Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Crossfit log for Wednesday, January 21st

Finally back at Crossfit today.  Was going crazy.

Friday I was sore after Thursday's workout and feeling a bit under the weather, no doubt thanks to Dexter.  Then Sunday morning I get out of bed and stretch and yawn and throw out my back.

How does that even happen? Unreal.  I can squat nearly 300lbs and dead lift 365bls but I can't yawn without hurting myself???  WTF?

So I stretched and rolled and got a massage and was finally feeling up to going again.  Not 100% but good enough.

Glad I went.

Did snatch balance + 2 overhead squats for strength/skill work.  Snatch balance at 115# was fine, OHS not so much.

The workout was a Team/Partner WOD.

For time
- 500m row while partner does 100 double unders
- when both are finished, switch.

- 50 dead lifts while partner holds bar at the hang  225# (scaled to 185#)
- alternate 5 reps then switch

- 50 toes to bar while partner in dead hang from bar
- alternate 5 reps then switch

Worked with new guy Matt (new to mornings anyway)

Row was fine, double unders were hit and miss, dead lifts were hard.  T2B were torture.

Finished in 14:34

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