Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Crossfit log for Tuesday, June 11th

Bench day. 1 rep max made 175#, failed at 195#

Then strict press 4 sets of 8, did 65#, 75#, 75#, 75#

WOD was 10 minute AMRAP (start at 3 reps each, increase by 3 reps each round)

Power cleans 95#
Ring dips
Wall balls

My back still isn't quite right, aggravated it last night at Olympic lifting class, so the cleans were harder than they should've been. Wall ball probably weren't below parallel and the dips really sucked after trashing the triceps during strength work.

The round of 9 and 12 I finished the last 4 dips on the bars instead of the rings.

Made it through the rounds of 3, 6 and 9, made 12 cleans and 12 dips at the buzzer.

Olympic lifting last night was strength day I think

Started with Power clean from the floor plus strict press combo 1-5, 1-4, 1-3, 1-2, 1-1, 1-1 increasing weight each set

Then power cleans 1 from the floor 1 from the hang 1 from the floor, at 65%-70% of max clean and jerk weight.

Then over head squat (or in my case, lunge) going all the way down, up 2 thirds, down up 1 third, down then all the way up for 1 set.

Did 65#

Then back squats 4 sets of 10 coming up to 80% of upright (so no locking out the legs, OMG burn) at 75% of C&J max, so I did 125# paying for it today.

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