Monday, 30 September 2013

Crossfit log for Monday, September 30th

Not exactly Crossfit today, went to Olympic lifting class tonight.

Most work in this class is based on percentage of max clean and jerk. So I worked with Mark. His max is a good 25# more than mine, but at least it's not 100#. The math was easy enough.

Started with clean and jerk work:
Warm up with the bar, then do 1 power clean, 1 full clean, 2 jerks at 50%, 60% and 70%. 

We did 95lbs, 125lbs, 140lbs.

Then the working set was a choice.  If your "weakest link" was the clean you'd do 2 cleans + 1 jerk for 5 sets and if it was the jerk, you'd do 1 clean + 2 jerks

Mark did 2 cleans and I did 2 jerks.

We did 165lbs and 160lbs respectively.  That was hard.  Bringing the bar back to my shoulders for a second jerk was not fun.  

It seemed I always failed to completely lock out the first attempt and succeeded in the second.  Thankfully on my last set when the coach was watching I nailed both of them.

Next we did some snatch work. 

Snatch balance + over head squat.  work up to 70% of max snatch.  

I can't squat snatch or overhead squat, so I was doing split snatch and an overhead lunge.

Mark was aiming for 105lbs, I was aiming for 85lbs. I ended up doing 95lbs, and we just added two 10lbs plates for his turns.

The last part of the workout was squat sequence.  Warm up doing 2 front squats + 3 back squats. Work up to max clean and jerk (or higher if manageable) then do 2 front squats + 5 back squats for 3 sets.

We warmed up with the 95lbs from my last snatch set, then jumped to 155lbs and 185lbs at which point we did 2 front and 5 back squats. Then we bumped it up to 205lbs which was rough.

I was planning on counting the 185lbs set as on of the working sets, but once we finished we still had time, and Mark was going for another set, so I really couldn't bail at that point, so I did a third set at 205lbs.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Crossfit log for Thursday, September 26th

Oy legs!

I don't know where they come up with this stuff, but man, you can't help but get stronger as a result!

Strength work today consisted of back squats and dead lifts. But not your ordinary fare.

Started with 4 sets of 5 backsquats at around 80% of max, so 195# for me.  I worked with Kamil (who needs to update his blog) and for him that weight was around 75% (the difference will be important in a minute).

After the 4 sets we dropped the weight to by about 20% to 155# and had to do 1 set of as many reps as possible.

I made it to 15, before my wobbly legs almost didn't allow me to get up (the 80% effort in the opening sets really tired my legs). Kamil had only done 75% for opening sets, at his 20th rep of the final set I'm guessing he wished he'd gone heavier in the lead up sets.  He made it 22 or 23 reps, and I think he had 1 or 2 more in him, but his last one was a bit wobbly, so I didn't call him on it.

After that, 3 sets of 5 deficit dead lifts, so standing on a 25# plate which is about 2.5 inches thick, so you have to reach a bit lower than usual to grab the bar.  Coach first confirmed we had the mobility and our backs were straight in this lower than normal position, and we were good to go. Both the coach and I were pleasantly surprised that I was able to get that low.

I did  185# which is about 65% of my max.

The WOD was 10 rounds with a 10 minute cap
First round 1 rep each, second round 2 reps, third round 3 reps and so on...

-90# thrusers with the Axle (a barbell that is 2inches thick and hard to grip).
-Knees to elbows

I made only 7 rounds, ran out of gas in the middle of round 6.

Thrusters were really hard after all those squats, and my wrist is still a bit sore, even though I had my brand new wrist wraps.  I think I may take tomorrow off.  My right glute is sore, which is odd, usually they are either both sore or both ok.

I may have to book an physio appointment.

Mommy's home! Mommy's home!

There were two extremely happy little kids in my house this morning when I got back from Crossfit.

Delilah had already seen mommy, when she stumbled into our room in the middle of the night looking for me (which she never does, that was weird), and found to her absolute delight that mommy was in bed.

Thankfully Kiza was able to get her back to sleep.

Daddy is very happy too.

It was really hard to leave for work, I really wanted to just hang out with my best friend.

We did spend a bit time quality time together, jockeying for counter space in the kitchen.  It was nice.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Single Parenthood.


Now don't panic, Kiza is just on a business trip for 11 days (she gets back tonight) and in a Facebook status update after a particularly difficult meal I posted:
I'm sure I don't understand how all single parents aren't alcoholics.

