Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Crossfit log for Tuesday, May 31st

After 4 days off, I felt fresh and ready for a workout.

Now by off, I don't mean no workouts, I did go to the Y and did some accessory work.

First part was strength work:
- Push Press 1 Rep Max lift

worked up to 185#.  Failed at 195#  I'll take it.

Part two more strength work
- Weighted Supinated Pull Up 8-8-5-5
- Weighted Bar Dip 10-10-8-8

1:00 rest between.  

Pull ups were not weighted, and I managed 8, 5, 4, 4,

First round of dips I used a 25# plate for 10, but then I was done.  I did 8, 7, 7 not weighted for the last 3 sets

The WOD was okay. But arms were taxed from the above work, so T2B were rough,

3 rounds for time of: 
- 15 1 Arm dumbbell Snatches, 50#/35#  right arm
- 15 AbMat Sit-ups 
- 15 1 Arm dumbbell Snatches, 50#/35# left arm
- 15 Toes-to-bars

Used 35# dumbbell (45# might have been okay). Sit ups were okay.  As expected T2B sucked.  Scaled to 10 instead of 15 and that was smart.


Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Crossfit log for Wednesday, May 25th

Couldn't not go this morning.  Friday and Monday will have no 5:30am classes due to regionals, so having missed yesterday, there was no way I wasn't going.

This was a retest of Nancy.  But it wasn't a legit retest, we moved the bars outside to where the run starts making it a legit Nancy, but last time we were at the front of the gym adding an extra 70m per round.

Nancy: 5 rounds for time
- Run 400m
- 15 overhead squats  95#/65#

I used the same bar as last time 75# between Men's and Women's Rx, but I wish I'd gone up to Men's Rx, since it wasn't really a retest, just to have an official Nancy time.  Oh well, spilled milk.

Also, once again, I did the overhead squats in my Nanos!  Really pumped about that.

So my time last time was 21:39.   This time, the OHS were much slower because that 35m walk from the run to the barbell was missing along with the corresponding rest.

But with the time savings of not having to walk all that way, my time was way better, finished in 17:37.

Averaged 3:30 per round, exactly, left for round 5 at 14:00, and took 3:37 for the last one.

That run though.

Oh and we did 3 reps max Sumo deadlift beforehand.  Tried 315# after hitting 275# in warm up.  No go.  Peeled back to 295# and a triple wasn't a problem. 

I'll take it.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Crossfit at the Y log for Tuesday, May 24th

Didn't want get out of bed this morning.  I did want to do the restest of 12.3 which I PR'd last time but I felt sore and tired after yesterday's killer WOD and yard work in the hot sun.

But didn't want to go in to tomorrow's retest of Nancy more fresh than last time, so I went to the Y at lunch and did 12.3

18 minute AMRAP
- 15 box jumps 24"
- 12 push press  115#  (scaled to 95# as always)
- 9 toes to bar

The t2b were harder then necessary, with no real pull up bar and no chalk.  I found a place on the platform rack that was high enough and grippy enough, but without chalk, it was hard to keep a good grip near the end.

I didn't have nearly enough calories this morning, as I only decide to do this at the last minute.  Started to feel sluggish almost right away.

Just kept going and finished with 5 rounds + 3.  Not near my PR of 6+8 last time, but far from my worst.

I  knew from the get go it wouldn't be stellar, but I got it done and tomorrow will be legit.

Monday, 23 May 2016

Crossfit log for Monday, May 23rd

Holiday Monday team WOD. Kiza and I packed up the kids and tablets and went around 10:30ish, after a lazy morning and a failed blini recipe.

There was nothing on the site, so we were going in with no idea of what the workout would be.

Well it wasn't joyful that's for sure.

- Run 1 mile together
Alternate for 15 rounds
- 1 clean and jerk each.
- 1 rope climb each
- 10 push ups each
- 15 air squats each

- Run 1 mile together

Increase weight on bar:
men started at 95# increasing by 20# for the first three rounds then 10# for the next 10 rounds, then 5# for the last 3.  Women started at 55# up by 10# at firs then 5# to the end.

Took until round 10 for it to start to really suck.

