Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Crossfit log for Tuesday, April 30th

On Feb 1, 2013, I wrote: We did bench press, which we hadn't done in a while. I am so weak, it's not funny. There's a running joke in Crossfit: somewhere, someone is warming up with your one rep max. Well today that pretty much happened in my face. We have some really strong guys.

Strength was 5 set of 5 reps increasing.
Did 95# - 135# - 155# (4) and stopped. I tried 185# for 1 rep, couldn't do it.

On Apr 16, 2013, I wrote: We did close grip bench press 3 rep max. My one rep max is 165# on regular grip, which is normally heavier than close grip. Today I did 165# for 3 reps! I am now tempted by that elusive 185# 1 rep max.

Well every guy there is still way stronger than me in bench press, but I got my PR!

After 155# I hummed and hawed on whether to go 175# or 185#. Serge said we have time, do 175# then you can try 185#. I just needed someone to make the call, so that's what I did. 175# was hard, and I squirmed a lot as it went up, but it was all me. So I figured it was worth a try at 185#.

It took longer than 175# but it went straight up, no squirming, much better form and boom! 185# bench press. Ha!

That's my third major lift PR by 20lbs this month. (Bench, Dead lift, front squat) plus recent PRs in back squat, push press and power clean. Things are really moving fast despite the fact that I'm still really focusing on mobility rather than strength.

After the bench press we did hand stand push ups, for max reps 4 times. I only did it twice, 5 reps and 3 reps, I was using only one abmat where I usually use 2, so I'm happy with that.

Then we did 1 set of bodyweight rows for max reps. I think I got 7.

The workout of the day was a killer
4 rounds for time (14 min cap)
8 thrusters 105#
16 pull ups
8 hang cleans 105#

105# is a heavy thruster for me, I was happy to have completed 3 rounds. I did one thruster from round 4. It was brutal.

But my bench press PR made my day.

Progress update of revised weightlifing goals. Derived from intermediate level for my bodyweight at www.exrx.net

Lift / % bodyweight / actual target weight (rounded) / current PR
Bench / 112% / 190lbs / 185lbs Apr 30, 2013 (up from 165lbs)
Deadlift / 177% / 300lbs / 285lbs Apr 25, 2013 (up from 265lbs)
Press / 77% / 130lbs / 110lbs Apr 9, 2013 (up from 105lbs)
Power Clean / 109% / 185lbs / 155lbs Mar 20, 2013 (up from 145lbs)
Power snatch / 84% 140lbs / 95lbs (can't find a record of this)
Back Squat / 150% / 255lbs / 215lbsApr 11, 2013 (up from 205lbs)

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