Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Crossfit log for Tuesday, July 31st

Rough day. Last day before vacation. I think I'm due for a break. A lot of progress and PR's over the past few weeks but it's taking its toll.

Shoulder press for strength work. 3 sets of 10.
-first set was 65lbs. Hard but doable.
-second set was 75lbs, succumbed to peer pressure.
-third set at 75lbs made it to 5 and I was done.

Should have stayed at 65lbs. Oh well.

WOD was a slugfest.
Called the "Quarter gone bad" (same idea as "Fight Gone Bad", but fewer exercises, but more rounds)

5 rounds for reps
15 seconds - thrusters 95#
45 seconds rest
15 seconds - weighted pull ups
45 seconds rest
15 seconds - burpees
45 seconds rest

Couldn't get the thrusters going. only managed 3 per round (except round 1, the clock started and I wasn't at my station).
Can't kip very well with dumb bell between my feet, so this was rough.
Burpees are burpees, they just suck. Managed 6 each time. Tried for seven, last 3 rounds, couldn't get it.

Total score 72.

Monday, 30 July 2012

Crossfit log for Monday, July 30th

Fantastic morning at Crossfit and physio.

1 rep max back squat. Don't think I've ever done this. The best I can find is a 3 rep effort that I only managed 2 reps at 185lbs.

Today I back squatted 205lbs. Finally over 200 pounds. Only 50lbs to go to meet my 2012 goal of squatting 1.5 times by body weight.

Another running WOD. Did heavier weight than called for.

4 rounds for time:
-run 200m (165m)
-10 dead lifts 155# (blue scaled + 20#)
-10 box jumps 30"


Very solid on the dead lifts.

I had it in my head that 45# plates on the bar added up to 125# (when in fact it adds up to 135# which was what blue scaled called for), so to go from 125# to 135# I'd have to add 5# to each side, but we don't have 5# plates, so I added 10# plates to each side, which in my flawed logic totalled 145# (when in fact it was 155#). Barbell math sucks.

Rx was 185#, I was doing blue. Their box jumps were 39" (but they only had 5 per round), so I was happy to be between blue and Rx for weight.

Physio was great, lots of progress. Hamstring flexibility went from 50º to 70º, medial hip rotation at full hip extension went from 20º on both sides to 45º (normal) on the left, but only 25º on the right (so something else going on there, more exercises prescribed). Shoulders improved as well, over head from 105-110º to 150-160º, internal rotation also improved dramatically, but I don't remember the numbers.

I guess with my added mobility I'm actually engaging my glutes, which would explain the squat PR and the solid dead lifts in the WOD.

Friday, 27 July 2012

Crossfit log for Friday, July 27th

Physio is definitely working.

I've never been able to do handstand push ups.
Almost a year ago, I wrote:
Anyway, then we worked on hand stand push up skills. I have none. Managed to get a handstand going, but as soon as I locked out my shoulders it would push my body forward away from the wall.

I haven't had any success since and have always resorted to doing them with my feet on a box in a pike position.

You need proper shoulder position to keep your balance when locked out at the apex. Because of my poor mobility I've always fallen away from the wall when I lock out because my shoulder drives my torso forward. I lose my lumbar spine as my back arches to allow my arms to reach back enough to be in line with my centre of gravity.

Not today. After a week and a half of physio, working to get my shoulder in a proper position for rotation, we had handstand push ups in the WOD, so during the skills part before the WOD I figured I was due to try them again. Well. I just walked up to the wall, got into a handstand and belted out 5 in a row as if I'd been doing them my whole life.

This brought mixed emotion. I was very excited by this accomplishment, but I knew if Isabelle saw, she'd make me do them in the WOD. Excitement won out.

After strength work of finding 1 rep max close grip bench press (146lbs) it was right into the WOD

3 rounds for time:
- 10 knees to elbows
- 5 handstand push ups + 5 hand release push ups
- Run 400m (330m)

Did toes to bar first round, but after that, stuck with knees to elbows for the handstand/regular push ups did 5 + 5 first round, 3 + 7 second round and 4 + 6 third. I'll take it.

Time: 9:56

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Crossfit log for Thursday, July 26th

Did 1 1/4 back squats. Some fancy new strength move. Squat down, recover to just above parallel, back down to full squat, recover to full extension

Supposed to be 4 sets of 3, read it wrong, did 3 sets of 4, oh well.

