not scaled, and 24kg on the kettle bell what's an extra 10lbs for thrusters, it's only 10 minutes right?

I should've listened to my instincts. After the first round I dropped to 105# and was much much happier.

Managed 4 rounds + 15 reps, got through the thrusters and kettle bell and with 10 seconds managed a single pull up. Round 3 took me three tries to get my last of 4 pull ups. Thankfully round 4 was only 2 reps.

Tired.  Two days rest are exactly what I need.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Strength and mobility log for Thursday, January 16th

Not every day can be a PR day.

I tried so hard to get that strict press at 130#.

Riding high on a wave of 3 recent PRs that met my goals from October 2012, I decided to try to hit that strict press goal at 130#.

The last two attempts were made at 135#. Too ambitious. Both complete failures.

This time I was smart.  Build up slowly and try to hit 130#, meet the goal, not exceed the goal.

I really thought I could do it.  115# was going up so easily. 120# as well.  125#, my current best was a struggle, but I got it solidly.

Added those teeny tiny 2.5lbs plates and suddenly, it was no go. 

Three times I addressed the bar, and three time I couldn't get it past the top of my head.

I wasn't happy.  I dropped it back down to 125# and sure enough, with less struggle than the previous lift, I locked it out nicely.

Next week I'll try a 3x3 at 120# and maybe a try 125# for two the week after to gear up for another attempt in 3 weeks.  We'll see.

Crossfit Mobility log for Thursday, January 16th

Physics Crossfit hired a new mobility coach, Phil, and this morning was our first class.

I didn't have much faith in this class.  I have very specific mobility requirements, I expected this to be nice to have, but a waste of time better spent lifting heavy shit and putting it back down and lifting it up again.

I may have sold it short. It was pretty good.  There are some gaps in my knowledge that this may fill nicely. 

The best part was that I wasn't as far away from the norm as I would have been 18 months ago.

We looked at shoulders and spine mostly.

It's scheduled every other week, so I think I'll keep going, and just work hard at lunchtime.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Strength and mobility log for Tuesday, January 14th: Achievement Three unlocked

I couldn't decide what to do at the Y at lunch.

I got burned last week with dead lifts and this week with shoulder press.

But I was taking tomorrow off so I guess I was pretty open.

Of my 2012 goals I had 4 out of  6 left: shoulder press (not happening today), dead lift (didn't want to go there this week), power snatch (did some in the WOD this morning) and back squat.

Back squat won by default.  I've recently done some heavy low rep work and I knew I had a personal best in me.

Warmed up with empty bar, 95#, 135# and 185#.  Jumped right to 225# for one, 245# (my current record) without a problem, tried 255# (my goal) with confidence and it wasn't a problem.  Upped the ante and tried 265#

This was tough. Ripped my shorts on the way down, but I got it up.  I even tried 275# just to see, but I had to bail a quarter of the way up.

Beat my goal by 10lbs!  Gotta be happy with that.

I did a bit of mobility but was running out of time, so I headed to the steam room instead.

3 achievements unlocked, 3 to go before I "level up" to "intermediate"!!!

Progress update of revised weightlifting goals. Derived from intermediate level for my body weight (at the time the goals were set!) at

New Back Squat PR.  Goal attained!
Lift / target weight / current PR
Bench / 190lbs / 195lbs Jan 10, 2014 (up from 185lbs) !!!!!!
Deadlift / 300lbs / 285lbs Apr 25, 2013 (up from 265lbs)
Press / 130lbs / 125lbs Oct 30, 2013 (up from 120lbs) 5lbs away
Power Clean / 185lbs / 185lbs Dec 30, 2013 (up from 175lbs) !!!!!!
Power snatch / 140lbs / 115lbs Aug, 15, 2013 (up from 105lbs)
Back Squat / 255lbs / 265lbs Jan 14, 2014 (up from 245lbs) !!!!!

Other lift PRs:
Front Squat 215# Sept 11, 2013
Push Press: 165# (up from 155#) Oct 30, 2013
Clean: 185# (up from 180#) Dec 23, 2013
Jerk: 185# (up from 180#) Oct 30, 2013
Snatch: 130# July 22, 2013
Clean and Jerk: 175# July 24, 2013 

Crossfit log for Tuesday, January 14th

Burned again. 

Hoping for cleans for strength, but no, after yesterday's lunch time strict press, what do we get this morning.  Push press.

