Monday, 30 January 2012

Crossfit log for Monday, January 30th

Went lighter today on the back squats with slightly higher reps.

5 reps at 40% of max (65#)
5 reps at 50% of max (75#)
5 reps at 60% of max (95#)
2x 15 reps light (what ever that means, did 65#)

Focused on form.

WOD was not my favorite
4 rounds of
40 sec wall walk push ups (lame), 20 sec rest
40 sec ring rows or bar rows (lame), 20 sec rest
40 sec power clean Rx was105#, did 95# a bit too heavy should've went with 75#

But it's done.

Running log for Monday, January 30th

Intervals at lunch.

Tried doing 2:00min walk at 10:00/km (6kph) instead of equal time @5:45-6:00/km and I am happy to report that the recovery felt very similar. So that's good news, it'll allow me to get up to a high number of repeats on at lunch without it turning into a 2 hour affair.

Workout was: warm up 10min @ 5:46/km, 4 x 1km repeats decreasing on 4x1km on 2:00 rest (10:00/km)
4:27, 4:24, 4:20, 4:17

Felt good despite yesterday's long run.

I may have to change up my schedule to do my interval run on Tuesdays just to have fresher legs. We'll see, I'll keep it like this for next week and see how I feel. I do have a rest day tomorrow to recover. We'll see how I feel Wednesday.

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Running log for Sunday, January 29th

Long run today.

Went with the Running Room but ran with Jen, a girl from Crossfit, since we were the only 2 not doing 10s and 1s.

She wasn't a fan of the hills so we split company at 15.5km just before the worst of the hills started.

20.8km in 2:05. another big jump from 16km (12km the week before, but my legs are good to go, so I'll keep going)

Friday, 27 January 2012

Running log for Friday, January 27th

Have to do some miles to kilometres and speed to pace math.

Stupid treadmills at the Orleans Y only have speed and only in mph. grrr

So I did 10 min at 7.5 mph then started increasing by 0.3 mph every 2 min.

made it to 8.8 mph whatever that means. But that doesn't add up, should've been 8.7, I went up to 9.1 (which should've been 9.0). But only lasted about 1 min and a bit.

Too frustrated with not knowing my pace in min/km.

I'll figure it out later.


So looks like I started at 7mph (not 7.5) so it all makes sense now.

7.0 mph 0 - 10:00 (but includes about 3:00 @ 2mph trying to figure out how to work the controls on the treadmill)
7.3 mph 10 - 12:00
7.6 mph 12 - 14:00
7.9 mph 14 - 16:00
8.2 mph 16 - 18:00
8.5 mph 18 - 20:00
8.8 mph 20 - 21:37

5:20/km , 5:06/km, 4:54/km, 4.43/km, 4:33/km, 4:23/km, 4:14/km

So a lot better than I originally thought.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Crossfit log for Wednesday, January 25th

50 wall balls is hard.

I got to 35 unbroken with a 14# medicine ball on the first round, after that, 10 in a row was the best I could muster.

Strength work: Dead lifts
115# x 7
155# x 5
205# x 3

WOD - "Annie"  with 3x singles instead of double unders.
5 rounds for time :
Wall balls 50-40-30-20-10
Skip singles 150-150-150-150-150

I hate jump rope. Took me 16:37 to finish DFL. I really need to practice my double unders (you only had to do 50 of them at most).

Worked on hip mobility at lunch.

5 min on treadmill, then 4 min on rower to warm up followed by:
-"Couch stretch" 3:00 each leg.
-The "Best Hamstring Stretch Ever" 3:00 each leg
-"Pigeon pose" 3:00 each leg.

Training plan for Around the Bay, in a nutshell.

My run plan is Monday and Friday Crossfit days run short intense intervals at lunch (either "Frog in boiling water" progression run or Tabata on one day and 1km repeats the other)

Wednesday Crossfit day run long after kids are in bed (or Run Club if I can swing it) 12-18km,

Weekend long run, flat for the beginning, hilly at the end with double loop of challenging hill 2km from home (specificity training). Currently at 16km building to 30km 3 weeks out.