WOD was a birthday WOD (Sue turned 35 today)
2 rounds:
35 wall balls 20#
53 double unders (because 35 wasn't enough)
35 sit ups
35 kettle bell swings (to eye level) 20kg

Round 2 sucked.
Time was in the 12 to 13 minutes range I think, waiting for confirmation.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Crossfit log for Wednesday, July 25th

WOD Wednesdays.

WOD was a good one.

5 rounds
-10 push press 85#
-run 200m (184m actually)
-1 rope climb.

Blue scaled for the push press was 95#. I wanted to do 75#... so I split the difference and went 85#. It was hard but I did it. First two rounds were unbroken, three and four had one break. Last round unbroken again.

Felt pretty solid with 85#, looks good for my next Fran.

Time was 12:45

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Crossfit log for Tuesday, July 24th

A week of Personal Bests.

Last Tuesday I PR'd my dead lift.
Last Wednesday I PR'd Fran.
Last Friday I Rx'd the overhead lung WOD
and today I PR'd my clean.

145lbs, did it twice. Solid. Pretty good progress from 120lbs just this past April 23rd. Only 25lbs to go to meet my 2012 goal of cleaning my body weight.

The WOD was challenging. 15min AMRAP
-5 power cleans 105lbs bar
-10 air squats
-15 ball slams 12lbs ball

Made 8 full rounds + 13 (5 cleans and 8 squats).

Solid workout.

Hamstring are sore from yesterday's good mornings, and traps are sore from, everything else, including the physio I've been doing, but I'm making progress. I did something that resembles an overhead squat with a practice bar (another 2012 goal). Progress is good.

Monday, 23 July 2012

Crossfit log for Monday, July 23rd

It may be the placebo effect, but I feel like I'm already noticing a difference thanks to the physio exercises I've been doing.

The bottom of my squat feels easier since I've been working my hamstring, and my shoulder feels better than ever.

So today we did "good-mornings" for strength.

Worked up max for 5 reps. Made it to 117lbs. in 4 rounds.

WOD was 4 rounds for time:
-15 dead lifts @145#
-12 burpee box jumps 20" box
-10 rings dips (assisted with blue rubber band)


Not much fun. A real sweat fest.

Friday, 20 July 2012

In the mood for paleo

I started eating paleo (aka the caveman or hunter gatherer diet) last October.

There are a couple of reasons I decided to give it a try:
  • after 10 years of running, triathlon and nearly a year of Crossfit, I still had a gut and weight close to 190lbs.  
  • It seemed like a very popular diet among Crossfitters and I wanted to see what all the hoopla was about.
  • I won't do diets (or lifestyles or meal plans or whatever you want to call it) where I have to measure, weigh, count, calculate or account for what goes in my mouth.
  • and finally, (this was the clincher for me) I saw this video of Dr. Terry Wahls on feeding your body the nutrients it needs to stay healthy, and how through diet she reversed her symptoms cause my multiple sclerosis.  Her diet, it turns out, is essentially paleo.
The premise behind the paleo diet is to feed our bodies what the human body ate during the hundreds of thousands of years of it's evolution before the agricultural revolution.  So basically meat (including organ meat), fish and shellfish, leafy greens, vegetables, fruit, nuts, seaweed, insects, etc...  (now before you go all "gross"! on me, I'm not strict paleo, I don't eat bugs, in fact I don't know of any "paleo" eaters that do, but it wouldn't be incompatible with the diet). So no processed foods, no food with sugar added, no gains or rice, no legumes including peanuts (other nuts are fine) and no dairy. Potatoes seem to be a point of contention among paleo aficionados, I eat them on occasion.  I also eat dairy, but as I mentioned, I'm not what would be called "strict paleo". 

I like the idea of eating what our bodies ate as we evolved as a species, so I guess that's a fifth reason.  My sister asked, wouldn't we have evolved in the last ten thousand years to adapt to bread and grain? And I thought she had a point. But once I really thought about it, we probably had, to a certain extent. Anyone who could not process wheat, barley, oats and whatnot, would've died at a young age, and those incompatible genes would've been removed from the gene pool, but any effects that manifest after child bearing years, like hardened arteries, disease from years of nutrient weak diet, or effects that weren't fatal, would still be around today. 

Without bread or pasta to fill my belly, my vegetable intake has skyrocketed. I lost ten pounds the first month and five more over the following two months.  Now I've stabilized at 170lbs and I feel great. My gut is all but gone, and for the first time in my life, I'm seeing some definition in my abs.  *glee*

The other interesting side effect is this.  Before, every once in a while, like every month or two, I'd fall into a sad mood, a kind of melancholy that lasted a three or four days, sometimes more. When I got this way, nothing seemed worthwhile, nothing seemed to have a point.  I had become used to it and was aware of it, so I knew if I just coasted through it (and made no decision during it), it would pass and I'd be fine.

