Partner WOD Saturday.
25 minutes flat.
Felt nauseated afterwards. Maybe because I don't usually eat before
training. Maybe because it was really hard.
3 rounds for time (split work as desired except burpees, only one athlete works at a time)
100 double unders
20 alternating burpees
20 dead lifts, 185#
20 alternating burpees
30 dumbbell snatches from the hang 30# dumbbells
20 alternating burpees
10 toes to bar.
partner was doing green scaled, I was doing blue scaled. He had half
the burpees, so I did two for each one of his. About halfway through
round two he decided to do the same number of burpees as I was. It was a
good call.
He only had 95# on the bar for his dead lifts, so he did
his 10, so I was stuck doing 10 in a row at 185#, sucked. by the last
round he was down to 5
Same deal for the dumbbell cleans, he'd do
10 right away, on the last round I had to stop at 5 and tack on the
remaining 5 at the end.
It was a relentless workout. Glad it's over.
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