Sunday, 30 September 2012

PEC half marathon training log for Sunday, September 30th

Eye is feeling much better.

Ran just under 23km with the Running Room, even though I was only scheduled for 20km. Since I didn't do my 10km yesterday I'm okay with it.

Ran slower than normal, but the trade off for good company was worth it.

23.53km in 2:16:06 with sporadic walk breaks, since no one had a 10 and 1 timer.

Saturday, 29 September 2012

PEC half marathon training log for Saturday, September 29th

Did my first post-eye-surgery run yesterday evening on the Treadmill at the Y while Kiza and the kiddies were in swimming lessons.

The pain in my eye was substantially less while I ran. It got somewhat worse afterwards.

Did 14:00 @ 5:19/km and 13:00 @ 4:54/km

It was good.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Crossfit log for Wednesday, September 26th

Rough WOD today

30 minute cap
35 reps of each of the following:
- dead lift 75#
- kettle bell swings 20kg
- push ups
- clean and jerk
- kettle bell taters
- pull ups
- box jumps
- wall climbs (wall walks)
- knees to elbows
- double unders

Made it to the wall climbs (did 1). Clean and jerks, even at 75# was still rough. 35 is a lot of reps.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

PEC half marathon training log for Tuesday, September 25th

Solid run on the treadmill.

My go to for those lame treadmills is the frog workout. Decided to start at 6.6 instead of my usual 6.4

Pace progression every 2:00 (5:39, 5:29, 5:20, 5:11, 5:02, 4:54, 4:47, 4:40, 4:33, 4:26, 4:20, 4:14, 4:09, 4:03, 3:58)

The last 4 minutes (4:01/km and 3:58/km) were really rough, but I think Crossfit it helped me to know that I can gut it out and push hard to the end.

Crossfit workout for Tuesday, September 25th

Worked on split jerk, from a back rack position to enforce a more vertical body position. 4 sets of 3 at 70% of max, superset with feet elevated ring rows. Did 85#-95#-105#-115#. 115# was too heavy, position was poor.

WOD was no fun.

10 min AMRAP
-10 unbroken push press 85# (started at 75# but took the time to add 5lbs plates, should've stayed at 75#!)
-8 burpee pull ups (suck)
-12 abmat situps.

managed 3 full rounds and 4 push press. Not spectacular, but I'll take it.

Monday, 24 September 2012

Crossfit workout for Monday, September 24th

Good workout this morning.

Strength: Max out full clean + 2 front squats.

Matched my 1 rep max clean of 145# (the squats were easy at that weight). Tried for 155#, no go. Close, but just couldn't catch it.

Every minute on the minute:
3 power cleans+
4 kettle bell snatches and 4 air squats.

Each round add 1 snatch and 1 air squat. Once you can't complete withing the minute you're out. Max rounds for score.

Made 10 rounds (13 snatches/squats). Started cleans, but was sluggish and knew I'd never make it, so I bailed. What a sweat fest.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Crossfit log for Saturday, September 22nd

Team WOD Saturday.

Teamed up with Pat, we are fairly evenly matched, he's a bit stronger, I'm a bit faster.

20 x 1:00 rounds + 0:10 rest (well really 5 rounds but give me a minute to explain)

1 - 5 hang cleans + 8 kettle bell swings (buy in)
2a) Bear complex (clean, front squat, thruster, back squat, back thruster) for points
2b) Man-maker (dumbbell burpees, squat clean, thruster) for points
25lbs dumbbells, 20kg kettle bell, 95# bar.

Team member A does # 1 then member B does 2a) then team member B has 10 seconds to rest and set up for #1, then member A does #2a
then start over doing 2b instead of 2a. So 1 complete cycle is 4 rounds, once each member has each done a set of bear complex and man-maker.

So 5 complete cycles. The bear complex and man-makers were for points, the hang cleans and kettle bells were just to tire us out.

We averaged 2 or 3 bear complexes each round and 4 man-makers. Total score was 65, middle of the pack.

PEC half marathon training log for Sunday, September 23rd

A completely unremarkable long run of 19km

Took 1:45:09.   Not bad considering how little running I've done this year.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

PEC half marathon training log for Thursday, September 20th

Screwed by the YMCA once again.

My usual treadmill was taken, and the one I chose apparently had a 30:00 limit. so 30 seconds into interval #5 it just stopped and I couldn't get the speed back up even in "cool-down" mode. Left cursing. Wrote a bold red note on the comments form. Waste of time really, but I needed to vent.

Stupid TV Imperial speed only no pace treadmills.

Did 4x~1km on 2:00 ri
4:14, 4:11, 4:08, 4:05 and 30 seconds at 4:03


Crossfit log for Tuesday, September 20th

Snatch progression
15 min of
- power snatch
- hang power snatch
- hang snatch
- snatch

5 rounds for time:
5 dead lifts 205#
35-30-25-20-15 double unders

No idea what my time was.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Crossfit log for Wednesday, September 19th


3 rounds for time:
-run 400m (actually 372m)
-30 kettle bell swings 24kg
-12 pull ups


Isabelle started the clock while I was still untying my shoe to tighten it, so lost some time there. First round was unbroken, second and third had to break up the kettle bell both cases doing 17, 8, 5 and last round I had to break the pull ups 6 and 6.