We weren't sure how to scale it because at, best we could both get to the weight of round 12. 

Coach said you can either stop there, or do the last three weights over again.

We planned on the later, but ended up doing the former. 

The second mile run sucked pretty bad

Tomorrow's retest of 12.3 is going to suck.

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Crossfit log for Saturday, May 21st

Team WOD with Kiza.

We ended up having Silver join us as a shadow sine the group count was uneven.

And with too few rowers we started with the run.

Thankfully Silver's shoulder was bugging him, so we scaled the barbell to 95#

- Row, 1200 m shared,
- Run, 1200 m together
-- then --
14 rounds of:  (partners alternate full rounds)
- 12 Shoulder-to-Overheads, 115#/75#
- 9 Toes-to-bars
- 7 Box Jump Overs

I'm sure getting my fill of toes to bar these days.

So we did the run first, then, alternated 300m on the rower.  I started.

Kiza and Silver went together, since Silver and I were sharing the barbell and box.

Again the T2B were the worst,  the bar was fine until the very last round.  The box jump I did lateral rebounding for the first two and last two rounds, the 3 in the middle were less aggressive.

T2B got harder each round, I was able to stay on the bar the first 3 rounds, with either 9 straight or 7 or 8 then hang the finish off.  but soon I was coming off the bar between sets of 5, 4 then 4, 3, 2, then 4, 2, 2, 1.

Oh well, we go through it.  33:14  Overall I liked it.

Crossfire log for Thursday, May 19th

My back was feeling a bit better so I went in to the box with enthusiasm.

I enjoyed the strength and skills work most.
Sumo deadlifts 4 sets of 5 vs Handstand Hold/Walk 

Rest 1 min between

I worked up to 275# on the deadlifts and did free standing holds the first two rounds, and tried some  walks the last two.  Got a few steps, but not much.  It was fun, and that was the point.

The we did thruster 3 sets of 4 vs Dumbbell Romanian deadlift 3 sets of 10

For the thrusters I did 135# and the RDL I used the 50# dumbbells the first set, and the 70# dumbbells the last two.  Really felt it in my hammies.

Didn't love the WOD.
Chipper for time:
- 50 Thrusters, empty bar
- 40 Step Down Box Jumps 
- 30 Toes-to-bars 
- 20 Handstand Push-ups

I knew I was scaling the HSPU, so decided to scale as much as I could. Used a 35# women's bar for the thrusters, 20" box and had planned on trying as many HSPU as I could before scaling it somehow.  Hoping for maybe 3 reps.

The first 15 thrusters I felt like I was cheating, or maybe I'd grabbed an even lighter training bar, it felt so light.  By 25 reps I was so glad I wasn't using a men's bar, my shoulders were burning. 

Box jumps were fine, I'd jump down, but not rebound (which is why they specify step down, to avoid achilles injuries people get from rebounding)

T2B were rough, no real viable scaling option, unless you drop the number of reps, didn't want to do that, or do knees to elbows, or knees to chest, didn't want to do that either, so I chipped away at them.

Had nothing left for the HSPU attempts, and everyone else was finished. So I went straight to straddle position "bear" hspu.  even that was rough, but I got it done.  Don't remember my time.  13 minutes and change rings a bell.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Crossfit log for Wednesday, May 18th

Well since i don't like MAP 5, i didn't have high hopes for today's MAP 7

Part 1
AMRAP in 9 mins of:
-Row, 1000 m
Followed by AMRAP
10 Burpee/ Jump Over Plates, 8/6 in
10 Overhead Squats, 115/75 lbs

Rest 4 mins

-must jump over plates completely without touching -45#+25# for men, 45 # women

Part 2
AMRAP in 9 mins of:
25 Wall Balls
15 Pull-ups
25 Pistols (Alternating Legs)s
15 Power Cleans, 115/75 lbs

Part 3
AMRAP in 9 mins of:
Run, 200 m
20 AbMat Sit-ups

Rest 4 mins between each part

Not fun. 95# on the bar. Was just right.

Burpees were step down, given my back thing from my last burpee.

Post 2 was the best one for me. Pull ups were fun. Wall balls not so much on the second round. Pistols went well with the scale option of getting for on ground.

