Today we did split jerk. 3 sets 3 reps. Did 125#, probably a bit too heavy, as it was supposed to be 65-70% which would've been between 104# and 112#
I was going to do 115# but there were no 10# plates to go from 95# (two 25# plates) to 115#, there were only 15# plates left, so 125# it was.
I wasn't as fast as the workout demanded, but I had no trouble getting it over head.
WOD was a "Hero WOD" called "DT" named for a fallen soldier.
It's 5 rounds for time of
12 dead lifts
9 hang power cleans
6 push jerks
Rx is 155#, yeah, not for me, blue scaled was 105#, but that wasn't happening today. Went with 95# and was happy I did.
Almost a year ago, I wrote:Back at Crossfit today.
Rough one. A "hero" WOD (typically harder than most WODs) called "DT", 5 rounds for time: 12 Dead lifts, 9 hang power clean, 6 push jerks.
Blue scaled was 115# on the bar, after a little warm-up I knew I wasn't doing blue. Settle on 95#, but after two rounds, there was no way I was doing another 3 at that weight, so I dropped it to 85# and that went better, but still hard. Took me like 15 minute, I didn't even look at the clock when I finished.
Last December I wrote:Wednesday was a Hero WOD called "DT"
5 rounds of 12 deadlifts, 9 hang power cleans, 6 push jerks, I think I did 105# I think I was 18:35. Brutal.
So not a great history with DT. Interesting that the scaling was 115# last year, but 105# this time around. But compare to last year, I had no problem finishing at 95# and went 14:02 today, clear improvement over last year.
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