Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Crossfit log for Wednesday, June 26th

Must be team WOD week.

Partnered with Kamil, my favourite WOD partner. We are fairly evenly matched and have different strengths and weakness to play off of. We decided to go Rx and see what happens. We did really well.

1 partner works at a time,

Today was a 18 min AMRAP of:
4 rope to the beam
16 dumb bell squat cleans
20 ball slams 16# slam ball
16 bar bell squat cleans 115#
20 wall balls 20# med ball
16 ring dips

We made 2 full rounds and 43 reps (3 bar bell cleans). The bar bell cleans at 115# slowed us down.

All but one of the 6 rope climbs I was able to get to the beam with only 2 steps.

The db squats we did 8 and 8 the first round then 4, 4, 4, 4 the next two.

Ball slams seemed like a break, we did 10 in a row each all three times. Same with the wall balls for both times.

Ring dips we did 4, 4, 4, 4 both rounds. We ended with the barbell cleans, first round we did 8 and 8, then 4, 4, 4,4, the last round we had seconds left. Kamil did 2, but the second was agonizingly slow getting up, so as soon as he dropped it I jumped in with less than 10 seconds left, fresher, I was able to get it up just before the buzzer!

Awesome workout.

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