Caring for a nearly 5 year old and a 2 and a half year old is a lot of work; for two people.  It's exhausting and relentless for a single parent. 

I quite honestly don't know how people do it.

I guess you find help. I was able to solicit the help of my oldest son Caleb so I could go to the gym in the early morning hours (which really didn't help that whole exhausted thing, but I digress).

You need your friends and family, that's for sure.  But I have no family in town and being an intravert, soliciting help from friend requires more mental energy than taking care of two small children!

Thankfully we have a fairly well established schedule, so I survived the first 11 day stint fairly well.  I only resorted to the Shiraz on two occasions and didn't even touch the Bailey's. 

Kiza arrives tonight.  I miss her so much. And not just to share the parenting duties.  This is the longest we've been apart since we've known each other. I miss just looking over and seeing her there.   I miss jockeying for counter space in the kitchen in the mornings. 

She's back for a week, then gone another 10 days.  I'm going to just try and enjoy this week with her.  I'll deal with my next dose of single parenthood again when the time comes.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Crossfit log for Tuesday, September 24th

Didn't have as great a day as yesterday.

Did 1 clean + 4 push press at 65% of C&J, too heavy. Should've been 115# or 120# but did 125#, bad math and faulty memory from last weeks 60% effort on this same drill.  Plus Tom, the guy I was working with has a slightly higer 1 rep max clean and jerk, so it was more his weight than mine.

Then we did 4 sets 5 weighted strict pull ups super set with 50 (scaled was 20) unbroken double unders. Did body weight for the pull ups and had no problem, which means next time I'll have to add some weight I guess.

For the double unders I got 46 the first round and coach said if you are capable of doing the 50 and you get close, you don't have to start over, just do the balance. My PR is 50, and since I was over 20 rep scaled target I took the 46 and added 4 more. Next set I did 50 unbroken! Woot. Coach was like "why did you stop" you could've had a new PR. Hmm... hadn't thought of that. Oh well. The next set was a disaster, got 14, so I started over and got 17. Now I'm like "come on, gotta get at least 20", third try I got to 20 and stopped there (51 total). Last set I muffed at 39 and called it quits.

WOD was a short 8min AMRAP:
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, ... reps of
Thrusters 95#
Pull ups
Handstand push ups.

Everything was hard. Thrusters were rough, pull ups were rough, handstand push ups were really rough. My wrist is a bit sore right in the little indent on the back of your hand at the base of the index and middle finger, right in the gap between the scaphoid bone and trapezoid bone. Just made everything harder than it should've been.

Monday, 23 September 2013

Crossfit log for Monday, September 23rd

Wow, that was one of the best YMCA workouts I've ever had.

Adam from my gym sent me the workout:
12 minutes to max out clean complex: 1 power clean from the floor, 1 hang squat clean without putting down the bar.

Did, 65#, 95#, 115#, 135#, 155#, 165# at 175# I was able to power clean it, but couldn't seem to get under it from the hang. Time was up but I tried one more time, again power cleaned it no problem, hang clean into a squat, no go.

I'll take the 165# especially since my power clean PR was 157#, beat it by 18lbs!

Then I did back squats for 3 rep max, Did 95#, 135#, 185#, 205#, 215# and finally 225# no problem, probably could have gone higher but was happy with 225#.

The WOD was neat: 2 AMRAP sets with 2:00 rest between of the same thing. So 4 min AMRAP, 2min rest, 6min AMRAP of:
3 burpees
6 box jumps 24"
9 wall ball (8kg ~ 17.5lbs)

4 min round I did 3 full rounds + up to 4 wall balls, 6 min round I did 4 full rounds and up to 6 wall balls.
For a total of 154 reps.

Very happy with that.

Progress update of revised weightlifting goals. Derived from intermediate level for my body weight at

New Power Clean PR. That my 4th lift out of 6 that's within 10lbs of my goal.

Lift / target weight / current PR
Bench / 190lbs / 185lbs Apr 30, 2013 (up from 165lbs) 5lbs away
Deadlift / 300lbs / 285lbs Apr 25, 2013 (up from 265lbs)
Press / 130lbs / 120lbs May 14, 2013 (up from 110lbs) 10lbs away
Power Clean / 185lbs / 175lbs Sept 23, 2013 (up from 157lbs) 10lbs away!
Power snatch / 140lbs / 115lbs Aug, 15, 2013 (up from 105lbs)
Back Squat / 255lbs / 245lbs Sept 17, 2013 (up from 235lbs) 10lbs away

Other lift PRs:
Front Squat 215# Sept 11, 2013
Push Press: 155# Mar 25, 2013
Clean: 175# May 23, 2013
Jerk: 180# Jun 18, 2013
Snatch: 130# July 22, 2013
Clean and Jerk: 175# July 24, 2013

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Crossfit log for Saturday, September 21st

Partner WOD Saturday.