I'm happy with this result.

(note: kettle bell swings should've been 21 reps. Oops).

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Crossfit log for Tuesday, September 18th

No strength Tuesdays??? What is this?

WOD was another, "do we really understand what Frank was going for here"?

So with a 12 min cap do 3:00 AMRAP, 1:00 rest, 6:00 AMRAP 1 min rest. That adds up to 11min... and when do you ever end on a rest.

20 wall balls 20#
30 box jumps 20"
20 kettle bell sumo dead lift high pull 20kg
30 burpees
20 shoulder to over head 105# (dropped to 95# after 5 and lost a ton of time)
30 double unders
20 sit ups
30 push ups

made it to 3 sit ups. Meh.

Run at lunch   4.06km in 20:30 along the canal.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

PEC half marathon training log for Sunday, September 16th

Spent half an hour in bed talking myself into going for my run this morning. Was out the door in the dark at 6:00am, didn't see my shadow until 10 to 7.

Wasn't so bad once I got going. 18.9km around Orleans. Better than last week, that's for sure.

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Friday, 14 September 2012

Crossfit log for Friday, September 14th

Solid workout today.

Close grip bench press again (yuck, at least give me regular bench press)!!

Made it to 1 RM of 155# this time on my second attempt. New PR!

Then we did Jackie:

Row 1000m
50 thruster @ 45#
30 pull ups.

My previous best was 13:55, I smashed it! Finishing in 10:26.

I paced my self well on the row, starting at just under 2:00/500m and holding almost to the end (instead of my usual first 300m at 1:45/500m and fading to 2:10-2:15 for the rest), so my time was same as usual but my legs weren't destroyed for the thrusters.

Decided to do 5 sets of 10 for the thrusters, but I was feeling so good I kept going, but thankfully I caught myself on #11 and took a break, the second 10 was just as easy, the 3rd, not so much, the 4th ended up being 2 sets of 5, but I was able to string together 10 to finish it out. Although I felt really strong for the first 20, you deteriorate very quickly, even with only 45#.

Same deal on the pull ups, 3 sets of 10. First two, no problem, then I got to the third set and there was 9:40 on the clock. I thought for a minute I could break 10:00, but after only 5, it was already 9:55, so I dropped of the bar, regrouped and hammered out the last 5.

Solid. 2 PRs.  Halo in place. Now for two days off Crossfit (just a couple of long runs).

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Crossfit log for Thursday, September 13th

Strength work, back squat 4 sets of 8 reps working up to "heavy" whatever that means.

Did 95#-115#-135#-155#

WOD was 5 rounds of 15-12-9-6-3 reps
-wall balls 14#
-snatches 95# (I did 65#, I was able to power snatch, since I can't catch in a squat, hence the lower weight),

Did good, 12:19

Run at lunch on the treadmill:
5 x 4:30 at 4:20, 4:17, 4:14, 4:11, 4:08
on 1:30 rest

Felt good. Last 0:45 on the last one was a bit rough.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Crossfit log for Wednesday, September 12th

WOD only Wednesday.

Run 2km (1.9km)
- 20 kettle bell swings 20kg.
- 15 shoulder to overhead 75# (choice of: press, push press, push jerk, split jerk, whatever gets that bar overhead)
- 10 ring dips
- 15 shoulder to overhead 75#
- 20 kettle bell swings 20kg.
- 1 rope climb.

Finished the run in 8:46, total time was 18:19. Ring dips were rough, and the second time through the push press was really rough.

Good workout.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Crossfit log for Tuesday, September 11th

Worked on split jerk today, but instead of racked in a front squat position, the bar was across our backs like the start of a back squat, and we just did the dip and drive into a split squat. This way is supposed to provide a straighter vertical motion that the front rack often compromises in beginners.

Did okay. I've made lots of progress in my should mobility, but I still a ways to go and this kind of work really makes it apparent.

The WOD was rough.
4 x 3min rounds on 1 min rest
- 2 handstand push ups (or 6 hand release push ups) I opted for the handstand variety
-10 kettle bell snatches 16kg (5 each arm)
-12 ball slams 16lbs ball

Did 2 full rounds the first 3:00, then made it to 8 ball slams of the 4th round on the second, then I was only halfway the kettle bells of round 6 by the third and finished round 7 and just started the handstand push ups for round 8 when the timer rang.

So score was 7 + 1. Would've been faster with regular push ups, but I liked the challenge of the hand stand ones.

PEC half marathon training log for Tuesday, September 11th

Did the frog workout last night at the Y in Orleans. The lame imperial speed only, no metric, no pace TV screen treadmills are okay for this workout.

Started at 6.4mph (5:49/km) and incremented by 0.2mph every 2 minutes
(5:39, 5:29, 5:19, 5:10, 5:02, 4:54, 4:46, 4:39, 4:32, 4:26, 4:20, 4:14, 4:08, 4:03)

Made it the full 30 minutes, I think that's a first. Not sure where to take this.

