Oy legs!
I don't know where they come up with this stuff, but man, you can't help but get stronger as a result!
Strength work today consisted of back squats and dead lifts. But not your ordinary fare.
Started with 4 sets of 5 backsquats at around 80% of max, so 195# for me. I worked with Kamil (who needs to update his blog) and for him that weight was around 75% (the difference will be important in a minute).
After the 4 sets we dropped the weight to by about 20% to 155# and had to do 1 set of as many reps as possible.
I made it to 15, before my wobbly legs almost didn't allow me to get up (the 80% effort in the opening sets really tired my legs). Kamil had only done 75% for opening sets, at his 20th rep of the final set I'm guessing he wished he'd gone heavier in the lead up sets. He made it 22 or 23 reps, and I think he had 1 or 2 more in him, but his last one was a bit wobbly, so I didn't call him on it.
After that, 3 sets of 5 deficit dead lifts, so standing on a 25# plate which is about 2.5 inches thick, so you have to reach a bit lower than usual to grab the bar. Coach first confirmed we had the mobility and our backs were straight in this lower than normal position, and we were good to go. Both the coach and I were pleasantly surprised that I was able to get that low.
I did 185# which is about 65% of my max.
The WOD was 10 rounds with a 10 minute cap
First round 1 rep each, second round 2 reps, third round 3 reps and so on...
-90# thrusers with the Axle (a barbell that is 2inches thick and hard to grip).
-Knees to elbows
I made only 7 rounds, ran out of gas in the middle of round 6.
Thrusters were really hard after all those squats, and my wrist is still a bit sore, even though I had my brand new wrist wraps.
I think I may take tomorrow off. My right glute is sore, which is odd, usually they are either both sore or both ok.
I may have to book an physio appointment.
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