25 minutes flat. Felt nauseated afterwards. Maybe because I don't usually eat before training. Maybe because it was really hard.

3 rounds for time (split work as desired except burpees, only one athlete works at a time)
100 double unders
20 alternating burpees
20 dead lifts, 185#
20 alternating burpees
30 dumbbell snatches from the hang 30# dumbbells
20 alternating burpees
10 toes to bar.

My partner was doing green scaled, I was doing blue scaled. He had half the burpees, so I did two for each one of his. About halfway through round two he decided to do the same number of burpees as I was. It was a good call.
He only had 95# on the bar for his dead lifts, so he did his 10, so I was stuck doing 10 in a row at 185#, sucked. by the last round he was down to 5

Same deal for the dumbbell cleans, he'd do 10 right away, on the last round I had to stop at 5 and tack on the remaining 5 at the end.

It was a relentless workout. Glad it's over.

Friday, 20 September 2013

Crossfit log for Friday, September 20th

Loosely followed today's workout on my own at the Y

Did close grip bench, 3 sets of 6-8, warmed up with empty bar, 95#, 115#, working sets were 135# 145# and 155#. Happy with that.

They did strict hand stand push ups, but I did strict press instead, except my triceps were toast from the bench press, so I bailed.

I did 4 sets of 8 toes-to-bar, then I did some mobility work to kill the rest of the time.

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Crossfit log for Thursday, September 19th

Leg day!

Started with squat cleans from the hang position, 3 sets of 3 at 65-75% of clean and jerk max. Did 125#, 130#, 130#

Then we did back squats, 3 sets of 5 at 75% of max. Did 160#, 165#, 170#

So now that the legs are good and warmed up the WOD was:
2 rounds w/16 min cap of
-30 wall balls
-15 pull ups
-40 air squats
-20 alternating dumbbell snatches 35#

Did really well. First to finish. Pull ups and air squats unbroken really helped.


Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Strength log for Tuesday, September 17th

Since we did only upper body today (well except a few Thrusters) and I won't likely be going tomorrow, I figured I'd go to the Y and work on my back squat.

Ramped up a bit quickly from empty bar for 10 reps, to 135# and 185# for 4 reps and 205# for 3 reps. Then I put 2 plates: 225# (10lbs shy of my current PR) and did 2 reps in quick succession, and it didn't stick at all, up down no problem.

So I skipped 235# and put 245# on the bar and went for it. It was sticky coming up, but form held and I got it. NEW PR! Woot!

Of course I had to try 255#, my goal weight. In a display of my improved self-confidence I tried a weight at the Y that I really wasn't sure I could lift. (usually I stick to manageable weight, or new weight I'm extremely confident I'll get, not this time). I got about a third of the way up and just couldn't move it further so I bailed in the rack with a very loud clamour. Not very long ago I would've been intolerably embarrassed. Today I just brushed it off. Hey I got my PR, had to give it a try. No biggie.

Progress update of revised weightlifting goals. Derived from intermediate level for my body weight at

New Back squat PR. That makes 3 lifts that are within 10lbs of my goal.

Lift / target weight / current PR
Bench / 190lbs / 185lbs Apr 30, 2013 (up from 165lbs) 5lbs away
Deadlift / 300lbs / 285lbs Apr 25, 2013 (up from 265lbs)
Press / 130lbs / 120lbs May 14, 2013 (up from 110lbs) 10lbs away
Power Clean / 185lbs / 157lbs May 6, 2013 (up from 155lbs)
Power snatch / 140lbs / 115lbs Aug, 15, 2013 (up from 105lbs)
Back Squat / 255lbs / 245lbs Sept 17, 2013 (up from 235lbs) 10lbs away

Other lift PRs:
Front Squat 215# Sep 11, 2013
Push Press: 155# March 25, 2013
Clean: 175# May 23, 2013
Jerk: 180# Jun 18, 2013
Snatch: 130# July 22, 2013
Clean and Jerk: 175# July 24, 2013

Crossfit log for Tuesday, September 17th part 1

Shoulder day!

Strength was 4 sets of 1 squat clean + 4 push press at 60% of max clean and jerk. 105#.