It wasn't that bad.  4 sets of 10 touch and go, all the same weight.  So no stopping or resting until the 10 are done.  You could pause at the top if needed, but once the bar hit the shoulders it was going back up.

I worked with Kamil again. Last time I pushed him to heavier squat that he would have. Today he pushed me to heavier push press than I would have.

I was happy at 95#.  But he had to go and do 115#.  So before he peeled the 10s off I said I'd give it a try.

It was way harder than 95#, but I still managed to get all 10 without stopping.

After the second set I decided I would be counting the first set of 95# as my first working set. I just didn't have a fourth set at 115# in me.

WOD was another suck it up

8 minute AMRAP
- snatches
- toes to bar
- box jumps

My snatch is my weakest link by far.  Rx men was 115#, women 75#.  Scaled men was 95#. Ugh.  I didn't even want to do 95#. There was no men's bars left so I took a women's bar, which is 10# lighter.  Started warming up with 10s, which is normally 65#, I later realized it was only 55#.  So even going to 15s wouldn't even be womens Rx.  So I went and go a couple of 5s and made it 75#. 

Workout starts, bang out 3 snatches at 75#, quickly run over to do my toes to bar and see Kamil working really hard at 115#. 

Well now I feel like a big wimp. So I hurry through my box jumps and quickly add the 10s for 95#, I had to at least do men's scaled.

It was a lot harder, and a lot slower, but I managed. I even strung together my 6 toes to bar on round 2.

All told I managed 3 rounds plus 6 snatches.

To close out we had 45 pull ups.  Since yesterday I only managed 20 of the required 40, today I decided to use a band from the get go (the next to smallest 1/2 inch blue band).   Did 9 relatively easy, decided to go for 5 sets of 9.

Nope.  Second set of 9 was a lot harder than the first, even with quite a long break putting the bar away. Third time up, 6 was my limit. So still 12 to go.  Okay, 6 and 6.  Nope.  5. Then 2!  Okay 3 and 2 to finish out.  Still no.  2 then 2 again, and finally 1 to finish.

Ugh. So glad that is over.

Monday, 13 January 2014

Strength and mobility log for Monday, January 13th

I'm not in the habit of posting my lunchtime workouts unless it's my only workout of the day, but since I've added an additional strength component I've decide to start getting into that habit.

Laying more bricks, eventually there will be a foundation, and then a house.

Strength work was strict press. I tried and failed to reach my goal of 130# in the press, so following my success in the bench, I decided to follow the same forumla.

I did 3 sets of 3 reps at +90% of my 1 rep max. So 115#.

Warmed up with empty bar, 65# and 95#  (8, 5, 3 reps respectively).  Last rep of last set was a struggle, but my form held and I got it up.

Hopefully we won't be doing press tomorrow at Physics.

Mobility-wise I did my homework from physio.

Part one: working teres major with two different exercises:
  • holding a stick in my hands with elbow on a bench and leaning back with back straight.  Like this, but elbow in line with shoulders:
  • standing with my side against wall, so one shoulder, elbow  and wrist touching wall, back straight core tight, elbow bent at 90°; slide hand upwards along wall keeping all three points of contact.
and my squat depth
  • half kneeling wide stance forward bends. Knee on mat inline with hip front-back, but out from hip to the side. Other knee, directly over heel of foot which is ahead and to the side of other hip.  The tricky part (for me) is both hips have to be at the same height, tricky to verify and trickier to achieve and maintain.  But it's working, I've noticed already.

Torture, but these are the most important bricks to lay.

Crossfit log for Monday, January 13th

Feeling good today.  Recent records broken and goals met.  I'm over the soreness from coming back post Christmas. Well rested after two night going to be early.

Ready for another early morning workout.

Pre workout nutrition: 5mg creatine, 100mg ubiquinol, 2100mg d-aspartic acid, ~100mg caffeine ~ 400mg fenugreek, 6g CHO (maple syrup in my coffee).

Today we worked everything.

Started with jerks and front squats.

Every 90 seconds alternate for 12 rounds
- odd rounds: 2 jerks rest for remainder of 90sec
- even rounds: 3 front squats rest for remainder of 90sec

use  different weights, plenty of time to switch.  Jerk was important to not go so heavy that form became an issue.  I ended up staying at 135#, I tried 155# during warm up and it just wasn't stable enough, I might have been able to go 145# but I wanted to focus on form.

Front squats were 185#, happy with that.  The last set was hard.

So six sets of each.

