Saturday, 24 January 2015

Crossfit log for Saturday, January 24th

Posted Monday.

Don't often do weekend WODs, but wanted to go and partner with Clarisse.
It was a rough one, and we were supposed to be teams of 3, but we were 11 participants, so Clarisse and I teamed up and did 2 thirds of the work, with less rest.

The WOD was an 18 minute AMRAP of:
-50 thrusters, we did 32
-9 rope climbs, we did 6
-40 thrusters (23)
-6 rope climbs (4)
-30 thrusters (20)
-3 rope climbs (2)
-30 snatches (20)
-30 chest to bar pull ups, scaled to regular pull ups (20)
-21 snatches (14)
-21 pull ups (14)
-15 snatches (10)
-15 pull ups (10)
-9 snatches
-9 pull ups

Rx was 115# for men and 75# for women.  I scaled to 95# for the thrusters and after my first 5 snatches at 95# I further scaled to 75# (women's Rx).  Clarisse did 45# for the thrusters, she could've gone heavier.

She initially took the plates off for the snatches but it was way too easy, I made her put them back on after her first 5, and that was much harder on her, but she managed.  We only had 10 each that round.  Pull up weren't a problem for either off us.

The big deal was the rope climbs.  Clarisse can climb a rope, barefoot, but she had no notion of gripping the rope with shoes.  I gave her a bit of a tutorial, then coach Alex gave a more complete lesson as we prepared for the WOD.  Enough that she could hopefully do the 3 pull rule and get part way up the rope for each rep. (I had told her to do 2 pulls, then just before the WOD started coach Alex came over and told her to just to 3 pulls, ha! So that's what she did).

She did great for round 1.  Round 2 she had trouble and decided to try the scale of ring rows, but she'd never done those before and couldn't figure them out on the fly.  So she went back to the to rope. Faced with no alternative and the clock ticking, she really attacked the rope from that point on. 

On the last climb of round three, she went right to the top.   It was pretty epic.  Having climbed before in gymnastics, there was no fear. She just needed the confidence in the new technique.  Once she committed to it, she found it.  

Really proud.

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