Kiza pointed out to me that it hasn't happened since October.

Until last Monday after the family reunions that is.  Coming down from the excitement of two reunions (the Sauvé side on Saturday and the much smaller Dubeau side on Sunday), I was a bit sad that it was over.  More than a bit sad, it was that familiar melancholy settling in that I hadn't felt in over half a year.  But then I realized, I ate cake (well mostly icing, and not just a little) at the Sauvé reunion, and ice cream cake and dessert pizza at the Dubeau reunion. 

I returned to my regular diet and by the end of  Tuesday the feeling had gone.

I think the combination of the emotional down turn of the big weekend being over, combined with the sugary food in my diet threw my hormone response out of balance.

I think I'll just stick with paleo.  It seems to be working for me.

Crossfit log for Friday, July 20th

Fight Gone Bad.

First we did shoulder press to 1 rep max. I lifted my max of 105# easily, but then jumped to 116# and couldn't do it. Should have tried 110lbs, but instead tried 115# (like that would've been sooooo much easier!)

Then we did Fight Gone Bad.
3 rounds for score: 5 minute (1 min at each station) 1 minute rest between rounds.
-wallball 20# med ball 10' target (1 rep = 1 point)
-sumo dead lift high pull 75# bar (1 rep = 1 point)
-box jumps 24" box (1 rep = 1 point)
-push press (1 rep = 1 point)
-row (1 cal = 1 point)

Last time I did this was the end of May and scored a huge PB at Rx weight (75# bar, 20# med ball) of 234 (up from 182, although I'd scored 250 @ 55#/14# between those two efforts).

Today I went 217. Not sure where I lost time, the wall balls sucked, and the sumo dead lift were rough too. Did fairly well on the push press and rower. Box jumps saved me, just cranked those out.

Anyway, can't PB every time. Coming off Fran, I'll take it.

New guy's second day and it's fight gone bad. Poor guy. His first day was Fran!

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Crossfit log for Thursday, July 19th

On October 19th 2011, I wrote:

4 rounds for time
-24 overhead walking lunges (2 lengths of the gym) 25#.
(Rx was 45#  yikes!)
-20 burpees (my favourite)


My poor hamstrings and glutes.

Revisited this WOD today.

Did Rx. Took me 15:45, but I Rx'd it.

Went to see a physio therapist. Yikes. I got issues. But now I know about them and am taking steps to correct them. The future looks bright. 

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Sau many Sauvés

I have forty first cousins on my father's side. (Edit: that's a lie, I have 39. Including me, we are forty first cousins).

Of the thirteen siblings in my dad's family, only eight remain.  They were all present for the family reunion this past weekend.  This year would've marked the one hundredth birthday for both their parents, Joe and Audrey, who were born six months apart in 1912 (Audrey being the older).

These thirteen produced forty grand-children spanning 36 or 37 years.  All but six showed up. Most have kids of their own, many are grand-parents themselves.

There were a lot of Sauvés. It was somewhat overwhelming.  My godmother, Aunt Irene, my dad's oldest remaining sister organized it with the help of my uncle Ken, dad's younger brother, and as family reunions go, it was pretty good.

We arrived about halfway through the event, which ran from one o'clock to seven in the evening, so we were only there about three hours. The room was big enough, but the air conditioning wasn't able to keep up.  It wasn't unbearably warm, but it was warm.  I might have a different perspective if we'd been there the whole time. The food was excellent

I got to meet a few people for the first time, and many I hadn't seen in ages.  My cousins from Prince Edward Island made the trip, I'd only ever met the oldest, Joel and he wasn't much more than a toddler, now he's a grown man, with such a genuine smile that shines through his eyes, it's contagious.  His little brother Logan, whom I'd never met, isn't so little and according to my older daughter looks like he should be a model for Hollister (whatever that means).   Sadly I didn't get a chance to talk to their sisters, Marla and Leah.  I guess I'll have to plan a trip to the little island.

Some cousins we see more often so I tried not to spend too much time with them as I'll likely see them at Christmas, or sooner.  I tried to focus on those that came from out of town, like Uncle Gerry and Aunt Georgette and the other James Sauvé (when they named their son, they thought, as did everyone, that my name was Jamie), who made the trip from Calgary.

