Friday, 22 November 2013

Crossfit log for Friday, November 22nd

Took yesterday off for physio and back at it big time today.

For strength we did 5 rounds of 5 strict press, rest 1 minute, 5 strict pull ups, rest 1 minute.

I did 95#, and it was a good weight.  The last rep was a bit of a fight to get up.  I did the pull ups just body weight and had no trouble doing all 5 sets of 5.

The WOD today was "DT"
5 rounds for time
12 dead lifts
9 hang power cleans
6 power jerks/push press

All using the same bar, so same weight.  Rx is 155lbs, only Adam and Botch did this weight.

I hummed and hawed, and thought Natasha was doing 105 (women's Rx), and my ego said I had to go heavier. I've done 95# and 105# in the past, but I don't think I've ever done 115#.  So that's what I chose. As it turns out Natasha did 85#so I could have gone lighter and still satisfied my ego, but I'm glad I didn't.

I was happy with my 16:06 performance, until I read my old blog posts complaining about going over 15 minutes.  Oh well.  I went hard.  I tried to make sure when I picked up the bar I was not putting it down until the before last rep.

I say before last, because with "DT", the strategy is this, if you have to drop, don't drop on the last rep of the dead lift or the clean, since you will have to dead lift it to start your first clean and you'll have to clean it to start your first jerk.  It makes more sense to drop on the 11th dead lift, take a break, the do the 12th dead lift as you start your cleans.  Same goes for the last clean before starting the jerks.

On the third round I finally committed to keeping my hook grip when catching the cleans, this made it much easier to get through them, but on round 4 my hands got sweaty and I lost the grip on the 7th rep, and I had to drop it.  So when I picked it back up, I made sure to do the last 3 cleans and immediately start the jerks.

I worked hard.  I'm happy with my 16:06.   It was the heaviest "DT" I've ever done.

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