Team WOD Saturday.
Teamed up with Pat, we are fairly evenly matched, he's a bit stronger, I'm a bit faster.
20 x 1:00 rounds + 0:10 rest (well really 5 rounds but give me a minute to explain)
1 - 5 hang cleans + 8 kettle bell swings (buy in)
2a) Bear complex (clean, front squat, thruster, back squat, back thruster) for points
2b) Man-maker (dumbbell burpees, squat clean, thruster) for points
25lbs dumbbells, 20kg kettle bell, 95# bar.
member A does # 1 then member B does 2a) then team member B has 10
seconds to rest and set up for #1, then member A does #2a
then start
over doing 2b instead of 2a. So 1 complete cycle is 4 rounds, once each
member has each done a set of bear complex and man-maker.
So 5
complete cycles. The bear complex and man-makers were for points, the
hang cleans and kettle bells were just to tire us out.
We averaged 2 or 3 bear complexes each round and 4 man-makers. Total score was 65, middle of the pack.
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