Brought up shoulder mobility and continued with work on pistols.
Looks like my s-c joint is really tight on the left side. Pecs are tight on both sides. He suggested getting a (very painful) massage in my arm pits to loosen up the soft tissue there. Just pressing his thumb in there to do the dry needling on my pec was agony. It shouldn't be.
He gave me stretch where I'm sitting sideways on the floor with my knees bent at 90° like a running pose. So the floor side knee foward, bent 90° at the hip and 90° at the knee, the upper leg straight down at the hip and 90° at the knee. Kinda like this:
Except not twisted, facing the floor like this, facing forward and resting on only one arm, keeping it in line with my hips. I let my body sag into the shoulder, shrugging as deep as I can, curving my spine to get a good stretch in the lat. Then the fun starts. The other arm reaches forward (instead of on the ground as above) and I twist my torso rotating on the shoulder socket and all measure of discomfort ensues.
Also worked on handstand hold. What I didn't get was that they want me to do a free standing handstand, not a wall leaning handstand. Using the wall only as a buffer or a guide but not relying on it to hold. This will take some work, but I'm eager.
Also worked on the rounded back, feet together squat. I can do it nicely barefoot with heels on a 2x4, even in my 1" lifting shoes. I'll need to practice in my Asics lifter with only 3/4" heels. Then less of a heel. I need to do this daily.
I really like having a path forward.
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