Spoke with my cousin John, who has always been something of a role model for me. It's really too bad he is so much older than I am, I suspect we would've had some great times in our youth had we only been a few years closer in age. I finally got to meet his husband Chris, who had a keen sense of observation and a quick friendly smile.

Shared some quick words (too quick, but there were so many people) with the Lagacé clan (Richard, Robert and Laura; and Uncle Lionel and Aunt Mary Lou), and my cousins Keith, Erin, Megan, Uncle Ken and Aunt Ann's family (somehow missed Shelly). Briefly spoke to my Uncle Alan and his sons Darren and Greg, finally met Greg's wife Corrie; Saw Uncle Jim, Aunt Anita and her kids Peter and Theresa, and so many of my Uncle Ron's daughters (Judy, Cheryl, Debbie, Kylie and Stefanie), many of which are friends on Facebook, but I was meeting a couple for the first time in person. 

The group pictures were pure mayhem, but it was fun. We got a shot of the second-cousins, so all my children and the children of all my cousins. It was staggering, and not all of them were there!  My older daughter wondered why there were adults in the picture.  At 11 years old the age ranges involved was hard for her to grasp.  Being the middle child of the middle child, there are plenty above and below me in the age chart,  many of the older are grand-parents, but many of the young have not even started their families yet.  So there will be more!

I think the most important thing was for the kids and Kiza to meet my family.  They had met bits and pieces before, but this really showed them that we are part of something incredibly big.

There were way too many people that I didn't get a chance to chat with. I guess we'll have to do it again next year!

Crossfit log for Wednesday, July 18th: Hooked up with Fran, finally.

Just before the fire (life is now separated into "before the fire" and "after the fire"), I missed my date with Fran, I got my chance to make it up today.

Fran is a benchmark workout in Crossfit. It's three rounds of thrusters and pull ups.  21 reps of each the first round, followed by 15 and then 9.  A thruster is a barbell exercise where the bar is racked on your deltoids under your chin. From standing, you do a front squat, then you thrust upwards to standing and with that momentum, push press the bar overhead, then return the bar to the rack position for 1 rep.  The prescribed weight for men is 95lbs on the bar.

I'm not there yet. I've tried 65lbs, 75lbs and even 85lbs with varying degrees of success.
My previous Fran efforts have been :
Sept 2, 2011: 13:22 @ 75#
Oct 8, 2011: 9:44 @ 75#
Nov 19, 2011: 13:35 @ 85#
Jan 23, 2012: 8:12 @ 65#
April 6, 2012: 9:16 @ 75#

Today: 7:24 @ 75# !!!! knocking nearly two minutes off Fran is a big improvement.  I'm not sure if I took fewer breaks than previous efforts, but I am sure the breaks were shorter, I made a conscious effort to minimize the time I spent panting and wallowing in self-pity staring at the bar, and just got back to work.

In November after my fiasco, some athletes that used lighter weight and band-assisted pull-ups had times close to 6:00. Francois said they needed to up the weight and us less assistive bands. They were getting too fast at their current effort.

Previously he had said, over 10 minutes and you aren't getting the metabolic conditioning. In fact he sometimes caps the workout at 10:00.

So I think that's my plan. I'll go back to 75# to get back under 10:00 and work until I can go sub 7:00 or sub 6:30 before I increase the weight again.

I went unbroken the first round at 65lbs in January, but I made it to only 16 of the first 21 today, so I also want to be able to do the first 21 thruster unbroken before I move up. I think next time might be the last at 75lbs. We'll see.

So at the very least, I got a good plan out of today's workout.

Plan is working. I think I'll add to that plan, that the first 21 thrusters have to be unbroken before I move up to 85#. I went unbroken the first round at 65# in January, and I made to 16 of the first 21 today. So I think next time might be the last at 75#. We'll see.

I broke up the work, round 1, thrusters 16 + 5, pull ups 15 + 6, round 2 thrusters 5 + 5 + 5, pull ups: 5 + 5 + 5, round 3: thrusters 5 + 2 + 2, pull ups 9! I was going to break them up, but coach Isabelle was standing right next to me yelling "UNBROKEN! UNBROKEN! DON'T STOP", makes it hard to drop off the bar with that going on!

Very pleased with this.

At lunch I did the Frog in the pot of boiling water workout on the lousy treadmills at the Y, the only work out I can really do on them.Started at 6.4 mph increased by 0.2mph ever 2 minutes. Stopped at 26:00 at 8.8mph (approx. 4:19/km) not stellar, but solid. Needed to go 4 more minutes but I didn't have it today. Maybe doing this on the same day as Fran isn't such a good idea.