Should I start at 6.6mph, or try to go 32 min?? Or I could start even slower like 5.8 or 6.0 and increment by 0.3mph every 2 min...

I'll have to think about it.

Monday, 10 September 2012

PEC half marathon training log for Sunday, September 9th

Thoroughly unenjoyable run late yesterday evening.

Did my obligatory 10km yesterday in 50:17.
Had 12-15km on the schedule.
Didn't get up early to go before Kiza went to run the race course downtown.
Didn't go run when Kiza got home at noon.
Didn't go run when I got back from errands at 3:00.
No, instead I sat in bed at 7:30 after the kids were down and tried to reason my way out of running altogether.

If I run today, I wouldn't go to Crossfit in the morning.

(M)e - I could get up early and run in the morning instead of going to Crossfit.
My (C)onscience - Who are you kidding, that won't happen.
(M) - I could just skip this run, go to Crossfit, then I could take the garbage out in the morning.
(C) -Great way to start a training schedule, skip the first long run.
(M) - How about I run tomorrow evening?
(C) - The point was to run back to back days, plus Tuesday is speed work, you don't want a long run in your legs from the previous day.
(M) -There has to be a solution that doesn't involve me going out on this chilly evening.
(C) -Yeah, there was, if you'd gone earlier in the day you moron.
(M) - Do I have to do this?
(C) -Just go already.
(M) -Fine.

Took me until almost 5km to feel comfortable. After that is wasn't so bad. I did the bare minimum. 12.42km @ around a 5:30/km pace. Took the garbage out when I got home.

At least it's done.

Friday, 7 September 2012

Crossfit log for Friday, September 7th

Excellent day at Physics Crossfit today.

PR'd my push press at 140lbs (up from 135#), almost made 145#.

WOD was made for me.

4 rounds
2 rope climbs 15'
8 dead lifts 185#
run 320m


Finished first for once! Yay me!

PEC half marathon training log for Friday, September 7th

Finally ran. Crazy week, with new day care, Delilah starting school, and coming down with a fever, I've been home from work a lot, walk-through the house with the new adjuster and the contractors for the rebuild, I haven't run since Monday's 19km.

Thankfully I had a solid speed work session on the lame treadmill at the Y.

10:00 @ 5:33/km
4:30 @ 4:26/km
1:30 rest 10:00/km
4:30 @ 4:23
1:30 rest 10:00/km
4:30 @ 4:20
1:30 rest 10:00/km
4:30 @ 4:17
1:30 rest 10:00/km
4:30 @ 4:14

Had the treadmill at 0.5% incline. Couldn't do actual km repeats, since I didn't know my pace, I couldn't go by time, and the distance was in miles so I couldn't go by that. So I made all the repeats 4.5 minutes so each one was a bit longer than the last, and thankfully all over 1km (I wasn't sure at the time because I didn't know if 8.4mph was faster than a 4:30/km pace or not.

It all worked out.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

PEC half marathon / Goofy Training plan

I think I'll be using this plan as a basis:

I will definitely be tailoring it to remove hill repeats and add focus speed work instead of fartleks, and I may reduce it to 4 runs/week, likely Tuesday speed work (400m, 800m, 1km or mile repeats) and Thursday Tempo (or progression) and drop the Wednesday... but I digress

PEC would be at the end of week 5 of this program. So I'll take a week off (well not completely off) and resume on week 7.

Crossfit log for Thursday, September 6th

So no strength today, I guess with labour day, today was "Wednesday"

We did a variation of "fight gone bad". They called it "football gone bad", whatever.

5 stations, 1 min each followed by 1 min rest, times 3.
- dumbbell thrusters
- box jumps
- push up
- double unders
- row

Scored 254. (72, 96, 86). Second round I got a good string if double unders.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Crossfit log for Wednesday, September 5th

Not my favorite workout.

Worked on Power Jerk. Did fairly well, as I'm working through my mobility issues. 5 sets. Reps 5-5-3-2-2 did 75#-75#-95#-116#-116#

WOD was Grace (30 clean and jerks for time)
Rx is 135# - yeah, not happening
Blue Rx was 115#, opted for 105#

There was a 10 min cap, I made it to 27 reps. Meh.

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

PEC / Crossfit training log for Tuesday, September 4th

Ran yesterday. 19km. Felt really good. Tried really hard to keep the pace slow, and managed 5:50/km average.

Glad to be essentially be "half marathon ready" with a few weeks to go before PEC. I'll need to look at a Goofy training schedule to figure out when to start building the serious mileage.

Crossfit today:
Strength, back squat 2 rep max.
Managed 2 @ 185# without problem (I had done 3 reps at that weight in the past). My 1 rep max was 205#, so tried that. I was good for one, but not the second. (Likely could've done 195#)

WOD was called Modified "Seven" (I have no idea what an unmodified "Seven" is).
4 rounds for time (12 minute cap)
7 hand release push ups
7 thrusters 95#
7 knees to elbow
7 power cleans 95#
7 burpees
7 kettle bell swings 24kg
7 pull ups

Didn't quite make 3 rounds, 2 + 2 burpees, thrusters were the limiter again.

Saturday, 1 September 2012