Thursday, 24 May 2012

Luckiest man in the world

This has been a trying week.
Times of adversity really put things into perspective.
We have in our neighborhood, a world class medical facility for children that treated Dexter's croup with care and professionalism.
He's doing much better. I'm very lucky.
When our kitchen burned yesterday, and our neighbours came running to make sure no one was in the house, thankfully, Kiza and the kids were playing outside with the neighborhood kids.
No one was was hurt. I'm very lucky.
Last month Sheamus died peacefully in our presence, surrounded by love and sorrow.
He didn't die in the panicked terror of a fire. I'm very lucky.
Thanks to the outpouring of support from our friends we have all the essentials and a temporary roof over our heads. I'm very lucky.
We have a comprehensive insurance policy.
Right now, everyone is safe and sound and the rebuilding can begin. I'm very lucky.


  1. You are very lucky...

    Hugs to you all!!

    Let me know if there is anything we can do from here!

  2. Thinking of you guys today, James. So very glad to hear that everyone is ok.

  3. So relieved to hear that you're all safe and sound.
    And as I told Kiza so thankful that Sheamus was not still alive to be caught in what would have been a terrible end.

  4. Roy and I were just reading on FB about your recent challenges. Wow! We are very sorry to hear about all you guys are going through. We are thinking about you all and hope that you will let us know if we can do anything to help you through this difficult time. We are expecting the universe to send some really, really positive things your way to balance out this recent streak of bad luck. We are glad you guys are all healthy and inspired by your positive attitude in the face of this sh**t. Love Kathy and Roy