Tuesdays, Thursdays and other Weekend day rest, if there is such a thing with a baby and a toddler at home (weekday rest days I'll do mobility work and stretching only).

It's a very different approach than what I'm used to but I like it, I feel strong on my runs and I don't feel as worn down as I have with high mileage plans (well not yet anyway)

We'll see what happens.

Running log for Wednesday, January 25th

9.75km at an easy pace done.

Was supposed to be 12km, but I miscalculated and had no desire to add on at the end. Well it's better than nothing.

Monday, 23 January 2012

Crossfit log for Monday, January 23rd

Started with back squats
Warm up at 125#,
1st set 5x 145#
2nd set 3x 155#
3rd set 1x 165#

Then we did Fran (21-15-9 thrusters/pull-ups)

Decided last time to go lighter to try and go unbroken, or at least aim to get closer to 6:00 than 7:00 before moving up in weight.

So I went with the Women's prescribed weight of 65#.

Still couldn't go unbroken. First 21 thruster I managed, but then got to 10 pull-up and had to drop. I was still quicker than ever before at 8:12 (more than a minute over the last time, which was 75# bar)

So I'll keep working at this weight until I get faster then bump back up to 75#. I'll eventually get to men's Rx of 95#. In time.

Running log for Monday, January 23rd

Another good TM session.

Kilometre repeats, had time for 3 reps with 5:00 recovery @ 5:45/km (4:36, 4:32, 4:27)

With a 10 min warm up and some kind of cool down, getting up to 5 reps will make for a long lunch, not sure how I'll pull it off...

... maybe save if for a slow day at the office.

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Running log for Saturday, January 21st

Solid 16km run done.

Similar route as last time, but a longer lead up to the hills. Finished with two loops of the tenth line hill again, and again this time the second time around I felt faster and stronger. I don't get it, but I'll take it.

Finished in 1:30, so a more reasonable pace than last week. 5:40/km.

Friday, 20 January 2012

Running log for Friday, January 20th

Solid treadmill workout. Clear improvement.

Did the "Frog in a pot of boiling water" workout. At 1% incline, start at 6:00/km increase speed every 2:00 by 0.5km/h (or in my case since the TM does only 0.2 increments alternate 0.4 and 0.6 kph) made it 18:00, longer than ever before.

Went from 10.0kph to 14.0kph. (or 6:00/km to 4:17/km), then cooled down for 2:16 @ 5:10/km for an even 4km in 20:16

My current goal is to go 22min and get to 4:00/km (15kph)

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Crossfit log for Thursday, January 19th

Back squat: 3-3-3

15min AMRAP:
10 pull-ups
10 v-snaps (hand to toe/well shin/ sit ups)
10 push press 75#

6 rounds.

Running log for Thursday, January 19th

20:00 run on the treadmill

11:00 warmup 5:46/km @ 1% incline
4:00 tabata (0:20 all out 4:45/km @ 12% incline, 0:10 rest x 8 )
5:00 cool down 5:33/km @ 0% incline

Man that's hard.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Running log for Wednesday, January 18th: Revenge of the wimps

Tuesday was supposed to be Crossfit in the morning (the Wednesday class was moved to Thursday and I didn't want to go the next morning after my scheduled long run on Wednesday evening), but became a rest day. I didn't even set foot in the gym, instead having a nice quiet lunch with Kiza and no kids. It was heavenly.

Today, was supposed to be workout at lunch, long run (10ish km) after the kids were in bed. But 3 of the Crossfit girls were running together (75min run) this morning instead of Crossfit. So I decided to join them, the distance was right and I'd get it over with and free up my evening. So up crazy early, dressed and out the door to run the 3km along their route towards their start point at a local Tim Horton's, expecting to cross paths with them at any moment.

Made it all the way to the Timmy's and no sign of them. Asked the Tim's staff if three ladies in running gear had been there: "No, sorry".  Well crap. I wasn't running in this crap alone, it was cold and dark and I hadn't even had a coffee yet. So I headed home. 6km total, 35min. Good enough.

