Monday, 4 November 2013

Crossfit log for Monday, November 4th

Olympic lifting class again this week.

That was a lot of work.  Worked with Luke, strong guy, stronger than me, but rather new, so his max snatch is only 5# more than mine.

Started with "tall snatch", essentially a snatch from the high hang position, very little dip and drive, very fast. 5 sets of 4, starting the empty bar for two sets then one set at 40%, one at 50% and one at 60% of max snatch. (did 65#, 75# and 85#).  This part went well.

Then we moved to snatching from the floor: 1 power, 2 full.  One set at 70% of max (95#) and 1 at 80% (105#) followed by 3 sets of one full snatch at 90%  (went with 125#). 

The last ones were a bit wobbly, but landed them. All that was within the first 25 minutes.

Then we worked on power,  with straps. 

The bar was set at 80% (we decided to go with 115# instead of 105#).
Start with a slow pull to the high hang, then 2 explosive extensions, then slowly back down to start position, without touching the floor and slowly back up, again 2 extensions and slowly back down pausing an inch from the floor and then release. 

That whole set three times.

After that was the exhausting bouncing exercise.  Bar set at 60% (I think we did 85# or maybe 75#), snatch grip with straps, 10 bouncing extensions, so no pause between extensions, full shrug, full jump, land and bounce again.  3 sets.

And finally  4 sets of 2 heavy back squats.  Warmed up with 135#, 185# then did 3 sets at 225# and 1 @ 235#.  Luke go up to 265# without problem.

Wiped.  Tomorrow morning should be fun.

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