No preamble, straight to the WOD.
19 minute AMRAP (6min + 2min rest + 5min + 2min rest + 4min)
6:00 of
- 7 clean and jerk @ 95#
- 7 pull ups
- 21 double unders
2:00 rest
5:00 of
- 9 hang power clean @ 95#
- 6 power jerk @ 95#
- 3 bar muscle ups (scale to dips)
2:00 rest
4:00 of
- 10 pistols (scale to 20 air squats)
- 5 handstand push ups
Sweat fest.
Warming up I tried to get a bar muscle up with little success. Justin suggested a bigger swing from the start and suddenly I was within inches of getting. Coach even got his camera out because it looked like today was the day.
Alas, after 5 or 6 attempts I was running out of steam. So close.
Then warming up double unders, going nowhere, coach said to keep my hands down, I was bringing them up to high with each rotation of the rope. Tried it. BAM! 15 effortless double unders.
First round I gave Justin a run for his money. He finished the c&j 1 rep ahead, but I smoked the pull ups and he broke them up. Then BAM 21 double unders. unbroken. First to the bar for round 2.
Then of course I slowed right down (parched throat, thanks creatine, so I gulped some water between rounds). But kept a steady pace. Both rounds were like 15-18 double unders. I managed 3 full rounds in 6:00.
Again first round of the second part was really quick. All unbroken. Second round I dropped the bar on the 8th clean then rested, picked it up for rep 9 and right into the jerks.
Again, 3 rounds even.
Air squats were fast the first round, and hspu went well. Really running out of gas by now, last round I came off the wall after 3 hspu, there was only 15 seconds left, if I could get two more reps I'd be 3 rounds even again. With hspu, when you're done, you're done, so I geve it everything I had, and kipped like a mad man and somehow managed to get two more coming off the wall for each one.
Worked really hard on that one. Proud of my near muscle up and really proud of my double unders.
Good workout.
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