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Crossfit log for Tuesday, July 17th

Skill work: Split jerk. Lighter weight to focus on form, 75#.

5 rounds for time
30-25-20-15-10 double unders
5-10-15-20-25 kettle bell swings 20kg

Did really well, even on the double unders, until the last round, couldn't string together 4 in a row, and even the kettle bell, I had to break it up.


I'll take it.

At lunch I did dead lifts at the Y, since I missed Crossfit on Monday and they did dead lifts.

PR'd at 255lbs, but my back wasn't very pretty. But I did it.

Friday, 13 July 2012

Crossfit log for Friday, July 13th

Interesting workout today.

Strength work was floor press, like bench press, minus the bench. You obviously can go as low because you elbows can go past the floor. I'm not sure I get the point, but I managed 165lbs, so better then my best bench press. Woot. :?

The WOD was a good one.
500m row
1 rope climb
10 thrusters 75#
1 rope climb
8 thrusters
1 rope climb
5 thrusters


Thrusters were hard. I don't like them. I should've done women's red Rx instead of men's blue, the rope climbs were 3 climbs, 2 climbs 1 climb but the thruster were 65# instead of 75#.

But it was good, fast and intense. I liked it.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Crossfit log for Thursday, July 12th

Today we did "snatch balance". Well everyone else did, I still can't overhead squat, so I worked on that with an empty bar instead. It's better than before, but still needs a ton of work.

Snatch balance is practice of the last part of the snatch. So rather than driving the bar up in front of you, you start with the bar on your shoulders, and simply dip at the knees and hips and drive the bar up to catch it in an overhead squat.

I'll get there.

WOD was another rough one
3 rounds 21-15-9
-kettle bell swing 20kg
-wall balls 14lbs


Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Crossfit log for Wednesday, July 11th

Wednesday seems to have become the WOD only day. No strength work.

Thankfully it wasn't very leg intensive, so I should be good for this evening's 5km time trial.

4 rounds of 3:00 AMRAP on 1:00 rest # of reps for score.
- 5 triceps dips
- 6 ground to overhead 95#
- 9 air squats.

Scored 114. Made 1 full round each of the 3:00 minute rounds, made it through the second set of dips each time, never got the squats the second time, did 3 sometimes 4 ground to over head each round except the last, I only got 2.

Running log for Wednesday, July 11th

So last night's 5km time trial was a total bust. I got there too late (corralling kids is like corralling cats sometimes), so I took off quickly to warm up. It was like 6:45.Kiza  had said she'd start it at 7:00.

Instead of staying around the soccer field, once I got the end of the field where the rest of the route started, I ran out the start of the route, planned to go 4:00 out and 4:00 back. As I'm running back, when I get to the soccer field, the group is running towards me. They had started early. I was bewildered. A few of the clinic members convinced Kiza that I had already started my own personal time trial (she really should've known better, but I was nowhere in sight). So I went back to the started, tried to get my heart rate down and drink some water. I took off 2:30ish behind the group.

So naturally I started way too fast to try and catch up. And it was really hot and dry, my throat was parched by the turn around. Thankfully someone was there with water so I managed to get a quick drink. I bummed some water from a fellow runner with less than a kilometre to go. I got a stitch in kilometre 3, and had to walk for a few seconds.

Finished in 22:23. It was a disaster. We'll try it again in 8 weeks, see what I can muster.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Crossfit log for Tuesday, July 10th

We did split jerk for strength. Did 95#, tried a couple of times at 115# but it was too heavy.

Did 4 sets of 4 reps super set with 8 reps of ring rows.

WOD was 4 rounds for time
- 10 plate push ups (alternating 1 rep hands on plates, 1 rep hands on floor)
- 10 pull ups (unbroken)
- 20 sit ups


Monday, 9 July 2012

Crossfit log for Monday, July 9th

New PR in the Front Squat. 175lbs

It wasn't pretty, but at 165lbs I had no problem (my previous PR). This is an important step towards my goal of cleaning my body weight, since once I receive the bar in a front squat I still have to stand it up.

Another Runner's WOD. I'm beginning to think this is the new normal.

6 rounds
-Run 200m (actually 165m)
-6 sumo dead lifts 165#

Did 8:19. Got chicked. Granted she's lifting way lighter. I'd pass her on the run, but she'd make it up on the dead lifts. Each round I'd take a little longer to catch her. Oh well. I didn't hurt my back, which is what happened last time on the sumo dead lifts. So win.

