Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Crossfit log for Tuesday, April 16th

Couple of accomplishments today.

We did close grip bench press 3 rep max. My one rep max is 165# on regular grip, which is normally heavier than close grip. Today I did 165# for 3 reps! I am now tempted by that elusive 185# 1 rep max.

WOD was another gut wrencher, but longer than yesterday.

3 rounds
50 double unders
15 push press 75#
10 chest to bar pull ups.


Blue was 25 double unders, my previous best unbroken was 21 which I haven't come close to repeating recently. But with my new rope I was stringing them together well. As I approached 21 skips unbroken I told myself I'd just keep going until I wreck, if I pass 25, then I'll do 50. I made it to 45!!! More than double my previous best. After that I had many strings of 10 and 20, much more than my usual 2 or 3.

It was a good day.

Progress update of revised weightlifing goals. Derived from intermediate level for my bodyweight at www.exrx.net
Lift / % bodyweight / actual target weight (rounded) / current PR
Bench / 112% / 190lbs / 165lbs (did 3x)
Deadlift / 177% / 300lbs / 265lbs
Press / 77% / 130lbs / 110lbs (up from 105lbs)
Power Clean / 109% / 185lbs / 155lbs (up from 145lbs)
Power snatch / 84% 140lbs / 95lbs
Back Squat / 150% / 255lbs / 210lbs (up from 205lbs)

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