Friday, 29 January 2016

Crossfit log for Friday, January 29th

That was rough.

Slept in a bit, and went to the 6:30 class, since I was home with the kids today, there was no need to rush.

It was bit weird working out with a different crew, but I know many of them so it wasn't bad.

The other down side was watching my crew suffer through the end of the WOD.  Many they didn't look like they were having fun.

The warm up was 3 rounds of 10 knees to chest, 10 kettle bell swings, 10 seconds hollow hold, 10 supermans. 

Then we did a 4 minute every 30 seconds for 8 rounds 2 power cleans. Followed by 2 minutes rest and max reps of front squats with the same bar.

I was thinking 165# or 175#.  Kamil had done 155#, so I started with that, which was pretty easy, so quickly added two more 10# plates for 175#.  I made it through 3 rounds of that before deciding it was a bad idea and dropping back down to 155#.

Managed only 11 front squats.  I thought I'd get more, I should've grabbed my belt.

The horrible WOD was
- push ups
- goblet squats
- burpees


66 reps.  So I broke the push ups in to sets of 5, with 5-10 seconds break from the get go and that saved me.  Goblet squats were not an issue (unbroken expect the first round, 11, 10) Did my usual burpee plan, quick up, quick down, 3 breaths repeat.  Slow but steady. 

Was strong to the end, despite being last, and 3 minutes slower than Kamil. Grrr.

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