Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Crossfit log for Wednesday, July 18th: Hooked up with Fran, finally.

Just before the fire (life is now separated into "before the fire" and "after the fire"), I missed my date with Fran, I got my chance to make it up today.

Fran is a benchmark workout in Crossfit. It's three rounds of thrusters and pull ups.  21 reps of each the first round, followed by 15 and then 9.  A thruster is a barbell exercise where the bar is racked on your deltoids under your chin. From standing, you do a front squat, then you thrust upwards to standing and with that momentum, push press the bar overhead, then return the bar to the rack position for 1 rep.  The prescribed weight for men is 95lbs on the bar.

I'm not there yet. I've tried 65lbs, 75lbs and even 85lbs with varying degrees of success.
My previous Fran efforts have been :
Sept 2, 2011: 13:22 @ 75#
Oct 8, 2011: 9:44 @ 75#
Nov 19, 2011: 13:35 @ 85#
Jan 23, 2012: 8:12 @ 65#
April 6, 2012: 9:16 @ 75#

Today: 7:24 @ 75# !!!! knocking nearly two minutes off Fran is a big improvement.  I'm not sure if I took fewer breaks than previous efforts, but I am sure the breaks were shorter, I made a conscious effort to minimize the time I spent panting and wallowing in self-pity staring at the bar, and just got back to work.

In November after my fiasco, some athletes that used lighter weight and band-assisted pull-ups had times close to 6:00. Francois said they needed to up the weight and us less assistive bands. They were getting too fast at their current effort.

Previously he had said, over 10 minutes and you aren't getting the metabolic conditioning. In fact he sometimes caps the workout at 10:00.

So I think that's my plan. I'll go back to 75# to get back under 10:00 and work until I can go sub 7:00 or sub 6:30 before I increase the weight again.

I went unbroken the first round at 65lbs in January, but I made it to only 16 of the first 21 today, so I also want to be able to do the first 21 thruster unbroken before I move up. I think next time might be the last at 75lbs. We'll see.

So at the very least, I got a good plan out of today's workout.

Plan is working. I think I'll add to that plan, that the first 21 thrusters have to be unbroken before I move up to 85#. I went unbroken the first round at 65# in January, and I made to 16 of the first 21 today. So I think next time might be the last at 75#. We'll see.

I broke up the work, round 1, thrusters 16 + 5, pull ups 15 + 6, round 2 thrusters 5 + 5 + 5, pull ups: 5 + 5 + 5, round 3: thrusters 5 + 2 + 2, pull ups 9! I was going to break them up, but coach Isabelle was standing right next to me yelling "UNBROKEN! UNBROKEN! DON'T STOP", makes it hard to drop off the bar with that going on!

Very pleased with this.

At lunch I did the Frog in the pot of boiling water workout on the lousy treadmills at the Y, the only work out I can really do on them.Started at 6.4 mph increased by 0.2mph ever 2 minutes. Stopped at 26:00 at 8.8mph (approx. 4:19/km) not stellar, but solid. Needed to go 4 more minutes but I didn't have it today. Maybe doing this on the same day as Fran isn't such a good idea.

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