I'm really looking forward to my massage tomorrow.
Today was back squats 5 sets of 6 at no less than 65% of max, did 195# (79%)
Rep 5 and 6 were rough each time.
After that we did 8 Romanian dead lifts super set with 6 toes-through-rings, strict (aka no kipping) for 4 sets.
I did my first set at 135# and it was tough. Second at 185# and that really sucked, so I went back down to 135# and had more control and was able to brace my back more effectively.
I'm just so sore. Massage will hopefully help, followed by 2 days off.
The WOD was a short devistating affair of
21-15-9 kettle bell swings 24kg and burpees. Suck-fest.
DFL. 7:36
After 21 burpees my nose was dripping as the mild congestion I've been having over the last few days was being jarred out my nose with each rep. So I took a kleenex break after round 1, after that it wasn't so bad, just tried to keep a steady rhythm.
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