Thursday, 28 February 2013

Crossfit log for Tuesday, February 28th

Strength: Front Squat 5 sets of 3

Did 135#-145#-155#-155#-145#

WOD shouldn't have been so hard, but with all the pull ups this week it made the knees to elbow really rough.

4 rounds for time:
15 wall balls 20#
8 dead lifts 165# (blue was 185# and green was 135# so I kinda split the difference)
12 knees to elbows. (on a good day with rested arms I might have tried to toes to bar, but not today).

Dead last again, 12:50, but I was steady throughout, would've been a different story with fresh arms, but hey that's the point.

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Crossfit log for Wednesday, February 27th

Needed a good workout and behold, I had one.

WOD Wednesday had skill work. Snatch pull, basically pulling the bar for a snatch, but up to chest height only.

WOD was 10 rounds with a 10 minute cap.
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of
- pull ups
- power jerk (aka push jerk) 75#

I decided to go light and went with 75# (which was green scaled weight, blue was 95#, red was 135#) I'm really glad I did.

I think my mobility work is starting to pay off, my power jerk actually looked like a power jerk. Granted at 75# that's a lot easier to do than at 95# or 135#!

The first round I somehow managed to master the butterfly kip for like 7 consecutive pull ups and then 3 more to finish very quickly. (

Subsequent rounds I was able to pull off 4 or 5 in a row, but eventually went back to the regular kipping pull up.

Had to hustle at the end, running between the pull up bar and my bar bell, finished with 0:03 seconds left on the clock!

Cashed out with 30 ab mat sit ups. Felt great.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Crossfit log for Tuesday, February 26th

Back squats, focus on the bounce back from the bottom position, to help Olympic lifting.

4 sets of 6, did 185#, 185#, 175#, 175#

Wasn't getting a good bounce at 185# so I drop a bit of weight.

WOD was rough, 12 min AMRAP
20 hands stand push ups (used the feet on a box scaled variant)
30 power cleans 105# (should've done 95#)
40 push press 65#
50 kettle bell swings 20kg
50 abmat sit ups

made it to the end of the push press. Should've gone lighter on the cleans, took forever.

Monday, 25 February 2013

Crossfit log for Monday, February 25th

Crossfit to day we had 15 minute to find our 1 rep max of 1 power clean, 1 power jerk, 1 clean & jerk.

Succeded at 125# failed at 145#

WOD was worse than Fran.

5 rounds for time 16 minute cap
5 bear complex @ 105#
10 pull ups.

Bear complex is:
- 1 clean
- 1 front squat
- 1 push press
- 1 back squat
- 1 behind the head push press

You can clean into the front squat and you can come out of the squat straight into a press which is more efficient but more taxing.

I made 4 rounds and the 5 bear complex, 10 pull ups short of finishing. It was a good workout though. Maybe if I'd done 95# it would've been better.

Friday, 22 February 2013

Crossfit log for Friday, February 22nd

How do you make a kettle bell workout suck? Intersperse burpees! Ugh.

A few people on here might like this one.

But first, strength was strict press 4 sets of 8

Did 65#(8), 85#(7), 75#(6), 65#(7)

Didn't notice the extra 5# plates on the bar for the 85#, thought it was 75# and wondered why I had so much more trouble than 65#, until I noticed them.

WOD was 3 rounds for time:
16 kettle bell swings 16kg (the board said 20kg for blue, but I opted for lighter and was really glad I did).
8 burpees
14 one armed kettle bell snatches (7 per side) 16kg
8 burpee box jumps (20" box)
12 kettle bell taters 16kg
6 burpee pull ups.

18:50, brutal.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Crossfit log for Thursday, February 21st

Strength: back squats 4 set of 6
115#, 145#, 165#, 165#

Post Fran, this sucked. Would've been nice if my triceps and lats weren't in a DOMS induced labour strike.

3 rounds for time
10 ring dips (hello triceps!)
10 knees to elbows (hello lats!)
10 hand release push ups (hello triceps!)
15 abmat sit ups.

11:12 DFL. Meh, it would've been a far different story if not for Fran on Tuesday. Glad it's done.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Crossfit log for Wednesday, February 20th

Sore despite my massage yesterday. Maybe so close to Fran wasn't a great time. Oh well.

