Thursday, 15 January 2015

Crossfit log for Thursday, January 15th

So much for a regular week.  Dexter has been sick with a croupy cough and the spectre of a trip to the ER kept me home for two days.

You'd think after two days rest I'd be fresh and ready for anything they could throw at me.  Yeah, not really.

No strength work, started with a "warm up" workout:

3 rounds of
- row 2 minutes
- rest 1 minute
- Cindy 2 minutes  (5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 air squats)
- rest 1 minute

Instruction were to take the first round easy.   because of the number of rowers some of us started with Cindy.  3 squats shy of 2 rounds.

Coach Alex jokingly asked it that pace was sustainable for 18 minutes.  I sheepishly said no. So much for easy first round.

Row was around 460m, we weren't keeping score, intentionally.

Second round I managed 2 full rounds plus 3 pull ups.  So maybe my pace wasn't so bad after all.   Row was very similar.

Third round again, 2 full rounds plus 2 pull ups.  Not too shabby. 

But we still had the WOD to do.

It was a killer.
5 rounds for time
- 9 toes to bar
- 7 unbroken touch and go squat cleans from the floor
- 5 handstand push ups
- 3 bar muscle ups (scaled to ring dips)

First round T2B were unbroken.  That was good.

The first two rounds I took the cleans slowly, resting in the front rack and in the hang before tackling the next rep.  This bled too much time and wasn't effective rest anyway.

First round I also did the hspu Rx.  But after the ring dips I had to resort to an abmat.

Round 3 sucked.  I did the t2b 5 and 4, but the 4 weren't chained nicely.  Then I tackled the cleans aggressively 5 quick and 2 not so quick.  Took a long break before tackling the hspu, as I was feeling a bit nauseated.

After that it went better,  the nausea didn't completely pass but it was faint enough to allow me to finish. 

Took me a whopping 20:51  dead last.  Oh well.  Done is done.

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