Friday, 6 July 2012

Crossfit log for Friday, July 6th

More bench press. New PR 145#, and I'm sure I could've gone heavier (not by much but still), it was a bit slow to get all the way up, but I was on control the whole time and wasn't spent. 150# next time for sure.

But a PR is a PR, I'll take it.

WOD was another rough one.

4 rounds for time
- 10 thrusters
- 10 back squats
- 5 box jumps 30"

Same bar for thrusters and squats, men's scaled blue was 85#, but I opted for 75#. Wise move. Squats at that weight were easy, but the box jumps on tired legs sucked

Not sure what my time was, around 10 min.

Running log for Friday, July 6th

So over the July long weekend the Y upgraded their equipment.

The got rid of all the good treadmill and replaced them with all TV touch screen treadmills that don't display pace, are hugely unresponsive and are only in miles (so miles per hour not even minutes per mile)!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gah!!!!!!!!

One of the old treadmill remains, in the isolation room at the back of the change room were guys who don't want to workout in public view and use the TM, bike or elliptical.

So I did my intervals there. Sucked. It's stuffy and you can't people-watch. I did get to watch some Wimbledon (Murray vs Tsonga) and got in 4 kilomter repeats @ 4:10/km 4:10/km 4:08/km and 4:06/km at 0.5% incline.

It was a sweat fest, but legs and lungs felt pretty good. The last one was hard, I might of been able to do one more, but decided to take it easy since I'm still in strep throat recovery mode.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Crossfit log for Thursday, July 5th

Today we worked on snatch. Not my strong suit, but I did okay. My lift and transition are really good, but the catch is worthless. Upper thoracic and shoulder mobility issues again.

Although it was clearly better than ever before, there is still a long way to go. I think I might see about at least talking to a physio therapist, maybe get some kind of assessment done.

The WOD was designed with me in mind.

4 rounds of
- run 400m (more like 340m, but whatever)
-15 burpees

So kinda like a burpee mile instead of a beer mile. My beer mile was faster despite the run being shorter. I guess it takes me longer to do 15 burpees than to drink a beer!

One of the few times I've finished first.

My shoulder and upper thoracic mobility is still very poor, even after over a year of Crossfit. I can't help thinking there must be some specific stretches or exercises that would help.

I improved my hip mobility by holding deep squats for a long time on a regular basis and doing the "couch stretch" on my hip flexor and quad for what seemed like weeks and weeks. My mobility in my hips is night and day compared to last year. My shoulders are still pretty much the same.

It's one of the last things holding me back from what I expect to be some dramatic improvements. Kinda the last piece of the puzzle if you wish. I gotta DO something. It ain't taking care of itself, that's for sure.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Crossfit log for Wednesday, July 4th

No strength work today. But the WOD was a killer

18 min effort

Every minute on the minute for 5 min:
- 5 dead lifts 165#
- 20 double unders

immediately followed by
Every minute on the minute for 5 min:
- 10 kettle bell swings 20kg
- 15 double unders

immediately followed by
Every minute on the minute for 8 min:
-5 pull ups
-10 push ups
-15 air squats

It was a sweat fest. Double unders slowed me down yet again, so I was always starting the next minute late, sometimes I'd catch up only be late the next round.

When we got through the double unders I started the pull ups a full 20 seconds back. In a crunch I can pump out the air squats really fast, so round 12 was only 5 seconds. Now it was the push ups killing me. By round 15 I was starting the squats at the bell, so I just finished them and took the rest of the minute off, hoping to hold it together and finish 7 full rounds out of the 8, but I still couldn't. Managed 6 full round plus the pull ups. I had 10 seconds to go, but I wasn't going to start doing push ups with so little time left so I let the time run out.

Rough one.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Crossfit log for Tuesday, July 3rd

Tiring workout. Relentless really.

Started with more press (apparently we are weak in the press, therefore, more press)
4 sets 8 reps. Did 65# third set was horrible, but came back with a strong 4th set.

WOD was 5 rounds for time

3 jerks (did split jerk with 95#, since the Rx of 135 is my 1 rep max!!!
1 rope climb (I love that I can do these!)
10 knees to elbows (exhausting).

So tired shoulders from the strength work, means the jerks were hard, rope climb is always hard, thankfully there was only 1 per round, and the k2e were exhausting.

Took forever to finish, like 11:12 or something like that. Ugh.