Friday, 21 November 2014

Crossfit log for Friday, November 21st

Another tough day at Physics.

Started with hang snatch. Find your 1 rep max.

Haven't tested snatch in a long while. After 95#in warm up I jumped to 125#, 5#less than my snatch PR.

Went up easily.

Kyle and Pat were at 135# already so I borrowed their bar for essentially a snatch PR attempt.

It was a really good lift, but I caught it high, somewhere between a split jerk and a split snatch. So I felt confident going up in weight.

With that much power, if I could get deep like I have been lately, 145# should be doable.

First attempt caught my belt on the way up, which is why you don't wear a belt for snatch. At least it meant I was keeping it close to my body. I tried one more time, without the belt but it wasn't happening. Kinda wish I'd tried 140#, but hey, I'll take the PR.

WOD was a format we've done before, open with overhead squat combo, 3 rounds of something overhead and pull ups, close out with the same as the opener. This time it was:

- 15 ohs + 15 ctb pull ups
3 rounds of:
  -10 thrusters
  -5 muscle ups/dips
- 15 ohs + 15 ctb pull ups

Took a couple of tries to get started on the ohs, but the ctb went way better than expected, even chained a couple together!

After the first 10 thrusters I was completely out of breath. Thankfully I'm good at dips but that put me right back the bar for more thrusters.

Laboured my way through them and finally got back to the ohs. Ugh.

Managed 5. Then went all out to finish them off, but on the last one, I couldn't get out of the hole and bailed forward. Crap, I was done, now I had to snatch it up again and reposition for one lousy rep.

Again the ctb went shockingly well. Got 5 off the bat, then 4 and finally the last one.

Finished in 16:42, which is not great but a lot of things went really well in that workout. A good tough day at Crossfit.

Progress update: Strangely enough my last PR was also bench.  Hmmm.....

Bench Press PR. 

Bench: 230lbs November 19, 2014 (up from 225lbs)
Dead Lift: 365lbs September 17, 2014 (up from 355lbs)
Press: 145lbs September 9, 2014 (up from 140lbs)
Back Squat: 295lbs September 12, 2014 (up from 285lbs)
Front Squat: 255# September 3, 2014 (up from 250#)
Overhead squat: 115# April 10th, 2014

Power Clean: 185lbs Dec 30, 2013 (up from 175lbs)
Power snatch:  125lbs Mar, 27, 2014 (up from 115lbs)
Push Press: 185# (up from 175#) Sept 15, 2014
Clean: 191# (up from 185#) July 29, 2014
Jerk: 185# (up from 180#) Oct 30, 2013
Snatch: 135# (up from 130#) Nov 21, 2014  (from the hang position)
Clean and Jerk: 175# July 24, 2013 

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