Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Crossfit log for Wednesday, November 5th

Note to self, don't work with Kamil on dead lifts.

It was fine, but I pushed myself harder than I would have on my own.  Which I guess is the point.  Thankfully my back is feeling better so it was probably a good workout.

Did 6 sets of 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 8 - 8

Did 225# for the first 2 sets, then 245#, then down to 205# for the eights.

Couldn't bounce, had to start from a dead stop.  A bit harder that way, but it went okay.

The WOD was a partner WOD, so I teamed up with Natasha again. 

18 minutes of
- 12 wall balls 20#/14#
- 6 push press 135#/85#
- 3 ring dips
alternate partners do a complete round.

I scaled the push press to 115#, it was meant to be a sprint so 135# unbroken wasn't likely.  It was a good call.

Nat scaled the dips to bar dips.

The first 6 rounds we were bang on 2:00 for both of us to get through the round, that's 3 round each. 

After that the push press got harder and the dips got really hard.

12 wall balls is a good number, you can't really stop since by the time you start to fatigue you're almost done.

We finished with 12 rounds (6 each) and Nat was one rep short of round 13.

We did good.

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