Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Crossfit log for Wednesday, October 21st

Okay, so those strict ring dips really taxed my right shoulder.  I may have to visit Rob for this, as he said, you can only compensate so long before things start to break down. I'm worried I've been compensating and things are breaking down.

Maybe not, but better safe than sorry.

I had to resort to Advil at 2am, my shoulder was sore enough to wake me up and keep me awake for over an hour (half an hour until I finally decided to take some Advil and another half hour for it to kick in).

Naturally I went to Crossfit. ;)

An naturally, it was a shoulder intensive day.  Which may be therapeutic or not.  We'll see how things feel tomorrow and Friday.

Warm up was an empty bar quartet for 9-7-5 reps:
- muscle snatch
- overhead squat
- front rack lunges
- good mornings.

I like this, except the lunges which were hard for some reason.

Then we did a 7 x 2:00 of 1 power snatch, 1 snatch, 1 overhead squat, rest.

Went well at first, but at 115# after 3 rounds the power snatch was getting rough and the OHS were getting ugly. So I dropped 10 pounds and kept going at 105# which was a bit better.

The WOD was devastating.  Even at women's Rx and regular pull ups, I couldn't make the 12 minute cap. I did lose some time at the beginning getting rid of my useless grips, but not that much.

For time, 12 minute cap:
-25 deadlifts  185#/125#
-25 chest to bar pull ups
-25 front rack walking lunges 135#/95#
-25 ctb pull ups
-25 overhead squats 95#/65#
-25 ctb pull ups

Deadlifts were a breeze at 125#, done in one minute but after 5 reps, the grips were not working for the pull ups.  I had figured 3:30 for the end of each segment ending with pull ups. I was on track before the lunges. But the lunges really stopped me in my tracks.

The OHS were not fun, but were way faster than the lunges, I barely finished  them before the cap and never got to the last 25 pull ups.

So 125 reps.  Ugh.  My shoulders are toast.

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