The rest was not much fun.

Done is done

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Accessory log for Tuesday, May 17th

Took the time to go to the Y at lunch.

I did a variety of accessory work.

Landline rows, 8 each side empty bar then 2 sets of 10 with 30#of plates on it.

Then i did the openers, lat/triceps, bicep, shoulders.

Then the thoracic opener with the dumbbell.

Had a very successful couple of sets of overhead squats, in my nanos! Booyah!

2 sets empty bar. 1 set 95#, 1 set 135#.

Getting better all the time.

Finished up with wrist roller, 3 sets at 30#

Might be sure tomorrow.

Monday, 16 May 2016

Crossfit log for Monday, May 16th

Hard time getting out of bed this morning.

As usual, glad I did

It was one of those bloody MAP workouts, a MAP 5 no less. Ugh.

Part 1
4 rounds 3:00 on, 3:00 off
- row

Rest 5 minutes

Part 2
AMRAP in 3 mins of:
- 5 Pull-ups
- 7 Hang Power Cleans, 95/65 lbs
- 9 Push Press, 95/65 lbs
- 15 Air Squats

Post 1 sucked. Kept getting slower. First one naturally went out too hard. Averaged 2:00/500m, then i tried to start at 2:00/500m and hold it, but that only lasted 500m, averaged a bit slower, rounds 3 and 4 were progressively slower.

Part 2 was my jam!
Split the difference on the bar with 75#and was able to keep the bar moving. All unbroken.

First time through was a bit of a warm up, did two full rounds plus 4 pull ups.

Seconds time felt way faster on round 1, but slowed down for round two, finished all 5 pull ups with time to spare but not enough to get to the bar.

Third one i made it back to hang power cleans on round 3 for 3 reps. 2 rounds plus 8.

The last round i finished all 7 cleans.

Pretty stoked. All unbroken, each round better than the last. Can't ask for better than that.

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Crossfit log for Thursday, May 12th

Well whatever I did Monday, even with physio, I'm still feeling it.

I hope it's not soft tissue damage. I'll try and book with Rob asap.

Despite that, I made it to the gym, figured I'd do what I could

It was in two parts, both 4 rounds of e minute AMRAP with 2 minute rest with 5 minutes in between.

Part 1
3 min AMRAP + 2 min rest X 4
- 30 double unders
- 20 abmat sit ups
- 10 push press 75#

Rest 5 min

Part 2
3 min AMRAP + 2 min rest X 4
- 12 med ball cleans
- 10 slam balls
- 8 alternating pistols

Try as I might, I couldn't get past the second set of sit ups in 3 minutes. Even the times i got through the DUs unbroken. Mixing sit ups and double unders is cruel.

Part 2 was murder on the hips.  Never made it past the med ball cleans second time through.

Scaled the pistols by draping my foot over the front of my working foot.

Glad that's over.

Monday, 9 May 2016

Crossfit log for Monday, May 9th

Kiza is out of town yet again. But with Clarisse home, i was able to get to Crossfit this morning.

Felt like strongman day.

Started with sumo deadlifts vs one arm dumbbell presses for 4 sets
7-7-5-5 for the deadlifts and sets of 8, each arm for the presses. 1 minute rest between each

Did 225#-245#-275#-295#(2) 295#Mar be a PR, I'll have to look it up.
And 20#-35#-45#-45#. Got heavy at the end.

Then 3 sets of suitcase carried 150' vs strict barbell press 7-5-3

Did 32kg (70#) kettle bell, then 40kg(88#) kettle bell and finally the 100# dumbbell. Dumbbells stuck for carries, they roll into your fingers and grip become horrible. Next time we pull out the handled barbells.

Did 95#-115#-125#(X)-115# for the presses. Those carries destroyed my press.

The WOD was not fun.

15-12-9 of
- dumbbell hang squat clean thrusters
- burpees

Drudged through. Shoulders and core spent.

Last burpee last round, felt a twinge in my back

Luckily i was headed to physio a bit later.

All good now.

Finished in 9:25. Dead last, but i finished.

Friday, 6 May 2016

Crossfit log for Friday. May 6th

Well now i know i can make it from my bed to the gym in 20 minutes.