WOD Wednesday
4 rounds for time. 20 minute cap
2 rope climbs
8 cleans 115# (did 95#)
20 wall balls (light) did 14# med ball
20 box jumps 20"
2 lengths spiderman crawl

12 athletes and 3 ropes meant we started at different stations, and since the stations weren't timed like FGB there was a couple of traffic issues, but it worked out.

I started on the wall balls. Made 3 rounds and had the 8 cleans left to do when the clock hit 20:00, so not bad. I'm glad I didn't go with 105# on the bar. 95# was hard enough.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Crossfit log for Tuesday, February 19th


Nowhere near my PR. Last time I did 85# and rocked it at 7:17.

Today I had to fight to be under 10:00! It was horrible. I guess I'm still in recovery from Marathoning and Strep. It didn't feel like a strength issue, I had no problem with the 85# thrusters, but I was so winded, my heart rate must've been through the roof.

Afterwards I lay on the floor, my chest heaving, my heart beat echoing in my ears, and it was just staying like that, recovery wasn't coming. I finally decided to get up and walk it off, and after what seemed like an eternity I started to come down.

Before that, strength was dead lifts, 4 sets of 5 did 185# 205# 205# 205#, form wasn't great on the two middle ones.

Friday, 15 February 2013

Crossfit log for Friday, February 15th

Strength today was close grip bench press 4 sets of 8

Did 95#-95#-115#-115# It was fairly easy, the last few reps were a bit tough, so I was close to a good weight, maybe a bit more would've been good.

WOD was 3 rounds for time:
8 split snatch 65# -alternating legs
8 pull ups
20 double unders
20 kettle bell sumo dead lift high pull

Stupid double unders

Finished in 12:55

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Crossfit log for Thrusday, February 14th

Strength was back squats 4 sets of 8, did 135#, 135#, 145#, 145# Form was really good, so I guess I chose a good weight.

WOD was a killer
Once through for time:
Row 800m
20 power cleans 105#
30 box jumps 24"
10 lengths over head lunges 35# plate (about 100 steps)
20 lengths farmer walk 24kg kettle bells

23:25, brutal. Lunges were killers.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Crossfit log for Tuesday, February 12th

Good workout this morning.

Strength was back-of-the-neck split jerk. Basically a split jerk starting in a back squat position instead of a front squat position. Kind of like the snatch balance, but with dip and drive up instead of a tippy toes and drop down.

4 sets of 4 reps at 60% of clean and jerk 1 rep max. So 95# for me.

Although my partner was doing 115#, I did the two middle sets at that weight, and had trouble on the last couple of reps, so went back down where I belong, at 95#. Much better form.

WOD was a gut wrencher

12 min AMRAP:
-Double unders
-Abmat sit ups
-wall balls (did 14#, no 20# med balls left, oh well)

First round was 10 reps, second was 20, 30, 40, 50, if you finish the round of 50 under 12 minutes, start over at 10.

Made it to 3 rounds + 93 reps (13 wall balls in the round of 40), pretty good, on par with the rest of the class. The double unders slowed me down, not as bad as last time though. Coach was prepping us for the Crossfit Open and calling "no rep" if we didn't break parallel or hit the 10' target on the wall balls (jerk! Well, I get it, but it sucked during to have to extra work).

Monday, 11 February 2013

Crossfit log for Monday, February 11th

Not a fun morning at Crossfit.

Snatch balance. Ugh.

The point is to but the bar across you traps like a back squat, with a wide grip like a snatch, stand up tall on your toes and then make like a trap door was opened under you and collapse in to an overhead squat. Essentially practising the catch of a snatch. Since I can't actually do an over head squat or a snatch, it made for a frustrating 15 minutes.

I ended up doing split snatch balance (which I don't think actually exists), and was happy with that.

Front squat to clean and jerk 1 rep max weight. 2 sets of 3. Did okay here, 1 set at 155#, 1 set at 160# after a few warm up sets.

WOD was death by clean and jerk
men's blue was 115#
first minute 1 c&j + rest
second minute 2 c&j + less rest
etc, etc...

Round 5 was already getting close, but the last one I smashed the bar into my chin on the way up of the jerk, there was not way to recover and make round 6, so I bailed.