Then a 10 min EMOM of 5-8 weighted strict pull ups + 8-12 deficit strict push ups (using the paralettes), needless to say I did body weight and regular push ups. I did 8,10 - 7,10 - 6,10 and 5,10. I just can't get those last few inches to get my chin over the bar when doing strict pull ups once I'm fatigured, my rep count dropped with each set. Push ups went surprisingly well, but the last couple in the last set were rough.

WOD was an 8min AMRAP
3 - 6 - 9 - 12 - 15 - 18...
Hand stand push ups
Knees to elbows
Thrusters 95#

Barely made it to the end of round 3, started my last 4 thrusters with 10 seconds to go, my last thruster started before the bell, but finished after the bell.
Had a rough time with the the handstand push ups. Triceps were fried from the earlier push ups. Switch to feet on a box in a pike position for the last round.

My shoulders will be sore tomorrow.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Crossfit log for Monday, September 16th

So the first 36 hours of Kiza's business trip have been not too shabby. We all miss her terribly, but the kids were bathed, went to bed on time (to bed mind you, not to sleep), we had an uneventful morning and everyone arrived at their destinations this morning pretty much the same time as usual, fed, with hair done and lunches made.

The only real piece missing from the usual puzzle is no Crossfit for me this morning. I asked fellow athletes what the workout was, and if it was doable, I go to the Y at lunch and do it on my own.

Turns out it was doable.

Strength was 4 sets of 5 power snatch @ 55% of max (did 65#) and 4 sets of 5 power cleans at 55% of max (did 95#)

WOD was Grace + 10 pull ups every 10 clean and jerks.
So really 3 rounds for time:
10 clean and jerk (105#, Rx was 135#)
10 pull ups

It's been hard for me to get a consistent Grace time since I've used varying weights and had various caps put in place so I would be within 2 or 3 reps of finishing when time ran out.
Most recently I've done Grace at 115# with an 8:00 cap and made it to 28 reps
I did just over 7:00 at 95# back in April
I've done 27 reps in 10:00 @ 105# a year ago, in Sept. 2012.

So I was pretty happy with a 9:20, for Grace at 105# + 30 pull ups. First round was done in 2:25, second ended at just over 6:00 and 9:20 finish means the last two rounds were similar time and about 1 min slower than round 1.

The last round I hurried because someone wanted to use the squat rack was using so I definitely turned it on more than I would have otherwise. Even if Adam had been there today, I wouldn't have made him do clean and jerks, so it turned out well.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Crossfit log for Saturday, September 14th

Partner Filthy Fifty. Split the reps, but 2 rounds instead of 1!

50 box jumps 24"
50 jumping pull ups
50 kettle bell swings 16kg
50 steps walking lunges
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

Things were going really well until the knees to elbows. They just took the wind out of our sails. My partner Dave had a really hard time with them. Going to wall ball right after back extensions was rough, then to have to do burpees was just a slap in the face.

Round 2 was way worse. Took a whopping 44:55 to complete. Brutal.

Friday, 13 September 2013

Crossfit log for Friday, September 13th

Had a glorious sleep last night. Nearly 12 hours I think!

Worked out at the Y since Kiza went to this morning's class.

Tried the handstand push up for max reps that they did, but wasn't very successful. Normally I can string 6 together, but today my limit was 3. Odd.

Close grip bench, warmed up with empty bar, 65# and 95#, first working set was 115#, some other guys joined me, so I bumped it up to 135# for ease of switching weight. So I did my 3 sets of 10 at 115#, 135#, 135#. It was a good weight.

I bailed on the WOD.

Was running out of time, so did some dead lifts with Adam, sets of 5, did 95#, 135# to warm up, the 185#, 205# and 235#, hadn't done dead lifts in ages so decided to stop there, but my form was really good, so I think I may be looking to break 300# soon.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Crossfit log for Thursday, September 12th

That was one of the hardest workouts I've done in a long time.

But first, strength work:
4 sets of 3 power cleans + 1 clean @ 65-70% of clean and jerk max. Did 135# (which is more like 77% but I was working with someone else so we settled on that weight)


4 sets of strict pull ups, 8-10 reps. Weighted if necessary. It wasn't. I managed 2 sets of 8 without a band, but on the third round I could only muster 4 reps, so added the band for the last 4, then used the band for the whole last round.

