Thursday, 28 November 2013

Crossfit log for Thursday, November 28th

I was wondering why I was so sore, especially in my obliques and lats as I arrived at the box this morning.

We hadn't really worked those muscles this week.  Maybe the rope climbs, or the toes to bar, but not really.

Then it dawned on me: shovelling.    I guess it was a good workout after all.

We did some snatch work.  We had the choice of snatch pulls or snatch dead lift. Since we'd done quite a few pull workouts at Olympic lifting classes, I opted for the dead lifts.  3 sets of 3 at 185#, after working up to that weight naturally.

Then we did heavy back squats, max effort for 3 reps.  Worked up to 225# and as time was running out, decided to call that my max effort.  I've done 240# for two, so I should have at least tried 235# but 225# was hard.

The WOD was a good one.  For me anyway.

10 min AMRAP
-10 wall balls  20# medicine ball
-4 pull ups (add 1 pull up each round)

So, round one: 10 wall balls, 4 pull ups, round two: 10 wall balls 5 pull ups, etc...

I did all the wall balls unbroken, and all the pull ups until the last round (round 8 for 11 pull ups) I had to stop at 9 and jump back up for the last 2. I managed to get through the 10 wall balls with 2 seconds left on the clock, so not even enough time for a single pull up in round 9.

I honestly don't understand how Adam beat me.  I was a machine.  I think I took too much time between stations, and apparently Adam is like lightening when it comes to wall balls (although, given the laws of gravity I don't know how I could go any faster)!

Either way, I'm happy with my result.  I pushed really hard and did almost everything unbroken.

Did the math, 90 wall balls and 60 pull ups in 10 minutes.  Not bad.

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