The WOD was a 10 minute AMRAP:
- 10 wall balls 20# med ball
- 2 chest to bar pull ups  (add 2 pull ups each round)

I made it through 5 rounds so 10 wall balls, 10 ctb pull ups, finished the wall balls of round 6 and did 6 of 12 ctb pull ups, although it took me 8 tries, 2 of the last 4 my chest didn't touch the bar.

Glad I went Rx.  I was able to string 4 ctb together for a couple of rounds.

To finish we had 40 strict pull ups.  Did 6 unassisted, there was no way I was getting to 40 at that rate, so I got a small blue band to assist me.  Made it to 20 in multiple sets of 5 or 6 reps. Then it was time for the next class, so I stopped there.

Post workout nutrition: 25g protein, 5mg creatine.

Friday, 10 January 2014

Crossfit log for Friday, January 10th: Achievement Two unlocked.

Just over a year ago, on October 5th 2012, I set 6 goals for myself in weight lifting.

Using the statistical data from the past 65 years, from of  the tables at that they describe as follows:
The performance standards are adult standards (>18 years old) for a single maximal repetition (1RM) based on competitive weightlifter and powerlifting classification systems in use from the 1950's to present.

Accumulated performance data is not predictive or regression derived. These performance standards should not to be confused with strength norms.

 I established goals for an intermediate lifter of my body weight (at the time)

My last workout of 2013 I met the Power Clean goal.

Today I met the Bench Press goal.

My current PR of 185# was set last April 23rd. So we were doing 2 rep max, followed by 3 sets of 5 lighter. I was working with Mitch, who was planning 205#, I figured I should aim for 185# for two reps.

We did empty bar, and 95#. At 135# I wasn't concentrating and did like 5 or 6 reps, and Mitch thankfully warmed my that I'd tire myself out. From then on it was 2 or 3 reps.  We did155# next for 3. Did a double at 175#, and finally tried 185#.  It was a struggle, but without assistance, I got my 2 reps.  Mitch did his 205#, and I went to get two 5# plates.

I worked really hard and focused my mind and I did it.  195#  5 pounds more than my goal. Tried for two, since that was the workout, but there was no way. Definitely my one rep max.

Two of six goals met. Four to go.

The WOD following that was killer.

500m row
100 Double unders
20 handstand push ups
30 axle thrusters
40 alternating dumbbell snatches

Scaled version had only 40 double unders, but I did 100 anyway.  Scaled hspu were both easier with the ab mats under my head, and fewer, only 10 required, but  I split the difference and did 15. Axle thrusters were 100lbs (2 x 45# plates + 10# bar), women was 70lbs, I opted for 80# (2 x 35# plates).  Snatches were 50lbs for Rx and only 35# for scaled and for women's Rx so I went with that.

Row took just under 2:00.  The double unders took my 5 or 6 tries, I'd get streaks of 20, then 4 or something stupid, I was very random.  Handstand push ups I did 10, then 5, toyed with the idea of doing another 5, but I had already decided to split the difference so I moved on to the thrusters. 

Even with a regular bar bell I struggle with thrusters, with axle and it's ridiculously thick grip. Did 6 sets of 5.  I wanted to do the last 10 unbroken, but that wasn't happening.

I did managed to do that for the dumbbell snatches, 2 sets of 10 and 1 set of 20.

Still took me 17:37  (I was finished at 17:25, but coach no-repped me on the last snatch because I let it drop, by the time I understood that he was saying I had to redo my last snatch and finishing it, cost my 12 seconds!)

Glad that's over.

Progress update of revised weightlifting goals. Derived from intermediate level for my body weight (at the time the goals were set!) at

New Bench Press PR.  Goal attained!

Lift / target weight / current PR
Bench / 190lbs / 195lbs Jan 10, 2014 (up from 185lbs) !!!!!!
Deadlift / 300lbs / 285lbs Apr 25, 2013 (up from 265lbs)
Press / 130lbs / 125lbs Oct 30, 2013 (up from 120lbs) 5lbs away
Power Clean / 185lbs / 185lbs Dec 30, 2013 (up from 175lbs) !!!!!!
Power snatch / 140lbs / 115lbs Aug, 15, 2013 (up from 105lbs)
Back Squat / 255lbs / 245lbs Sept 17, 2013 (up from 235lbs) 10lbs away

Other lift PRs:
Front Squat 215# Sept 11, 2013
Push Press: 165# (up from 155#) Oct 30, 2013
Clean: 185# (up from 180#) Dec 23, 2013
Jerk: 185# (up from 180#) Oct 30, 2013
Snatch: 130# July 22, 2013
Clean and Jerk: 175# July 24, 2013

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Crossfit log for Thursday, January 9th

No trouble getting up this morning. 