All in all, not a very successful day, but it's better than nothing. Need to make an appointment with the physio.

Friday, 8 February 2013

Crossfit log for Friday, February 8th

Another rough one today.

Strength was 1 clean + 4 push press at 60-70% of your clean and jerk 1 rep max (160# for me so 65% is 105#)
Hard but manageable.

5 rounds
20 double unders
5 GTO 105#
10 burpees
15 air squats


DFL. Most were finished when I started my last round. The ground-to-overhead slowed me down a bit, but the damn double unders, grrrrrr.

Totally wiped at the end.

Love it.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Crossfit log for Thursday, February 7th

Finally did some squats!

Strength was back squats 4 sets of 5
Started conservatively with 115# (although I expected this to be my last warm up set and not actually count it.
135#, 155#, 165#, 175# (4 reps) (that's in line with my previous efforts, perhaps a bit light, but I'm still building towards pre-goofy levels)

WOD was a rough one

3 rounds for time:
- 15 one-arm dumb bell snatches right arm 30#
- 8 hand stand push ups ( or feet on a box push ups)
- 15 one-arm dumb bell snatches left arm 30#
- 15 pull ups

17:00 flat. Got confused at the end of round 2, after the pull ups I looked at the board and saw the 15 at the bottom for the pull ups and thought it was for snatches, did those, then back to the top and it was snatches again, so I started the other arm, but that made no sense since we didn't do 2 sets of snatches in a row. So I stopped after 5 and after the push ups did the last 10, but I think I was on the wrong arm at that point, but it was too late, I just did the pull ups and called it a day.

Also I did the hand stand push ups for one round and did the feet on the box variant, with the hands as close to box as possible so the back is as close to perpendicular to the ground as possible.

Good workout. Halo firmly in place.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Crossfit log for Tuesday, February 5th

More dead lifts today. I don't think I've done a single squat since before Christmas! Maybe Thursday.

Strength was 5 sets of 3 reps
worked up to 205#, form starts to suffer at 185# so worked there mostly. I have a hard time keeping my back straight.

WOD was 3 rounds (21-15-9) of:
dead lifts (did 155#)
hand release push ups
kettle bell swings 20kg.

Was 10:00 flat. Wasn't great. Lost of quick breaks, especially on the stupid push ups.

Monday, 4 February 2013

Crossfit log for Monday, February 4th

Went easy today, mostly because I couldn't do any more than I did!

Strength was clean and jerk, work up to heavy 3 singles (so maybe 15-20 seconds between 3 lifts).
Struggled at 135#, my max is 160#, tried 155#, and failed to clean it. Not surprised, I'm still working up, but not happy to have struggled at 135#.

WOD was 12 minutes EMOM:
3 cleans (2 power, 1 full) at 60%-70% of max Did 105# (which is about 65% of my max)

Wasn't taxing at all, probably could have done 115# without problem, but I'm still supposed to be taking it easy.

Friday, 1 February 2013

Crossfit log for Friday, February 1st

Finally a good workout. Seems like it's been a long long time.

We did bench press, which we hadn't done in a while. I am so weak, it's not funny. There's a running joke in Crossfit: somewhere, someone is warming up with your one rep max. Well today that pretty much happened in my face. We have some really strong guys.

Strength was 5 set of 5 reps increasing.
Did 95# - 135# - 155# (4) and stopped. I tried 185# for 1 rep, couldn't do it.

The WOD was a chipper
Row 500m
40 kettle bell snatches (16kg 20 each arm)
40 ring dips/bar dips
50 wall balls 14# med ball
75 ball slams 16# slam ball

Because we only have 3 rowers we started at different spots, I started at the wall balls, and finished in a stellar 16 minutes. I got cheer on those who hadn't finished, and noted that they normally finish before me. The dips were rough, and I have pretty good kipping technique, so yeah, that could've slowed them down, plus if they were doing Rx it was heavier kettle bells and med ball, plus it was 50 dips instead of 40. But they still had a lot to go.... hmmm so I looked at the board and realized, I totally skipped the 500m row!

I ran over and did a quick 500m (since I was well rested)!! Time was 22 min and change (with a 4:00 rest!) Oh well. Still felt awesome for once! Two days off, and back at it on Monday!