Monday, 19 October 2015

Crossfit log for Monday, October 19th

Oh man, it was chilly this morning and I really didn't want to get out of bed. 

I fell back to sleep and woke up at 5:05am  (alarm goes off at 4:45) and said, if you're gonna go, just go.

So I went.

Did a quick version of my morning routine and made it with a couple of minutes to spare.

The warm up was a good one, 6 minute AMRAP of 5 strict pull ups, 9 Romanian deadlifts and 2 shuttle runs.

Then the ridiculous WOD, thankfully a partner WOD.  Worked with Kevin, also a masters athlete, stronger, but less cardio than me.  We were a good match.

It was a chipper:
- 40 clean and jerk 135#/95#
- 1 mile run  (= 28 shuttle runs)!!!
- 10 rope climbs
- 1 mile run
- 100 burpees.

Man, that was a lot of work. 

We hummed and hawed over how heavy to go.  I didn't want to do Rx. Kevin was on board with that. So it was either split the difference at 115# or just go women's Rx.  He quickly volunteered women's Rx.  I would have gone 115#, but as I keep saying, I'm having a lot of success at women's Rx, it makes sense to do that on a WOD like this.  We did sets of 10.

We divided the run into 2 sets of 7 shuttle runs each, we didn't want to be too winded for the rope climbs.  I felt really good on these, good long strides, even pace. 

We started with 2 rope climbs each, the switched to singles. This gave me a bit of a chance to catch my breath as I finished the run last.

I totally forgot about the second run. Ugh. Same deal, alternating quarter mile.

Again I finished and was a bit winded, so despite our plan to do sets of 10, Kevin did 20.  I wish he'd stopped at 15, because I was ready and he was slowing down a lot. I did 15 and he did 10 then I said I'll do 15 and we'll be even.  Which we were and I figured for the last 40 reps, we'd do sets of 10, but no, he goes and does 15!  Argh!  So I did 10, because after 10 I'd start to slow down too.  He did 10 more and I did the last 5.

We finished in 29:26.  Only a few seconds behind the others.   It was hard work but we did it.  Probably would have been okay at 115# on the C&J.  Whatever. Done is done.

It was already 6:30, and the other class was starting, but I asked coach Alex if I could hang around and do the 3 sets of 10 back squats.  He said yes and since I was already pretty warmed up, I did only 1 warm up set at 135# and got to work at 205#.  With more time I might have gone 225#, but that was hard enough and way better than nothing.

Glad I went.  As usual.

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