Added a d-aspartic acid, fenugreek, maca supplement. I'll take this for the next 12 days.  So now my daily regime includes the above, ubiquinol (Q-10),  vitamin D, zinc citrate, fish oil and creatine. And protein of course.  We'll see how things feel in 2 to 3 months.

More than a little surprised to be doing back squats again, after Monday's 5x5 heavy and Tuesday, 150 air squats in "Nasty Girls" I wasn't expecting any additional leg work this week.

So 5 sets of 3 reps, at 95% of 5 rep max or more.  I worked with Kamil who is usually stronger than I am, but after his 3rd child's birth in early December, this was his first day back.

We warmed up with empty bar, the right to 135#, then 185# (had I known at this point that it was his first day back I might have gone up more slowly, but he's young, he'll recover).

Working sets were 205#, 215#, 215#, 225# and 225#.  Kamil did 215# on the fourth set and saved the 225# for the last only.

Was happy with that. I had no trouble at 225# for 3, I think I need to retest my 1 rep max.

Naturally having done heavy dead lifts yesterday, the WOD had heavy dead lifts.

10 minute AMRAP:
6 toes to bar
8 dead lifts 205# barbell
12 wall balls 20# med ball

Opted for 185# on the barbell instead of 205#.  Glad I did. First round was okay. Two first wall balls didn't hit the stupid wall. Second round, the t2b were impossible to string together.

Finished with 4 rounds plus 1 toes to bar. 

Good workout.

Talked to Seb at the Y to see if I could get some coaching. He was power lifting expertise, so could be useful in the stage from my training.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

L’orgueil à l’automne

When I was in grade twelve, many, many moons ago, I had a poetry assignment.  I went to a French high school, and although I had been going to French school since grade one and could speak it fluently, I didn't really consider my self a French person until that year. 
That year I had discovered French culture, music, comedy, and really bonded with my friends via that culture. I think that's also when I really started to think in French, rather than translate my English thoughts in real time. Needless to say, I never truly mastered grammar and spelling in French, but for the first time, I was French.
So back to this poetry assignment. I don't remember what the parameters of the assignment were, but I decided to write a fable, about the origins of autumn. 
The deadline arrived and I wasn't finish, but I felt I was on to something pretty good, so for the first time in my academic career, I went to my teacher, M. Yves Lalonde and begged for an extension, I told him I was on to something and just needed a bit more time to finish it up.  In my mind asking this was a huge deal. To my utter surprise said "no problem". 
So with a bit of help from my good friend Mario, I worked out the last of the rhymes and made it all fit. 
I'd never gotten an A on anything in French before. This was my crowning achievement, my opus of French creative writing.  M. Lalonde even entered my work in a poetry contest and I won first prize. 
I haven't thought about this in a long long time, I'm a bit surprise at how emotional I'm feeling dredging up these memories.  
I ran into M. Lalonde's daughter Janick recently, our kids attend the same school (and it turns out, her husband works with Kiza, small world!). I guess that brought back these memories.
Anyway. I lost all my hard copies in the fire, and I've searched every hard drive and flash drive I own, and can't find soft copy anywhere.  So from memory I rewrote the entire piece. It's amazing how the human mind can remember word for word something from so long ago.  I did change a few things that had been nagging me with the original, but 99.9% of it is exactly what I wrote 25 years ago.
Special thanks to Suzanne Bourgoin for providing correction of my (thankfully few) mistakes in my rewritten copy.
So here it is, for posterity, sorry for those of you who don't read French, you  are missing quite a treat if I do say so myself.

