Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Crossfit log for Wednesday, June 20th

Heavy cleans this morning.

Did 75# 95# 115# 135# 135#

Catching a heavy bar in a full front squat is a very scary thing. I can visualize it, I can pull the bar high enough to get under it, but the fear, just before you receive the bar is breathtaking. Tried 5 times to land 135#, caught once, and then had to bail, couldn't stand it up. I just crumbled after I caught it.

Everything else was solid, just the catch, once I get that, I know I can go heavier.

The WOD, naturally had cleans in it.
5 rounds for time
115# power clean 3-3-3-3-3
20kg kettle bell swing 5-10-15-20-25
16# ball slams 25-20-15-10-5

My buddy Kamil just did in the 5:30 class and went 9:47, so I wanted to beat that of course. But I had trouble on the first few cleans and the kettle bell always slows me down, ball slams were good.

Finished in 10:32

Good workout.

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