The WOD looked fairly easy on the board.
5 rounds for time
10 push press 95#
10 burpees
10 kettle bell swings 24kg

Only 10 reps, how hard can that be. Well the first round was easy, but that was it, by round 2 it sucked, and there was another 3 rounds to go!

Took me 15:39, and shockingly I wasn't last. Granted Rx was 115# on the push press and 32kg kettle bell, so I can understand taking longer than me!

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Strength log for Wednesday, September 11th

Slept in today. I knew I would, even as I set the alarm last night. I just needed it.

Last night I worked on my squat position in the garage (since I have this wonderful lifting platform and weights). And just looked at my position in the little mirror I have set up (Yeah, I know, I know, but as I am the coach in my garage gym I can't really give myself cues), I had a really hard time keeping my back braced, in a deep position. It was really taxing on my upper back. I decided to set up the bar with a bit of weight and try again. My position was much much better, letting gravity pull my hips down instead of my hip flexors made the difference, although I should be able to do both air squat and weighted squat at least I felt good that my position was good under load. Worked up to 135# and was sore afterwards. Hence the sleep in.

So I went to the Y at lunch, aiming to do similar work as last night, maybe get Ben, the Y trainer who has Olympic lifting experience to watch me. He wasn't around, so I just threw some weight on the bar and tried to forcus on keeping my back tight and braced in a neutral position. I made an effort only look in the mirror directly in front of me to maintain good position. And just kept adding weight. I was doing 3-4 reps upto 165# and things were going really well, so I figured I'd see how far I could ride this train and dropped to single reps at 175#, 185# and 195#. All went up without problem.

My front squat PR is 200#. I put 205# on the bar. One of the body builder I chat with said: "Starting to get some pretty heavy weight going there". "This will be a new PR if I make it".

Down and up. I was stunned. So I added 2 fivers, 215#, I really focused on keeping my back tight. All the way down is stayed nice and straight, about two thirds of the way up my shoulders started to roll forward, but the lift was as good as done, I push through the last little bit and boom! 15# PR.

Needed that.

Progress update of revised weightlifting goals. Derived from intermediate level for my body weight at

Lift / target weight / current PR
Bench / 190lbs / 185lbs Apr 30, 2013 (up from 165lbs)
Deadlift / 300lbs / 285lbs Apr 25, 2013 (up from 265lbs)
Press / 130lbs / 120lbs May 14, 2013 (up from 110lbs)
Power Clean / 185lbs / 157lbs May 6, 2013 (up from 155lbs)
Power snatch / 140lbs / 115lbs Aug, 15, 2013 (up from 105lbs)
Back Squat / 255lbs / 235lbs May 23, 2013 (up from 215lbs)

New front squat PR

Other lift PRs:
Front Squat 215# Sep 11, 2013 (up from 200#)
Push Press: 155# March 25, 2013
Clean: 175# May 23, 2013
Jerk: 180# Jun 18, 2013
Snatch: 130# July 22, 2013
Clean and Jerk: 175# July 24, 2013

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Crossfit log for Tuesday, September 10th

A bit of a change of pace today. worked on hand stand walk. I can't. I can hold a hand stand for short time, but can only walk 1 or 2 steps.

It was fun trying.

Strength was push press, 5 sets of 10, touch and go, no resting in the front rack position, you could rest at the top if needed, but the point was to find a weight you could go non stop. I did progressively heavier starting at 65#, 75#, 85#, 85# and 95#.

I kept thinking, okay this is heavy enough. but I'd go a bit heavier and I was fine. I felt 85# was heavy enough, but for the last round I figured I should try 95#, and it wasn't a problem, so in hind sight I could have gone heavier, but it was still a good workout.

the WOD was 4 rounds of
20 wall balls 20#
15 box jumps 24"
10 pull ups.


I finished ahead of a number of stronger guys, I'm average at wall balls, but pretty good at box jumps and very consistent on the kipping pull ups.

Monday, 9 September 2013

Crossfit log for Monday, September 9th


Today was lifting competition day. 6 lifts. 3 snatch, 3 clean and jerk. Using something called the Sinclair coefficient to better compare results, it takes into account bodyweight to put everyone on a level playing field. Not to my advantage since I'm fairly heavy but not very strong. Also points will be allocated for technique and the number of successful lifts.

Most people had been ratcheting up of the past few week leading up to today, but I hadn't really.

First half of the class, warm up to 3 heavy snatches in the 95% - 105% of max

Did my first lift at 115#, it was okay, second was 125#, hope to go for a PR of 135#, but I missed at 125#, so my 3rd was at 125# again, and just barely made it. I won't get any style points for sure.

