Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Running log for Wednesday, July 11th

So last night's 5km time trial was a total bust. I got there too late (corralling kids is like corralling cats sometimes), so I took off quickly to warm up. It was like 6:45.Kiza  had said she'd start it at 7:00.

Instead of staying around the soccer field, once I got the end of the field where the rest of the route started, I ran out the start of the route, planned to go 4:00 out and 4:00 back. As I'm running back, when I get to the soccer field, the group is running towards me. They had started early. I was bewildered. A few of the clinic members convinced Kiza that I had already started my own personal time trial (she really should've known better, but I was nowhere in sight). So I went back to the started, tried to get my heart rate down and drink some water. I took off 2:30ish behind the group.

So naturally I started way too fast to try and catch up. And it was really hot and dry, my throat was parched by the turn around. Thankfully someone was there with water so I managed to get a quick drink. I bummed some water from a fellow runner with less than a kilometre to go. I got a stitch in kilometre 3, and had to walk for a few seconds.

Finished in 22:23. It was a disaster. We'll try it again in 8 weeks, see what I can muster.

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