Once again, I was ready to take a break last
night. Even this morning when the alarm went off at 5am, I hesitated. I
never hesitate. But then I shook it off and rolled out of bed. Then
Delilah cried out, she had a nightmare, so I bolted towards her room,
but before I was halfway there, she was quiet. She'd resolved it
herself (I love her independent streak sometimes). So now I was wide
awake and ready to rock and roll.
Good thing too. I PR'd my
dead lift today. And didn't lose my back, kept a braced neutral spine up
to 245lbs. I am really happy with this. I previous best (235) was
done with bad form and a sore back for days. The most I'd ever dead
lifted since my epiphany of spine position was 185#. So this is huge.
being said, I still have a looooong way to go to meet my 2012 goal of
double my body weight. I look forward to being in the high 200s. I
really look forward to having one of each plate on the bar (45, 35, 25,
15, 10 = 305#) that'll be cool.
WOD was a killer.
The blue
had a lot of ring rows and toe to bar, the former I hate, the later I
Scaled was 4 rounds of
-10 ring rows,
-20 kb swings,
-10 toe to bar (or
something like that), but I chose to do the Rx today.
Rx was 5 rounds:
5 rope climbs, 20 kettle bell swings
4 rope climbs, 20 kettle bell swings
3 rope climbs, 20 kettle bell swings
2 rope climbs, 20 kettle bell swings
1 rope climbs, 20 kettle bell swings
don't even know what my time was (I'll ask Isabelle), it was really
hard, but I'm glad I did it. My shin is bloody from the rope, even with
socks on (there was still a scab from last time I did rope climbs when I
didn't have socks) so it just got pulled off.
My weight is down under 173#.
Every time I feel tired the night before I end up having an awesome workout. Back at it tomorrow.
ETA: time was 13:16. Not bad at all.
are variations of workouts on the board. Red marker is Rx (prescribed
weight/# of reps/exercises) this is for the top guys and gals, Blue is
scaled for the masses, Greens is for beginners. I almost always do blue,
sometimes women's blue, occasionally women's red, depending on the
skills involved.
Sometime the red workout is requires skills that
the masses don't have. Like muscle ups, double unders or in this case:
rope climb, so alternate exercises that work similar muscle groups are
used. So instead of rope climbs with the kettle bell swings, they did
ring rows and toes
to bar, these work
the arms and the core similar to rope climb.
Since I learned to climb a rope, I try to use that skill when I can.
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