Arrived at 5:31

No warm up.

Strength work was 4 sets of back squats 9-9-7-5 vs dumbbell rows 10-10-10-10 each side

Did 185#-205#-225#-245# for the squats, that last set of 5 was rough, and 50#-50#-70#-70# for the rows, the last set at 70# was only 8 reps. Ran out off lats.

Then we had 3 sets of 8 one leg step ups vs strict pull ups. Sandbagged it. We were running or if time, only did one set of pull ups and 2 of the step ups. Meh.

WOD was a chipper.
- 50 cal row
- 35 wall balls
- 20 hang power cleans
- 10 bar muscle ups

I scaled the crap out of that thing.

First there weren't enough rowers, so i volunteered to use the assault bike. FML.

Heart was racing.

When I got to the wall balls, I promptly put the 20# ball away and got a 14# ball.

Used 95# on the bar, women's Rx. Did 5, 7, 8 reps

And finally having used up all bar muscle ups for the week yesterday, i did bar dips, 10 took me like 7 seconds.

Finished in 9:29.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Crossfit log for Thursday, May 5th

This work thing is really getting in the way of my fitness.

I did manage to get to the Y twice, but i didn't have time to log then.  Mostly mobility and accessory work. Although Tuesday, i hit a 155# overhead squat, so there's that.

Today, the warm up was 3 round of 10 OHS with empty bar, 10 behind the neck snatch grip presses, same bar. 10 kip swings.

Shoulders were on after that!

Skills work was power snatch, 4 sets of 4 touch and go.  Warmer up with 75# and 95#, felt great. So much do i jumped to 125# for the first working set. Nope. Hmm... 115#? Nope. Didn't bother with 105#, went back down to 95# and counted the warm up set as a working set.  On the good side, form was really good at the weight.

Then we did Team Nate.
20 AMRAP, partners alternate full rounds
- 2 muscle ups,
- 4 handstand push ups
- 9 kettle bell swings

Worked with Mike. Goal was to try 1 bar muscle up per round. If I got it, move on to hspu, if not, do 2 chest to bar pull ups. By halfway, the bar muscle ups went out the window, I think i got 4 total.

Started the hspu Rx, ended up with an ab mat, by round 3

Swings were fine.

We tried with Kamil and Justin, 18 rounds plus 2 reps.

Can't complain about that!

Finished is with 3 sets of 8 strict press. I setup with 75# and everyone just used my bar, even the strong guys. Slackers.

Shoulders are toast. Haven't felt that in a while. Love it.

Monday, 2 May 2016

Crossfit log for Monday, May 1st

MAP 4, not so fun.

2 minutes on, 2 minutes off. 5 rounds. Just s bit too exhausting for me.

2 sets with 5 minutes between is 45 minutes long with 20 should minutes of work.

I'm wiped.

Part 1 - 5 rounds 2:00 work 2:00 rest
-250m row
-AMRAP bar facing burpees

5 minutes rest

Part 2 5 rounds
AMRAP 2:00
-5 pull ups
-7 thrusters 75#/55#
-9 kettle bell settings 24kg/16kg

Burpees were pretty consistent: 7-9+9+8-8

Round in part 2 weren't as consistent: 1+7, 1+7,1+3!,1+5 and 1+7.


Crossfit log for Saturday, April 30th

Once again, a 3 workout week meant Saturday WOD.

Patterned with Lisa again.

We did team Eva.
5 round for time:
- 800m run
- 30 kettle bell settings 32kg/24kg
- 30 pull ups

Run together, split the rest
First round, i ran ahead, and started the kettle bell, but that didn't buy me enough rest. We split them 15, 15. Pull ups i did 5 and kids did triples.

On the second run we decided she's do 20 settings and I'd do 10 and the opposite for the pull ups, door for the rest she started the swings and we did 10, 10, 10 and the pull ups we did 5, 3,5,3,5,2,5,2 but the last two rounds she did her last 4 unbroken so i finished with my 5.

The first round didn't include a walk to the back door, so at 8:30 it was a bit faster than the rest, we averaged around 9:20 per round.

46:09.  Hard work