Man, it felt so good to workout again, seems like I've been idle way too long.
Kiza is out of town, so morning Crossfit if off the table. Clarisse is spending the night so I can go tomorrow and hopefully Friday too.
So today I went to the Y with an ambitious plan and not enough time to execute it.
Wanted to do a set of RDLs for accessory, the Front Squat EMOM from this morning's Crossfit workout, some power snatch to work power and I figured I could actually managed the 12 minute AMRAP WOD from this morning.
Yeah, no.
Did the RDLs. That went really well, did a warm up with empty bar and 95# for 8 reps each, then a working set at 135#. Back was nice and straight, knees only bent a bit and my range was almost to the floor. Pretty stoked about that.
Then Dave was looking to do an EMOM, but cleans, the plan we devised was he'd do doubles at 75% rounded up a lot to 205# (from 198.7#) for 12 minutes (if he felt good he'd go 15), and I would join him for the first 8 doing front squat triples at 65% (185#).
It was nice to see someone else suffer at the Y. Doesn't happen a lot. And he suffered, but he pulled through. I ended up going 10 minutes instead of 8, and I was surprised when he made it to 12. Then he just kept going. Stopping at 15 despite how bad it was sucking. Good work Dave.
Then I did some power snatch and a couple of overhead squats, but I wasn't feeling the love, and I had to bail because I was running late.
Oh well, no plan survives first contact with the enemy.
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