Went to the Canada Day WOD mid morning. Kiza went first, I showed up with the kids just as she was starting. Once she finished, she took the kids home to shower and get ready for the day while I did the WOD.
It was a team WOD, but the format was continuous starts, people showed up at random, mostly with a partner in tow, and took note of the time on the clock and just took off.
I waited around for 25 minutes, hoping for someone without a partner to show up. Ended up just going on my own. I kinda "shadowed" a couple of teams to try and keep it legit.
The WOD was team Murph.
For time.
Run 2km together
Split the following work broken up in any way you want:
- 100 pull ups
- 200 push ups
- 300 air squats
Run 2km together.
So the middle work could be done and 20 sets of Cindy (5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats) or 10 sets of double Cindy. Each team member doing half the work.
My first run was 10:22. I wasn't impressed, but it was really hot and humid out.
I did Cindy for 10 rounds, waiting for someone from another team to do a round before staring my next. Went really well, I only started to feel the push ups in the last two rounds. I expected them to be hard, so was happy to make it 8 rounds bofore starting to suffer. Pull ups were a snap. First round I did 6, so I waited until round 7 or 8 to do 4, to compensate. Air squats were fine. A bit slower than usual, but I knew I had another run.
Second run was brutal. Shoulders were tight, I was unbelievably hot, even with Kiza's bandana soaked in water on my head. Took me an incredible 14:37 for the second 2km.
I was wiped. Really glad that's over. I bit disappointed I didn't have a partner. Oh well. I did the work, that's what counts.
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