Sunday, 6 July 2014

Crossfit log for Saturday, July 5th

Come to Coach Isabelle's birthday throw down they said, It'll be fun they said.


Two torturous WODs later and I think Kevin said it best.  I am dead, my body just doesn't know it yet.

First WOD I affectionately call "DT was a pussy".

Seemed harmless enough until we saw the first heat try it. Coach had to drop a round before the end as teams were dying.

Teams of 2, for time:
2 rounds of DT  155# Rx 135# scalled
2 lengths of the field sled pull
4 rounds of DT
2 lengths sled pull
4 rounds of DT (originally 6)
2 lengths sled pull

The field was about 50m long, the sled had 70# on it for scaled (90# for Rx)
So essentially each team member did DT plus 3 50m sled pulls.

Horrible.  My shoulders were so sore.  I partnered with Mitch and he carried me through it.  We never even looked at our time.  It was a blur of pain and fatigue.

WOD 2 was hard but not as hard as the first.

14 minute AMRAP
-Share 1000m row (800m scaled) while partner holds 110# axle in front rack.
-Share Isabelle (30 snatches for time 95# (Rx was 135#)
-share 60 wall balls (Rx was 80 reps)
-Alternate farmer carries with 16kg kettle bells 70m  (35m and back)

Score was number of lengths (35m) of farmer carries
We got 9.5, no idea how we stacked up.

My row was really strong.  Mitch confused me by saying he had done only 400m (I was sure we had to do 1000m so I figured I had 600m to do.  I went all out, holding 1:37-1:38 / 500m pace, I clued in that I also had only 400, thankfully before getting that far, I yelled to Mitch to confirm I was only doing 400, and he ask where are you 380m! Already?  So yeah, I was pretty fast.

Mitch is way, way better at the snatch than I am, even at 95#. He was doing 5 or 6 reps for my 3. But together we made quick work of the snatches and I took off with the wall balls.  Did 10, passed it off, Mitch did 10, I did 15, he managed another 10, I did 11 leaving the last 4 for him as I got ready for the farmer carries.

I felt I contributed more on WOD 2.

Kiza was partnered with Yvana, one of Caleb's classmates. They did quite well.  I hope they post the results. We couldn't stay because Dexter was getting overtired and we had guest coming over for supper.

So naturally after all that work I mowed the lawn and ran to the grocery store before bbqing some hamburgers and drinking wine while watching kids swim and play in the back yard.

Long day.  But a good day nonetheless.

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