I got home to a bunch of Facebook posts "It was too icy, wah wah wah... decided not to go", "Run cancelled", "I fell back alseep". Wimps. I expected one of them to cancel, but not all three.

Not sure what I'll do at lunch, but at least my evening is free, and I'll go to Crossfit in the morning relatively rested.

Monday, 16 January 2012

Crossfit log for Monday, January 16th

Crossfit today was:
Strength: Dead Lift (235# woot!) I think this either matches my previous PB or is a new one. It was heavy. I have a long way to go to meet my 2012 goal of 2x my body weight (340-350#)

WOD - 3 rounds for time:
-10 pull-ups
-20 kettle bell sumo dead lift high pull 20kg
-10 kettle bell goblet squats 16kg


Post core work - 3 rounds not timed:
-10 knees to elbows
-rock side to side with 20kg kettle bell

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Running log for Saturday, January 14th

Hilly 12km in the snow covered windy streets of Orleans done.

It was chilly, so I pushed the pace a bit for a long run. Finished in 1:03.

Felt strong, could have gone longer, maybe next week I'll jump to 16km instead of 14km.

Friday, 13 January 2012

Crossfit log for Friday, January 13th

Fight Gone Bad this am. Took my own advice from last time and went lighter to try and make the engine the limiter and not muscle fatigue

Did much better, a lot less stopping, but the wall balls and sumo dead lift high pulls in the last round sadly didn't go unbroken.

Scored 250. Using 55# bar (for the push press and sumo dead lift high pull) and 14# med ball. Happy with that.

Last time at prescribed (Rx) weight 75# bar and 20# med ball, score was 182.

I'll call it a success.

Fight Gone Bad:
3 rounds 5 minute (1 min at each station) 1 minute rest between rounds.
-wallballs 20# med ball (1 rep = 1 point)
-sumo dead lift high pull 75# bar (1 rep = 1 point)
-box jumps 24" box (1 rep = 1 point)
-push press (1 rep = 1 point)
-row (1 cal = 1 point)

Running log for Friday, January 13th

16:00 run on the treadmill starting at 10.5km /hr increasing by 0.5km/hr every 2 minutes.

Followed by stretching hip flexors and hamstrings. Then steam room

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Crossfit log for Wednesday, January 11th

First time back at Crossfit since before Christmas! So my resolution went out the door.

My plan for Crossfit is to go lighter and more intense, so of course the first WOD is double unders, which clearly you can't go lighter.

The abmat wall balls (sit up with a medicine ball that you throw against the wall on the way up, and catch on the way down) 14# was the lightest available and that was too heavy.

5 rounds of:
jump ropes (couldn't manage the 50 double unders)
tuck jumps (for those that didn't do double unders)
abmat wall balls

Ended up DNFing at the 15 min mark, but it was still a good workout. Everyone was done when I started my 4th round so I pickup up a 6# med ball and it was so much easier, I wish I'd had an 8 pounder from the beginning. Oh well.

Then we did strength. 4 rounds of ring dips to failure followed by feet elevated ring rows also to failure. Brutal. I'll be sore tomorrow and Friday for sure.

Monday, 9 January 2012

Back from vacation, Around the Bay training begins now.

Back from vacation. Did 2 workouts all week, not very good ones, but better than nothing.

Around the Bay training starts today with a lunch time run just to work the kinks out, nothing serious, just get the legs going.

Hopefully back at Crossfit tomorrow morning, or Wednesday at the latest.

Much to Kiza's chagrin, my training plan is somewhat... nebulous.

- intervals on treadmill (either tabata, kilometre repeats, ripsnorter or frog in boiling water) on two Crossfit days (Monday, Friday), 
-flat easy long mid-week run, building to between 15km and 18km on Wednesday (also a Crossfit day), and 
-hilly long run on the weekend, building to 30km. 
-Tuesdays and Thursdays and 1 weekend day off (by off I mean mobility work and stretching with focus on hips, shoulders and hamstring/aductors).

I think that will put me in pretty good shape for the end of March.

Ran 6km on the hamster mill at the Y, last 2km were rough.