Monday, 30 September 2013

Crossfit log for Monday, September 30th

Not exactly Crossfit today, went to Olympic lifting class tonight.

Most work in this class is based on percentage of max clean and jerk. So I worked with Mark. His max is a good 25# more than mine, but at least it's not 100#. The math was easy enough.

Started with clean and jerk work:
Warm up with the bar, then do 1 power clean, 1 full clean, 2 jerks at 50%, 60% and 70%. 

We did 95lbs, 125lbs, 140lbs.

Then the working set was a choice.  If your "weakest link" was the clean you'd do 2 cleans + 1 jerk for 5 sets and if it was the jerk, you'd do 1 clean + 2 jerks

Mark did 2 cleans and I did 2 jerks.

We did 165lbs and 160lbs respectively.  That was hard.  Bringing the bar back to my shoulders for a second jerk was not fun.  

It seemed I always failed to completely lock out the first attempt and succeeded in the second.  Thankfully on my last set when the coach was watching I nailed both of them.

Next we did some snatch work. 

Snatch balance + over head squat.  work up to 70% of max snatch.  

I can't squat snatch or overhead squat, so I was doing split snatch and an overhead lunge.

Mark was aiming for 105lbs, I was aiming for 85lbs. I ended up doing 95lbs, and we just added two 10lbs plates for his turns.

The last part of the workout was squat sequence.  Warm up doing 2 front squats + 3 back squats. Work up to max clean and jerk (or higher if manageable) then do 2 front squats + 5 back squats for 3 sets.

We warmed up with the 95lbs from my last snatch set, then jumped to 155lbs and 185lbs at which point we did 2 front and 5 back squats. Then we bumped it up to 205lbs which was rough.

I was planning on counting the 185lbs set as on of the working sets, but once we finished we still had time, and Mark was going for another set, so I really couldn't bail at that point, so I did a third set at 205lbs.

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