Monday, 26 October 2015

Crossfit log for Monday, October 26th

I may have spoken too soon Friday, when I said it was one of the tougher WODs I've done.

Today's took the cake. Holy crap.

I barely made it through the warm up of 7-5-3 of front squats, jerks, overhead squats.  My wrist was really bugging me, I hadn't warmed up adequately. So I only ended up doing the first round.

Oh well.

There was a ton of work on the board.  A 1 rep heavy snatch, plus some snatch grip dead lifts and a 5 min CTB pull up AMRAP, but first we had to get through the WOD:

For time:
20 Thrusters  95#/65#
20 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
20 Jerks
20 Overhead Squats
20 Front squats.

Starting at minute 1, EMOM, stop and drop the bar, do 5 burpees.

O.M.G! Even scaling to 75# didn't help.

Hurried through the first 20 thrusters, no way I wanted to do more of those after burpees. Made it. 5 burpees took me like 20 seconds with only 40 to go, I still had to address the bar, I managed to get 10 SDHP before hitting the burpees again, so I figured next round finish them off .  Yeah, no.  Made 7. More burpees, but I was so tanked there was like only 15 seconds left, so I rested and did no work while waiting for the next set of burpees.

This paid off, I was quick on the burpees, like 17 seconds, finished off the SDHP and hit a couple of jerks.  But the jerks were really taxing.

Overhead squats were worse, took four rounds of burpees, one of which was the no work between sets kind.  Front squats went well, 2 sets of 10, thank Zeus.

17:57.  So that's 85 fucking burpees.  Ugh.  Took us forever to recover. 

Subsequent classes would get a 3 burpee option.  That would have been a different workout.

So there was no way we were doing snatch or deadlifts.  We all opted to do the 5 min EMOM of pull ups, minus the chest to bar. 

Cycling through 5 rounds, of 1 pull up, 2, 3, 4 and 5 unbroken, coming off the bar all 5 times between rounds.

Made 19 rounds, so 55 pull ups, total.  Ugh.

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