L’orgueil à l’automne
par James Sauvé

Au début des temps sous le ciel bleu
Vivait un arbre orgueilleux
Qui par son orgueil
Dit un jour au soleil
Mon grand ami, mon cher monsieur
Tout seul là-haut dans les cieux
Une faveur pour moi pourriez-vous faire
Que de changer la couleur de mes feuilles ordinaires.
Je règlerai cette dette au plutôt
Le soleil répondit sans même dire un mot
À la chaleur de ses rayons il fit peu à peu
Changer les feuilles à la couleur du feu
Jaune, rouge et orange,
Cela paraissait bien étrange
Mais le tronc était très heureux
De ce cadeau envoyé des cieux
Alors, peu après vient donc le jour
Ou le soleil désire une faveur à son tour
Pourriez-vous offrir à ces oiseaux fatigués
Un refuge en votre feuillage velouté
Demanda le soleil, en étant très poli
Mais l’arrogant refuse: “Je suis bien trop joli”!
"Ces déplorables vagabonds de l’air,
Imbéciles de l’atmosphère,
Ne sont pas digne de s’y percher"
Le soleil, trahi, était très insulté
Il alla donc visiter le vent
Qui disciplina  l'arbre insolent
Il convoqua un grand mistral
Et s’empara de ses pétales
Le soleil s’adressa à l’arbustre vaincu
Debout seul, laid et nu
Vous n'avez pas respecté votre parole d'honneur
Pour satisfaire votre propre bonheur
Votre châtiment est alors décidé
Vous revivrez à chaque année
La transition de votre feuillage verdoyant
Au rouge, au jaune et ensuite au néant
Amis évitez une telle bévue
À parole donnée, promesse tenue.

Strength log for Wednesday, January 8th

Slept in this morning, until 7:30am.  Much needed.

So I went to the Y at lunch, did a bit of rowing and a bit of running to warm up, then did some heavy dead lifts.

Sets of 3, warmed up with 135#, jumped right in with 185# for 3, 225#, 255# and finally 265#.

Hook grip was rough on the thumbs, not used to hooking at that kind of weight.  Felt good.  I'll be ready for that 295# PR soon.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Crossfit log for Tuesday, January 7th

Getting out of bed at 5:00am on day two was harder than day one.

Same nutrition as yesterday.  Need to add some d-aspartic acid to the mix.

But as usually I'm glad I made the effort. 

I was also glad that strength work was before the WOD today, the normal way of doing things.

After a short row to warm up we did 4 sets a power clean and thruster complex.

1 power clean
4 front squat to press (aka thruster, unless we were supposed to strict press it, which seems unlikely).
2 power cleans.

Although I went up in weight each set, they seemed equally difficult. Did 95#, 115#, 125# and 135#.

The WOD was called "Nasty girls", mine was scaled since I can't do muscle ups.
3 rounds for time:
50 air squats
7 chest to bar pull ups
10 hang power cleans 115#

Rx calls for 135# cleans, but since I was scaling the muscle ups, I felt no need to Rx the hang power cleans.

First round went really well, very fast on the squats, didn't come off the bar once, but I had to restart my kip a couple of time on the CTB pull ups, and the cleans were done in 2 sets of five.

Round two was much harder, a couple of quick pauses on the squats, took time to chalk my hands but still came off the bar twice on the pull ups, and the cleans took 3 sets.

3rd round sucked.  Paused at 15, 30 and 40 on the squats, off the bar 3 times on the pull ups and another 3 sets for the cleans.

Worked hard.  Finished in 11:33

ETA:  Went to the Y at lunch and did bench,  worked up to 3x3 heavy (for me), 175#, 175#, 180#

Then did some mobility.

Monday, 6 January 2014

Crossfit log for Monday, January 6th

A week off.  A bit less if you count shovelling the driveway as a workout.

Diet has been touch and go.  Lots of good healthy food, but also lots of Christmas baked goods. Glad that's behind me.

Took my nutrition at 5:10 this morning.  5mg of Creatine in OJ with 100mg of Ubiquinol, and a coffee with cream and a touch of maple syrup.

Then I had to scape the ice off the car.  Roads were okay, but the driveway was a skating rink.

Big class this morning, a couple of new faces, many old ones.

Today we did the strength post WOD which sucked, but it would have allowed the creatine to get into my system, so I guess it's a good thing.

My focus is migrating to strength and power over metabolic conditioning and mobility.  They will still remain important but behind strength development.

WOD was a 17min AMRAP
5 handstand push ups
6 toes to bar
7 kettle bell swings 20kg
8 box jumps 24" box

Managed 7 rounds plus 1 handstand push up.  Took it slow and steady.  Didn't have any trouble with the handstand push ups.  My kip was very shallow, but it was effective. Toes to bar I was able to string 2 or 3 at times, but mostly 2 kips for 1 rep as I re-positioned myself.  KB swings and box jumps were just tedious.

Strength was 5 x 5 back squats at 90% of your 5 rep max (like anyone knows their 5 reps max)!  I know I've done 225# for 5, or at least I think I should be able to do that, so I took 90% of that and did 205#.

Worked up with empty bar, 95#, 135# and 185# then started in at 205#, felt very solid with my wider stance.  Good workout.