Took yesterday off after
Things are better, but
not better enough. The discomfort (I can't really call it pain) and
tightness has migrated away from my tailbone area towards my hips but
still makes pulling form the ground "un-fun".
I did the front
squats max weight for 3 reps and was able to lift 185# 3 times. Wanted
to try 195# but didn't want to risk aggravating my glutes.
Of the 4 sets of 8 walking lunches with barbell across traps/shoulders I did only 2 sets @ 115#.
The WOD was a nice one
3 rounds for time
15 toes to bar (or knees to elbows)
10 cleans 115#
15 abmat sit ups
10 box jumps 30"
15 ball slams
staggered the start due to limited number of boxes and abmats, so I
started at the cleans, I still had my lifting belt on from the strength
work. That came off for the sit ups, box jumps went really well, ball
slams too. Then came the toes to bar. Glutes are just too tight right
now, I couldn't even go knees to elbows. Did sit ups instead.
back to the bar for the cleans, minus the weight belt and did one.
This was the point where I realized that the risk of further injury
outweighed the value of the workout. So I ended it there and went to
roll my glutes with a lacrosse ball.
Still a fine workout.
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