Second half was clean and jerk, warmed up to start at 165#.

Landed it quite well, but it felt heavy. Again I was going to do my second at current PR and try for 180# for my third. Coach convinced me to add a couple of 1.25# plates to make it a PR at 178#, but both attempts failed. Would I have made 175#? I'm not sure, but I don't think I would have, it just wasn't there today.

Feeling kinda bummed. But I have to remember that every race can't be a great race, it takes the bad ones to appreciate the good ones. Lessons learned in running still apply. Thankfully.

Besides, this is the year of mobility and I still have lots to do, and not a lot of weeks left in 2013!!!!!

Friday, 6 September 2013

Crossfit log for Friday, September 6th

Snatch balance 3 sets of 3 did empty bar.

Strict press vs strict pull up combo
- 4 sets of 5 each. Did 95# and body weight. Good enough for me.

WOD was 21-15-9 of:
-box jumps 24"
-pull up, kipping

Box jumps after burpees, not so easy. Pull ups were all unbroken.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Crossfit log for Thursday, September 5th

Interesting workout.

We started with a "power clean ladder" so 5 bars were setup 135#, 155#, 185#, 205# and we didn't bother setting up the 225# (the girls were: 85#, 95#, 105#, 115#, 125#), you had 1 minute to do as may reps as possible of power clean at the first bar, move to the next bar, 1 minute rest, 1 minute AMRAP.

Power clean is pulling the bar from the floor and hiking it up to the shoulders in a front rack position like a front squat, but "power" means you catch it high, the hips have to be above the knees. This requires more "power" to launch the bar high enough to catch so high (unlike a squat clean that you catch in a deep squat and you don't have to pull it nearly as high).

I'm in that sad place were the women's weight would be too easy, but the men's weight is beyond my ability. My PR is 155#, so I did what I could, I got 8 reps at 135# then managed to get 4 at 155# (I'm definitely ready to establish a new PR on the power clean).

The other guys were all able to get a couple at 185# and at least 1 at 205#, we ended up quickly setting up the 225#, 2 guys tried but couldn't manage to catch it. (Later today the "big boys" will get some big numbers on this workout.

The WOD was a sprint/thrusters combo.
5 rounds
5 thrusters @ 105#
3 shuttle sprints (the the next building and back = 1) about 25m each way. So 150m per round.

Finished in 8:33. Wasn't bad, I'm not great at thrusters, but I'm still happy with my result.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Crossfit log for Wednesday, September 4th

Strength work today was split jerk from the rack. Work up to 3 heavy singles.

Ended up doing 155# for 3 sets of 1. They need to be faster, but I was able to lock them out. Would've liked to go heavier but that was 85% of my 1 rep max, so I should be content with that.

WOD was good. Played to my strengths
500m row
followed by 3 rounds of
8 dips on rings or on bars (did bars)
1 rope climb
7 shoulder to overhead. 105#

Went pretty hard on the row, finished in just under 1:50, and thankfully I'm strong on the dips, did my 8 unbroken. I was still winded from the row, so I took a few breaths before my rope climb. I'm good at rope climb. Shoulder to over head, not so much. I didn't put the bar down, but I rested in the front rack a bit too much. After another 8 unbroken dips I was starting to recover from being completely out of breath. Rope climb was a quick affair, this time I pumped out 5 push press in a row, really wanted to drop the bar, but I didn't want to have to clean it back up again, so I rested a few seconds in the front rack and did the last two reps. for round 2.

Round three was rough, arms were toast by now, had to break up the dips, 4 and 4, last rep was a struggle. Rope climb was okay. For the push press, I did 4 then dropped it, took a few seconds and cleaned for 3 more and I was done. 8:15

Beat Kamil by 5 seconds and Adam by nearly a minute.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Crossfit log for Tuesday, September 3rd

Long weekend didn't help my wake up. But I rolled out of bed anyway, yay me.

Strength was 10 minutes to 80% of snatch max for 2 reps.
then 10 minutes to 80% of clean and jerk for 2 reps.

10 minutes isn't enough. Did okay 115# snatch was ugly but it went up, 155# clean and jerk was ugly too. oh well.

WOD was a 12 min AMRAP
50 wall balls
50 double unders
40 wall balls
40 double unders
30 pull ups

First set of 50 double under, I went unbroken! I think that's a new record. The set of 40 was a disaster.

Made it through 1 round and 11 wall balls. Happy with that.